Mundo Asia Pacífico, Vol. 10, Núm. 18 (2021)

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  • Ítem
    Nieve de primavera
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Zuluaga, Tatiana; Guevara, María José; Universidad EAFIT
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    Seoul Food & Hotel: la feria internacional que posiciona empresas del sector de alimentos y hotelería
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Gaviria Toro, María José; Universidad EAFIT
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    Reseña de la película El tigre y el dragón
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Botero Castrillón, Samuel; Universidad EAFIT
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    Causes of Inequality in South Korea from a Capitalism Variety Approach
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Pérez-Nájeram, José Alejandro; Centro Universitario Hispano Mexicano
    This article identifies the causes that have maintained a high level of inequality in South Korea, through the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) approach, which classifies the country as a network economy. The study further elaborates on the discussion of the determinants of inequality in countries with a high Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDPp) and the operation of three negative complementarities that maintain these imbalances: gender, social spending, and poverty. To this end, data generated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) are methodologically and descriptively addressed. In conclusion, inequalities concerning gender, social spending, and poverty constitute a complex negative complementarity that permeates the income distribution of the Asian country.
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    ICT Augmented Gravity Model Application: Sector Level Analysis of the Asia-Pacific Region
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Mehmood, Bilal; Arif Malik, Azka; Khalid, Rabia; Punjab University Center for Economics and Business Research; Department of Economics, Government College University; School of Economics, University of the Punjab
    The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in commerce improves the commercial structure and economic capacity of a country. This study empirically assesses the impact of ICTs on international trade in 36 countries in Asia and the Pacific, at the sectoral level, between 2007 and 2018. The study evaluates whether ICTs improve international trade by hiring the gravity model of international trade and increasing it with the ICT variable. An ICT development indicator (IDI) is formed by joining seven different ICT variables that show ICT infrastructure, use, and skills. Using the Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood (PPML) estimation technique, this study shows that ICTs improve trade by reducing transaction costs. The findings reveal that information and communication technology positively and significantly influence international trade in all sectors of the Asia-Pacific region, and that trade intensifies when both trading partners have a high endowment of information and communications technology. The study recommends that governments in developing countries upgrade their ICT infrastructure levels.
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    Geopolitics In The Triple Border Of Kashmir: Conflicts Between China, Pakistan, And India
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Solórzano Tello, Octavio Alonso; Portador García, Teresa de Jesús; Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP/México); Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México)
    The article addresses, from a historical and geopolitical perspective, the past and current conflicts between China, Pakistan, and India in the triple border of Kashmir; calling attention to its particularity as a geostrategic area. It analyzes the military confrontations and disagreements between China and India; developing an interpretative historical framework that provides elements to understand the relevance of the conflicts in the region. It examines in detail the dispute between India and Pakistan, as part of the British legacy, where ethnic differences are highlighted as a key factor to understand the depth of the problem. It analyzes how the conflicts in Kashmir can be an element that leads the mechanism of the BRICS and the New Silk Road to a possible failure. The increase in conflicts would further involve Russia, the United States, Japan, Australia, Israel, among others.
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    Korean Wave in Mexico. Sociodigital Networks and Fangagement
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Alpízar Jiménez, Rodrigo; Robledo Sánchez, Adriana; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
    This proposal is based on the assumption of conceiving the Korean Wave as a cultural industry capable of massively producing, commercializing, and communicating cultural manifestations by incorporating new technological and digital resources used to spread messages on a larger scale. This fact has allowed the presence of various Korean cultural products, derived from Hallyu, in different parts of the world, as would be the case in some Latin American countries, and especially in Mexico. The ideas presented here are the result of an extensive bibliographic review and are part of a postgraduate research project whose main objective is focused on analyzing consumer practices by Mexican people who consider themselves fans of this industry. As will be shown throughout this proposal, the organized fans have played an extremely important role in the expansion and consumption of the different cultural manifestations of Hallyu. Thus, a large part of the information that makes up this text derives from the state of the art examined for the construction of the aforementioned project. It is also extracted from a series of empirical examples that have taken place, above all, in the Mexican context, which allow observing the close interactions between Korean celebrities and their fans, thanks to the usage and meaning that has been attributed to socio-digital networks today.
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    Post-Industrial Challenges In Modern South Korea: Educational Pressures And Their Impact On Young People
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Henao Ruiz, Evelyn; Universidad EAFIT
    This paper examines the role of the educational system in modern South Korea and its effects on young students. It takes a threefold approach: Starting off with a historical background about education as the backbone for South Korea’s rapid economic growth during the 70s and 80s, followed by an in-detail approach to the current educational system and its high-pressure context. Afterwards, the effects on youth deriving from this particular background are 24 MAP | REVISTA MUNDO ASIA PACÍFICO | Vol. 10, No. 18 explored from a social, cultural, and demographic standpoint, closing up with the actions taken by the government to tackle this national issue. Last, but not least, based on the quantitative and qualitative work of previous authors, this paper concludes with an insight of recommendations and the importance of addressing limitations and acknowledging gaps, as a step to effective measures that offer social welfare for future generations.
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    The Hass Avocado Market in Japan: Challenges for Colombian Exporters
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Guerra Correa, María Camila; Chacón Molina, María del Mar; Jaramillo Jaramillo, Santiago; Universidad EAFIT
    This article illustrates the admissibility of the Colombian Hass avocado in the Japanese market: The challenges of the fruit at the production and commercialization level in Colombia, the challenges in developing an innovative packaging that allows preserving the Hass avocado and, therefore, achieving effective commercialization in international markets, as well as the challenges in carrying out efficient monitoring of the crop in order to avoid the spread of quarantine pests, strictly regulated by Japan, to avoid damage within its territory. Finally, it also demonstrates the importance of the role of government institutions and avocado cooperatives in Colombia in providing support and training to producers for the optimal fulfillment of exports and opportunities in new markets, such as the Japanese market.
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    How Did K-pop Take Over the World?
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Acosta Muñoz, Juan Felipe; Universidad EAFIT
    Today K-pop has become a global phenomenon; present in the lives of millions of people around the world. Beyond being a musical genre, it is considered as a cultural revolution originating in South Korea that has spread to every corner of the planet, strategically designed by the Korean government to elevate the country and its culture as important figures on the international stage. How have they achieved this? The response to this phenomenon is due to a key combination of political and technological changes, a competitive industry, control of the media, and to a great extent the development of artistic talent under a unique formula.
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    Revitalización regional en Japón
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30) Fernández Zurita, Suad; Universidad EAFIT