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    Tuning of Adaptive Weight Depth Map Generation Algorithms Exploratory Data Analysis and Design of Computer Experiments (DOCE)
    (SPRINGER, 2013-09-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Gabriel-constrained parametric surface triangulation.
    (2008-08-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Using Gröbner Bases in Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms
    (1996-01-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Geometric Constraint Subsets and Subgraphs in the Analysis of Assemblies and Mechanisms
    (Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2006-01-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Realtime Volume Rendering and Tractography Visualization on the Web
    (Vaclav Skala, 2012-07-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Bifurcations and Sequences of Elements in Non-Smooth Systems Cycles
    (2013-09-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Arango, Iván Darío; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Reconfigurable 3D CAD feature recognition supporting confluent n-dimensional topologies and geometric filters for prismatic and curved models
    (MDPI AG, 2020-01-01) Pareja-Corcho J.; Betancur-Acosta O.; Posada J.; Tammaro A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Cadavid C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
    Feature Recognition (FR) in Computer-aided Design (CAD) models is central for Design and Manufacturing. FR is a problem whose computational burden is intractable (NP-hard), given that its underlying task is the detection of graph isomorphism. Until now, compromises have been reached by only using FACE-based geometric information of prismatic CAD models to prune the search domain. Responding to such shortcomings, this manuscript presents an interactive FR method that more aggressively prunes the search space with reconfigurable geometric tests. Unlike previous approaches, our reconfigurable FR addresses curved EDGEs and FACEs. This reconfigurable approach allows enforcing arbitrary confluent topologic and geometric filters, thus handling an expanded scope. The test sequence is itself a graph (i.e., not a linear or total-order sequence). Unlike the existing methods that are FACE-based, the present one permits combinations of topologies whose dimensions are two (SHELL or FACE), one (LOOP or EDGE), or 0 (VERTEX). This system has been implemented in an industrial environment, using icon graphs for the interactive rule configuration. The industrial instancing allows industry based customization and itis faster when compared to topology-based feature recognition. Future work is required in improving the robustness of search conditions, treating the problem of interacting or nested features, and improving the graphic input interface. © 2020 by the authors.
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    Evaluation 2D Shape Likeness for Surface Reconstruction
    (2002-01-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Estimation of large domain Al foam permeability by finite difference methods
    (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM), 2013-12-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Algebraic Geometry and Group Theory in Geometric Constraint Satisfaction for Computer Aided Design and Assembly Planning
    (1996-01-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Bi-Curve And Multi-Patch Smoothing With Application To The Shipyard Industry
    (2007-01-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Level sets of weak-morse functions for triangular mesh slicing
    (MDPI AG, 2020-01-01) Mejia-Parra D.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Cadavid C.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
    In the context of CAD CAM CAE (Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing and Engineering) and Additive Manufacturing, the computation of level sets of closed 2-manifold triangular meshes (mesh slicing) is relevant for the generation of 3D printing patterns. Current slicing methods rely on the assumption that the function used to compute the level sets satisfies strong Morse conditions, rendering incorrect results when such a function is not a Morse one. To overcome this limitation, this manuscript presents an algorithm for the computation of mesh level sets under the presence of non-Morse degeneracies. To accomplish this, our method defines weak-Morse conditions, and presents a characterization of the possible types of degeneracies. This classification relies on the position of vertices, edges and faces in the neighborhood outside of the slicing plane. Finally, our algorithm produces oriented 1-manifold contours. Each contour orientation defines whether it belongs to a hole or to an external border. This definition is central for Additive Manufacturing purposes. We set up tests encompassing all known non-Morse degeneracies. Our algorithm successfully processes every generated case. Ongoing work addresses (a) a theoretical proof of completeness for our algorithm, (b) implementation of interval trees to improve the algorithm efficiency and, (c) integration into an Additive Manufacturing framework for industry applications. © 2020 by the authors.
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    Approximation of the mechanical response of large lattice domains using homogenization and design of experiments
    (Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, 2020-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Cortés C.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
    Lattice-based workpieces contain patterned repetition of individuals of a basic topology (Schwarz, ortho-walls, gyroid, etc.) with each individual having distinct geometric grading. In the context of the design, analysis and manufacturing of lattice workpieces, the problem of rapidly assessing the mechanical behavior of large domains is relevant for pre-evaluation of designs. In this realm, two approaches can be identified: (1) numerical simulations which usually bring accuracy but limit the size of the domains that can be studied due to intractable data sizes, and (2) material homogenization strategies that sacrifice precision to favor efficiency and allow for simulations of large domains. Material homogenization synthesizes diluted material properties in a lattice, according to the volume occupancy factor of such a lattice. Preliminary publications show that material homogenization is reasonable in predicting displacements, but is not in predicting stresses (highly sensitive to local geometry). As a response to such shortcomings, this paper presents a methodology that systematically uses design of experiments (DOE) to produce simple mathematical expressions (meta-models) that relate the stress-strain behavior of the lattice domain and the displacements of the homogeneous domain. The implementation in this paper estimates the von Mises stress in large Schwarz primitive lattice domains under compressive loads. The results of our experiments show that (1) material homogenization can efficiently and accurately approximate the displacements field, even in complex lattice domains, and (2) material homogenization and DOE can produce rough estimations of the von Mises stress in large domains (more than 100 cells). The errors in the von Mises stress estimations reach 42% for domains of up to 24 cells. This result means that coarse stress-strain estimations may be possible in lattice domains by combining DOE and homogenized material properties. This option is not suitable for precise stress prediction in sensitive contexts wherein high accuracy is needed. Future work is required to refine the meta-models to improve the accuracies of the estimations. © 2020 by the authors.
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    Edge and corner identification for tracking the line of sight
    (Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2005-09-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Boundary Representation of Anatomical Features
    (2002-01-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Determining the limits of geometrical tortuosity from seepage flow calculations in porous media
    (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM), 2014-12-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Fast simulation of laser heating processes on thin metal plates with FFT using CPU/GPU hardware
    (Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, 2020-01-01) Mejia-Parra D.; Arbelaiz A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Lalinde-Pulido J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
    In flexible manufacturing systems, fast feedback from simulation solutions is required for effective tool path planning and parameter optimization. In the particular sub-domain of laser heating/cutting of thin rectangular plates, current state-of-the-art methods include frequency-domain (spectral) analytic solutions that greatly reduce the required computational time in comparison to industry standard finite element based approaches. However, these spectral solutions have not been presented previously in terms of Fourier methods and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) implementations. This manuscript presents four different schemes that translate the problem of laser heating of rectangular plates into equivalent FFT problems. The presented schemes make use of the FFT algorithm to reduce the computational time complexity of the problem from O(M2N2) to O(MN log(MN)) (with M× N being the discretization size of the plate). The test results show that the implemented schemes outperform previous non-FFT approaches both in CPU and GPU hardware, resulting in 100× faster runs. Future work addresses thermal/stress analysis, non-rectangular geometries and non-linear interactions (such as material melting/ablation, convection and radiation heat transfer). © 2020 by the authors.
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    Accelerated Thermal Simulation for Three-Dimensional Interactive Optimization of Computer Numeric Control Sheet Metal Laser Cutting
    (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2017-12-21) Mejía, D.; Moreno, Aitor; Arbelaiz, Ander; Posada, Jorge; Ruiz, O.; Chopitea, Raúl; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Microscale Investigations of High Frequency Wave Propagation Through Highly Porous Media
    (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM), 2012-12-03) Uribe, David; Saenger, Erik; Jänicke, Ralf; Steeb, Holger; Ruiz, O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
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    Quasi-isometric mesh parameterization using heat-based geodesics and poisson surface fills
    (MDPI AG, 2019-01-01) Mejia-Parra D.; Sánchez J.R.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Cadavid C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
    In the context of CAD, CAM, CAE, and reverse engineering, the problem of mesh parameterization is a central process. Mesh parameterization implies the computation of a bijective map ? from the original mesh M ? R3 to the planar domain ?(M) ? R2. The mapping may preserve angles, areas, or distances. Distance-preserving parameterizations (i.e., isometries) are obviously attractive. However, geodesic-based isometries present limitations when the mesh has concave or disconnected boundary (i.e., holes). Recent advances in computing geodesic maps using the heat equation in 2-manifolds motivate us to revisit mesh parameterization with geodesic maps. We devise a Poisson surface underlying, extending, and filling the holes of the mesh M. We compute a near-isometric mapping for quasi-developable meshes by using geodesic maps based on heat propagation. Our method: (1) Precomputes a set of temperature maps (heat kernels) on the mesh; (2) estimates the geodesic distances along the piecewise linear surface by using the temperature maps; and (3) uses multidimensional scaling (MDS) to acquire the 2D coordinates that minimize the difference between geodesic distances on M and Euclidean distances on R2. This novel heat-geodesic parameterization is successfully tested with several concave and/or punctured surfaces, obtaining bijective low-distortion parameterizations. Failures are registered in nonsegmented, highly nondevelopable meshes (such as seam meshes). These cases are the goal of future endeavors. © 2019 by the authors.
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