Gobernar, Vol. 05, Núm. 08 (2021)

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  • Ítem
    Conditional Transfer Programs: Universal Child Allowance implementation for Social Protection in Tucumán, Argentina
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-06) Ghio, Javier Oscar; Giusti, María Laura; Duhalde, Esteban Marcos; Aranda, Emilia; Universidad de San Pablo, Tucumán; Universidad de San Pablo, Tucumán; Universidad de San Pablo, Tucumán
    Currently, more than 40% of people living in poverty in Argentina are children and adolescents. In 2009, the Universal Child Allowance for Social Protection (AUH) was created to equalize the rights between children, the ones born on families with formal jobs and those born on families with informal jobs or even unemployed ones. This document analyzes the implementation of the AUH on the national level and it’s focused on the state of Tucumán. The research seeks to reveal the problems associated with poverty and inequality. Analysing the scope of actions that each sub-national jurisdiction has: and generally, this is involved with operations to summon, disseminate and register the beneficiaries of it. Even though the role of the provinces is not relevant in the implementation of this public policy, it does allow reducing the number of actors involved, which tends to limit the incidence of political factors and its management becomes more efficient. Otherwise, the lack of participation of subnational governments in the implementation of the AUH may also constitute a deficiency since it limits the potential for dialogue between jurisdictional levels of government that could contribute to the comprehensiveness of public policies. Finally, recommendations will be presented in order to improve the management of the program and its coordination with other national and local initiatives.
  • Ítem
    Analysis of the regulation and control of privatized home public services in Argentina under the Kirchner period (2003-2015)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-06) López, Andrea; Universidad de Buenos Aires
    This article studies the contractual renegotiations with the privatized companies, providers of electricity, gas, drinking water and basic telephony in the metropolitan area and Greater Buenos Aires (AMBA), as well as their regulatory regime and the evolution of the entities of respective control, during the presidential terms of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in order to analyze the “crossover” or “tension” between the “pro-market” policies promoted from the structural reforms of the 1990s, the original initiatives to change the regulatory institutional framework, the regulations finally approved and the consolidated - and long-standing - practices in the operation of the organizationsdedicated to supervising the functioning of these essential public services. . Under this framework, when analyzing the cycle of design and implementation of regulatory policies, it is noted that those measures that advocated the comprehensive review of contracts and the definition of new regulatory frameworks and control entities were bypassed, generating a greater provision, for internal and external factors, to enter into rate agreements with the concessionaires, without correcting the deficits in state capacity inherited from the previous stage. In this way, the opportunity - as recommended by CEPAL (2011) - to use regulation as a “policy instrument” capable of reversing the asymmetry of power between the State, privatized companies and users is lost.
  • Ítem
    Transformations of welfare regimes in Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-06) Otálvaro Marín, Bairon; Universidad del Valle
    The article shows the process of evolution of three referential models of social policy and welfare regime at the dawn of the XXI century in Colombia. The method of cognitive analysis in public policies is used as a strategy for the construction of data, evidence and arguments that allow describing and interpreting the various approaches and types of social policy implemented in territorial contexts characterized by an increase in relations of exclusion and inequality. The results show that the most developed approaches in Colombia are welfare, neo-welfare (social protection) and inclusive, views that have been building a form of minimal and hybrid welfare regime with difficulties to guarantee human rights and socio-territorial integration. The conclusions show the ambiguity of the approaches and the increase in intermediaries in the implementation of social policies at the local level.
  • Ítem
    What is the welfare sub-regime of Medellin-Colombia?
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-06) Carmona López, John Alexander; Universidad de Antioquia
    This research recognizes the weaknesses of the analysis of welfare regimes based on national taxonomies and proposes a "local variation", arguing the benefits of delimiting national territories due to their regional differences and different local needs. In this sense, we analyze which are the ways to produce welfare in Medellín between the years 2016-2019, whose findings show that state agencies assume that social risks are an exclusive condition of some population groups. And, in the face of an unequal incorporation of marginalized groups and a high commodification of welfare, a large part of social risk management falls exclusively on the family and on women's unpaid work. This article begins with a review of the existing literature in Latin America on welfare regimes, continuing with the elaboration of some analysis criteria that will allow grouping the welfare sub-regime of the city within one of the typifications used for this research. Finally, the findings of the empirical analysis and conclusions are presented.
  • Ítem
    A Comparative Welfare Regime Approach to Global Social Policy
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-06) Wood, Geof; Gough, Ian; Universidad de Bath; Universidad de Bath
    Beginning from the framework of welfare state regimes in rich capitalist countries, this article radically redefines it and applies the new model to regions and countries which experience problematic states as well as imperfect markets. A broader, comparative typology of regimes (welfare state, informal security, insecurity) is proposed, which captures the essential relationships between social and cultural conditions, institutional performance, welfare outcomes, and path dependence. Using this model, different regions of the world (East Asia, South Asia, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa) are compared. For many poorer, partially capitalized societies, people’s security relies informally upon various clientelist relationships. Formalizing rights to security via strategies for declientelization becomes a stepping stone to protecting people against the insecurity of markets.