Maestría en Procesos Urbanos y Ambientales (tesis)

URI permanente para esta colección


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    Maraña tropical : herramientas para la gestión integral territorial del ecosistema estratégico de manglar en bahía El Uno, Municipio de Turbo, Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bedoya Viana , María Margarita; Cantillo Escobar, Ruth Isolina; López-Rodríguez, Sara Raquel
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    Volver la mirada hacia la quebrada La Volcana. Gobernanza colaborativa y educación para el desarrollo sostenible como contribuciones a la creación de una cultura regenerativa
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Toro Herrera, Luz Elizabeth; Tancredi, Mario
    This research highlights the importance of caring for Medellín's water resources, focusing on the case of the La Volcana stream, a tributary of the Medellín - Aburrá River, where four educational institutions converge along it: New School, Santa María del Rosario, San José de las Vegas and EAFIT University. This paper investigates the role of educational institutions as points of intervention in the conservation of the ecosystem and the transformation of the territory, through education for sustainable development. Seeking to answer the research question: What strategies of collaborative governance and education for sustainable development could be implemented by educational institutions to contribute to a regenerative culture concerning La Volcana stream? Educational institutions, in addition to the function of generating knowledge, also play a fundamental role in promoting a regenerative culture that consists of rethinking how people live and interact with nature. This implies generating principles, attitudes and behaviors; where the actions of human beings have a positive impact on the wellbeing of ecosystems. The general objective was to propose strategies for collaborative governance and education for sustainable development involving educational institutions to contribute to a regenerative culture concerning the Volcana stream. Therefore, it is emphasized that educational institutions are nodes of articulation that can convene actors around the stream and lead collaborative processes in water resource management through collaborative governance processes. The conceptual foundation of the literature review was based on collaborative governance, education for sustainable development, and regenerative culture. The methodology was qualitative. The tools used to collect information were interviews, surveys, focus groups, workshops and walks. As a result, we found that currently, the educational institutions are not involved in the work of caring for the Volcana stream. As a result of this research and the joint work with the key actors of these institutions, the interest to get involved in the protection of the stream has arisen.
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    Medellín. Pulso de la ciudad
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Valdés Melendreras, Emiliano; Bustamante Fernández, Juan Sebastián
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    Del conflicto a la coexistencia : un análisis de las dinámicas socioambientales de la cuenca del río Negro, Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Castaño-López, María de los Ángeles; Patiño Ramírez, Julian David; Quijano Abril, Mario ALberto
    Neo-extractivism, supported by liberal governments, aims to exploit natural resources for domestic consumption and export. The increase in the world’s population and the demand for raw materials drive this model, which causes environmental and social damage. In the case of Colombia, and particularly for the Antioquia department, extractive activities have generated socio- environmental conflicts between those seeking to profit from natural resources and the local communities settled in the regions. To delve deeper into this conflicted relationship, the research objective is to analyze territorial dynamics to understand the effective management of socio-environmental conflicts by public, private, and community actors in the Rio Negro watershed. The study is based on the socio-environmental characterization of the Rio Negro River basin through semi- structured interviews that identify and describe 71 actors with environmental impact in the region, and cartographic analysis supported by GIS tools to detect socio-environmental pressures and conflicts. The results reveal various types of conflicts that threaten the conservation of ecosystems, including activities such as agriculture, livestock, mining, tourism, deforestation, land- use changes, water pollution, lack of environmental education, stress on the water system, urban pressure, solid waste management, industry, and lack of regulation. Additionally, the interviews indicate that socio-environmental conflicts are related to the exploitation of natural resources and economic changes in the region, resulting in a need for coherence in environmental protection and conservation actions. It is concluded that in the study area, there are multiple actors involved in environmental conservation in the Rio Negro watershed. Still, there is a lack of coordination and overall direction in their actions, leading to a lack of alignment between initiatives and responses to environmental problems in the region.
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    Barrio Sinaí, escenarios futuros para la vida al borde del río
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Sanín Acevedo, Carolina; Bedoya Giraldo, Manuela; Flórez Bohórquez, David; Jaramillo Villa, Úrsula
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    La Danza del Viento : estrategias comunitarias de gestión de riesgo de desastres en ecosistemas costeros
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Ospina Hurtado, Carlos Adrián; Gómez Paternina, Sandra Yaneth; Arroyave Ordoñez, José Luis; Mejía Dugand, Santiago
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    La (in) justicia espacial en Moravia : experiencia y proyecto
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Henao, Yeison Alexander; Romero, Sonia Elsa De La Cruz; Rincón Patiño, Análida
    This research qualitatively analyzes the processes of community action in the reduction of socio-spatial inequalities, approached from the perspective of the concept of spatial justice, in the period (1955-2018) in the territory of the Moravia neighborhood, Medellín, Comuna 4. The research has been developed by analyzing the different community actions and efforts during four chronological stages, using semi-structured interviews and focus groups as the main technique, focusing with special attention on the community leaders. In the case of Moravia, the findings show the existence of certain determining components in obtaining fairer territories, referring to security of tenure, habitability conditions, housing and public space, as well as access in decision-making on this territory by the inhabitants.
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    Fondos del agua como estrategia de conservación : caso cuenca hidrográfica del río Chico en el municipio de Belmira
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Osorio Copete, Julián Alberto; Ramírez Hernández, Wilson
    The Chico river watershed represents a natural structure of vital importance for the inhabitants of the capital of Antioquia, however, unsustainable practices send sediments to the river, which generates higher costs for water treatment. This research work carries out an analysis of water funds as organizations that design and promote financial and governance mechanisms, the case study is the Medellin water fund and the water conservation processes currently implemented in the Chico river watershed in the municipality of Belmira. According to the research carried out, the question arises as to ¿how to improve the final impact that the implementation of the Medellin Water Fund has had on water conservation? Through a qualitative study and analyzing other water funds in Latin America, it is concluded that in order to improve said impact, it is necessary to complement the programs and projects currently executed by the water fund with more robust actions, as a result a portfolio of tools and criteria was developed. of sustainable water management to be included in the conservation processes carried out by the Medellin Water Fund in the Chico river watershed in the municipality of Belmira. The most important thing about the development of these tools is that it was possible to identify that the Medellin Water Fund can have a much more important role in terms of environmental governance of the hydrographic watershed, in its relationship with local and regional administrative entities and more. important with the community of these territories.
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    Gente de Río, la mujer anfibia y su ciénaga
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Isaza Castaño, José María; Peñuela Cossio, Marcela Eugenia; Betancur Betancur, Juan Gonzalo
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    La Volcana- Lazos de Agua
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mancilla López, Diego Alberto; Uribe López, Juana; Botero Rendón, Susana; Torres Acosta, Leonel
    With the constant changes that have taken place in the world, pollution and the loss of ecosystem services have made us rethink the way we consume and build. Colombia, Medellín and EAFIT University are no strangers to these changes and are aware of the challenges and opportunities that exist in this regard. Today, La Quebrada La Volcana, located in Comuna 14, El Poblado, Medellín, is a necessary water resource for many actors and requires the will of different institutions for its recovery and conservation. This work aims to generate technical and social strategies around the Quebrada La Volcana on the University campus that will complement the EAFIT University Master Plan Update. For this work, a diagnosis of the Quebrada La Volcana along its entire route is carried out, specifying how it affects the different ecosystem services and the gaps in the management and planning instruments. Followed by the proposal of different technical and social strategies that respond to different selection criteria such as physical, environmental, and social conditions, which complement the short-, medium- and long-term update of the Master Plan of the EAFIT University, in its project to be "University Park".
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    Lineamientos de gobernanza por el agua en el Sistema de Páramos y Bosques Altoandinos del Noroccidente Medio Antioqueño en la región de Belmira
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Carranza Melesio, Fernanda Berenice; Mejía Dugand, Santiago
    The purpose of this thesis, entitled "Guidelines for water governance in the Paramo and High Andean Forest System of Northwestern Middle Antioquia in the Belmira region", is to design a route for the construction of water governance processes, which responds to the urgency of protecting the paramo ecosystems, on which not only the water supply of many populations depends, but also other forms of life that are part of the natural systems.
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    Simbiosis en el manglar : ruta de gestión para una intervención en territorios anfibios
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Durán Vergara, Diana Isabel; Durango Sánchez, Carlos Alejandro; Harnish Valderrama, Carlos Joseph; Vélez Longas, David
    This research reads the territory from the natural, social and urban components, with a trans- versal view from the legal point of view, finding a normative conflict that supposes a weigh- ting between the rights of the Punta las Vacas mangrove, as a fragile ecosystem of vital importance and the informal settlements on the part of the vulnerable groups of special constitutional protection that inhabit the mangroves in the amphibious neighborhoods Pescador 1 and 2 of the Distrito Portuario de Turbo. It is clear that the urban planning and management instruments must be aligned with environmental regulations as well as with the factual realities of the territory, which leads us to propose a strategy to generate concordance of national regulations with territorial ones, understanding that, to build Infrastructure means intervening in natural and social systems and must comply with existing legislation, regulations and procedures. The result is a Management Route that beco- mes a practical guide that comprehensively addresses sociocultural and environmental problems in informal urban settlements on specially protected ecosystems, which allows a balanced and harmonious intervention be- tween nature and the community.
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    El agua como herramienta de paz : estrategias para la gestión sostenible del agua como resultado de las iniciativas e instrumentos priorizados en los municipios PDET. Caso de estudio : Núcleo Veredal El Tres, Distrito Portuario de Turbo, Departamento de Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Moreno Velasco, Viviana; Mampaso Cerrillos, Cristina; Gaviria Ríos, Carlos León; Mejía Rivera, Oscar
    This thesis seeks to identify and define strategic actions that help to turn water a important way to resolve conflicts and convert it into an indispensable tool for building peace in the region of Urabá Antioqueño. It is based on the premise that there can be no peace in any territory if the population does not have access to drinking water, if the aquifers are contaminated or if their use is limited by the territorial control of agents other than state institutions and the communities that inhabit them. And this is the reason why, after the signing of the Havana Peace Accords in 2016, water is highlighted as a structuring and articulating element of the projects identified by the communities to guarantee peace in the territory. But, what does it mean to live in peace? This work establishes a second premise: peace construction cannot be separated from territorial planning and management. Living in peace means guaranteeing living conditions that provide health and hospital resources, economic opportunities, food security and a physical environment free of threats. With this approach, the different instruments, plans and projects for which water is an essential element for the development of the region are considered, and emphasis is placed on the initiatives prioritized in Planes de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial (PDET), taking as a case study El Tres, Turbo - Antioquia. This document is composed of four chapters that build a knowledge route around water. The first chapter analyzes the role of water as a tool for the implementation of the Peace Agreements, in the framework of the creation of the PDETs. The second chapter delves into the geographical and historical characterization of the study area and details the different management and planning instruments in order to develop a methodological roadmap to address the multiplicity of actions and intentions that converge in the same territory. The third chapter is a synthesis of the different components that make up the network of strategies for water management, from the environmental, social and institutional perspectives. Finally, the fourth chapter examines six enabling projects of small and large scale framed in six strategic lines. This journey takes us to a new beginning where water becomes the enabling element of the different initiatives and projects prioritized by the communities within the framework of the Peace Agreements and the articulating element of the different instruments operating in the territory. The work seeks, among other things, to show that such an essential element as water is not only a resource, but the key to the development of those communities seeking to build a stable and lasting peace.
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    Aportes desde los Laboratorios Urbanos de Moravia para articular procesos comunitarios y promover acupuntura urbana en barrios autoconstruidos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Holguín Ramírez, Cielo María; Gutiérrez Rúa, Juliana
    This research explores the contributions of Urban Laboratories, developed in the Moravia neighborhood in Medellín, to articulate community processes and to promote Urban Acupuncture in self-built neighborhoods. Urban Acupuncture is defined as a model of urban transformation, through coproductión processes and specific interventions to recover specific areas and stimulate the revitalization of the urban environment in the long term. In the case study of Moravia, different processes of Urban Acupuncture have been analyzed, promoted by the articulation of community processes to Urban Laboratories, which have contributed to the urban transformation and consolidation of the territory. This paper investigates six Urban Laboratories that were formed after the creation of the Centro de Desarrollo Cultural de Moravia in 2007. It describes what criteria they had in common, what tools they have used, what contributions they have made to community processes, and what impact they have generated through Urban Acupuncture projects in the Moravia neighborhood. It provides recommendations or criteria to be taken into account for the development of Urban Laboratories. To this end, a literature review, interviews, mapping exercises, cartography and the installation of an exhibition accompanied by historical photographs of the process were carried out. The results demonstrate the potential of Urban Laboratories to promote Urban Acupuncture projects and sustainable, inclusive transformations in informal contexts, which can serve as a reference of good practices to undertake processes of experimentation and action in self-built contexts with similar characteristics in Colombia, Latin America and the Global South.
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    Mesa de Seguridad Hídrica : una alianza por el agua en el corregimiento de Santa Elena
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Puerta Patiño, Libia Rosa; Eraso Jurado, Samanda Hellen; González Valencia, Alejandro
    This work carries out an analysis of the growth of rural housing and its effects on water security in the territorial context of the Corregimiento of Santa Elena in the Municipality of Medellín, taking as a case study the village of El Plan, which is served by the San Pedro aqueduct. From the analysis of secondary and primary information related, among others, to compliance with the housing densities applicable to the rural land of the city, the operation of the San Pedro aqueduct and the participation in the aqueduct board made up of the institutions with representation in the Corregimiento. The events of water rationing and the substantial increase in housing construction in recent years, evidenced in the village of El Plan, set the stage to study how these phenomena affect the sustainability of the territory in terms of water security and determine which alternatives could be developed for the strengthening of the aqueduct board that integrate the management of various actors in the achievement of this goal.
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    Mecanismos de concertación colectiva. Plataforma de acuerdos y de acciones en barrios autoconstruidos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Duque Velásquez, Daniel; Ruiz Pizarro, Juliana Valentina; Zapata, Juan Fernando
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    Territorio en sintropía : modelo de gestión para la transición de pequeños productores hacia una economía rural regenerativa. Una mirada desde el ordenamiento territorial y los sistemas de producción agropecuarios. Caso de estudio : Támesis, Antioquia (Colombia)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) López Toro, Laura; Gómez-Valencia, Manuela; Muñoz Zorzano, Bernardo; González-Pérez, María Alejandra
    Two global challenges are currently compromising the survival of humanity on Earth: the ecosystem crisis and the crisis of rurality, evidenced, on the one hand, in the crossing of planetary boundaries (loss of biodiversity, climate change and soil desertification, among others) and on the other, in the alarming indicators of food insecurity, migration from the countryside to the city and rural population with unsatisfied basic needs. Under this scenario, “Territory in Syntropy” arises with the purpose of designing a management model to promote the transition of small agricultural producers towards a Regenerative Rural Economy (RRE), understood as the application of the patterns and principles of nature in the construction of rural economies capable of contributing simultaneously to the health of ecosystems and rural communities through both agricultural and non-agricultural activities. We choose Tamesis (Antioquia) as a case study, as it is a strategic territory, which in addition to reflecting at the local level the challenges and opportunities that are observed in rural development from the global, national and regional levels, has been positioning as epicenter of a regenerative movement based on different initiatives with a multi-stakeholder perspective promoted by grassroots organizations, the public sector, the private sector and academia.
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    Espacio público efectivo verde : propuesta de modelo de gestión para la generación de espacio público efectivo verde, transformando vías de uso vehicular en áreas de esparcimiento y encuentro de Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Narvaez Hoyos, Manuela; Piedrahita Robledo, Víctor Hugo; Gómez García, Silvia Elena
    Territories historically lacking planning have been forced to implement contingency measures in various aspects of their ordering and development. Management plans are formulated focused more on the implementation of palliative and corrective measures, forgetting the efficiency of long-term, forward-looking exercises that properly address the territory. Seeking to respond to the transformation and loss of ecosystems, we must choose strategies that, together, result in qualified urban spaces as a response to the restructuring of green spaces. Several elements have an impact on the progressive deterioration of quality-of-life indexes and gradually degrade the socio-environmental conditions of spaces that become less and less inhabitable every day. This is when the absence of effective and disruptive interventions in the territory becomes evident, frequently resulting in phenomena associated with the deterioration of public health, the appearance of diseases usually linked to unhealthy lifestyles, the worsening of atmospheric conditions and the fast growth of settlements in an area with low support capacity. Besides, ground waterproofing, the emissions from mobile and industrial sources and the indiscriminate covering of natural water sources contribute to the generation of heat islands and the consequent negative effect on termic comfort. Based on a perceptive, experimental, deductive, contextual and normative analysis, this research project is developed based on a propositional diagnostic exercise with qualitative and quantitative aspects at the territorial level. This project identifies urban and environmental problems, with an emphasis on the significant lack of public spaces for recreation and human interactions at the municipal level, especially at the neighborhood scale. It is at this scale that the absence of green infrastructure becomes evident, one that actually contributes to ecosystem services and is properly articulated as the ecological backbone of the city, starting from the local level and reaching a more general scope. In this line, suitable tools are conceived for the construction of elements that favor good urban practices that are supported and welcomed by those who will make use of them. The evaluation of planning instruments resulted in an exercise that proposes the construction of a management model that makes it possible to develop a practical and effective tool for the transformation of streets currently devoted exclusively to vehicles into effective public spaces for recreation and encounters, with green infrastructure, soil recovery and tree cover that complement ecological connectivity. The goal is also to propose a replicable pilot for other cities with similar characteristics, contributing to the construction of the indicator of public space deficit and the adoption of effective green public space as the element of consolidation and assessment of the environmental and urban conditions of the territory.
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