Maestría en Física Aplicada (tesis)
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Examinando Maestría en Física Aplicada (tesis) por Título
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Ítem Algoritmo de estimación de parámetros y modulación de una señal recibida por un SDR(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Toro Betancur, Verónica; Marulanda Bernal, José IgnacioÍtem Análisis y corrección de datos Ceilómetro Vaisala CL 51 para la caracterización de propiedades ópticas de aerosoles atmosféricos(Universidad Eafit, 2019) Areiza Cardona, Juan Diego; Montílla Rosero, ElenaÍtem Caracterización de Materiales Ferroeléctricos en Frecuencias de Microondas(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Gallo Castrillón, Wilson Henry; Marulanda Bernal, José Ignacio;71696211This dissertation aims at the implementation of a technique of dielectric characterization of ferroelectric ceramic materials at microwave frequencies, to measure dielectric constant and loss tangent associated with the propagation of electromagnetic waves (Tan δ) with frequencies up to 8.5 GHz. For the characterization of the ferroelectric materials, the coatings were synthesized by spin-coating technique and then a gradual heat treatment was avoid cracking during the drying process. For this, sputtering techniques (RF magnetron sputtering) were explored using Barium Titanate targets (BaTiO3) and Strontium Titanate (SrTiO3) at 99.99% (manufacturer); Chemical solution (Sol-Gel) techniques of ferroelectric materials deposited on a metallized alumina substrates. The films obtained were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The technique of dielectric characterization implemented as part of this work consists of depositing the material to be analyzed on a coplanar waveguide resonator circuit (CPW). The dielectric constant and its loss tangent can be determined from the frequency response of the resonator coated with the sample material. The obtained results confirm the synthesis of Barium Titanate with cubic structure, with homogeneous distribution on surfaces and few surface defects on metallized alumina substrates. The dielectric characterization shows a relative dielectric constant 𝜀𝑟≈20, a very promising result. However, the tangent of losses despite not reporting optimal levels (Tan δ ≈0.001), these adjust to results reported in studies of similar characteristics.Ítem Comportamiento de fase y elástico de bicapas lipídicas mediante Dinámica Molecular(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Valderrama Maya, Margarita María; Gómez Ramírez, Luis Alejandro; David Caro, Jorge LeónÍtem Computational aberration correction in optical coherence tomography with phase-unstable systems(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Ruiz Lopera, Sebastián; Restrepo Gómez, RenéOptical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technique widely use in medicine. OCT is an optical technique, therefore it is prone to optical aberrations that degrade image quality, making it difficult to visualize fine structures with high resolution.This work presents SHARP, a computational technique for correction of aberrations in OCT, that is compatible with most standard systems, and we present results in eye, airway and skin imagingÍtem Condiciones óptimas y análisis de sensibilidad para el diseño de un elemento óptico difractivo para litografía por escritura directa(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Cortés Gálvez, Jaime Eduardo; Cadavid, Juan José; Jaramillo Ocampo, Juan ManuelÍtem Construcción e implementación de un entorno Tri-Lab para fomentar el aprendizaje de conceptos de física básica(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Meneses Cardona, Óscar; Velásquez Torres, Álvaro AndrésThis research presents the results of a pedagogical intervention, consisting of the design, implementation and evaluation of a metodology of experimentation Tr-iLab for the teaching of high-school level physics -- The TriLab laboratory is a pedagogical tool that combines virtual, remote and face-toface learning activities mediated by educational software -- In the present research work, an experimentation tool with the above characteristics was used to study the concepts of free fall, newtonian dynamics and Ohm's Law, with a group of high school students (10th grade) of a public educational institution located in the municipality of Marinilla, Antioquia -- For the evaluation of the impact of the laboratory on students learning, a quasi-experimental design with control group was implemented -- Students in both groups received a pretest and a postest -- The treatment group consisted of 40 students, who participated in the hybrid laboratory activities -- Students in the control group engaged in traditional classroom activities during the time of the intervention -- The empirical results show a positive impact of the TriLab laboratory on student learning and motivation -- In addition to its impact on learning, a hybrid laboratory, as a tool mediated by ICT, can create access opportunities for students and educational institutions with limited access to laboratories and educational resourcesÍtem Contribución del ordenamiento magnético a la estabilidad y la estructura electrónica del nitruro de cromo(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Marín Suárez, Marco; Vélez Ruíz, Mario ElkinÍtem Contribution of the conditioning stage to the Total Harmonic Distortion in the parametric array loudspeaker(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Yarce Botero, Andrés; Quintero Montoya, Olga LucíaÍtem Control adapatable inteligente para exoesqueleto de rehabilitación(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Ortiz Toro, Yarlin Andrea; Quintero Montoya, Olga LucíaÍtem Deposición de películas delgadas de ferritas sensibles a gas licuado de petróleo(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Gómez Méndez, Efraín; Jaramillo Ocampo, Juan ManuelÍtem Desarrollo e implementación óptica y computacional para la generación de hologramas sintéticos de imágenes 3D reales(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Madrid Sánchez, Alejandro; Velásquez Prieto, Daniel IgnacioÍtem Development of a linear diattenuation sensitive semi-autonomous and portable digital lensless holographic microscope(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Lopera Acosta, Maria Josef; Trujillo Anaya, Carlos AlejandroThis document presents the development of a linear diattenuation sensitive, semi-autonomous and portable digital lensless holographic microscope (DLHM). With the development of this project, we aim to improve the performance of this microscopy technique and to broaden the possibilities for a portable DLHM device. We believe our microscope can potentially be used in the diagnosis of diseases. In order to address this aim, the following aspects were investigated within the scope of this project. i) The design of specialized illumination sources for DLHM that are efficient, mechanically stable, and easy to align. ii) The implementation of a DLHM sensitive to the linear diattenuation response of samples. iii) The study of machine-learning based autofocusing methods to be applied to DLHM holograms. iv) The design of specialized software to acquire and reconstruct DLHM holograms and iiv) the design and manufacture of proper mechanical couplings that integrate the DLHM setup with the cellphone’s digital sensor. Five papers and five proceedings are the resultant products of this thesis project. They constitute part of the core of this thesis and are attached by the end of the document.Ítem Diseño de nuevos materiales a partir del Nitruro de Dicromo (Cr2N) usando métodos de primeros principios(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Tenelanda Osorio, Laura Isabel; Vélez Ruiz, Mario ElkinÍtem Diseño de nuevos materiales duros por métodos AB Initio(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Villegas Pulgarín, Edward Yesid; Vélez Ruiz, Mario ElkinÍtem Diseño de un videojuego educativo con elementos de realidad virtual para la enseñanza de conceptos de física cuántica como el efecto fotoeléctrico aplicado en un entorno escolar(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jaramillo Jaramillo, Cristian Camilo; Diaz León, Christian AndrésThe importance of teaching quantum physics in secondary education lies in the need to familiarize students with scientific concepts that already influence our current technological environment. Additionally, the lack of motivation to study careers related to physics can be addressed by demonstrating the relevance of this area from early stages of education. Despite not completing the total development of the video game, virtual experiences, including the photoelectric effect experiment, managed to capture the attention and motivate the participants of the tests. It is recommended to expand the study with a larger sample and evaluate the long-term impact of the video game on student learning. This work provides a new perspective on the use of educational technology in teaching quantum physics in secondary education. The document presents the design of an educational video game created with Unity and virtual reality elements to teach concepts of quantum physics in secondary education, evaluating its effectiveness through Keller's Instrumental Material Motivational Survey (IMMS).Ítem Diseño e implementación de un microscopio de luz polarizada para la medición cuantitativa de propiedades polarimétricas en muestras biológicas(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Cano Barrera, Camilo Antonio; Restrepo Gómez, RenéÍtem Diseño y construcción de un reactor tipo SLAN(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Atencio Urieta, Jhon Rober; Jaramillo Ocampo, Juan ManuelÍtem Diseño y construcción de un sistema de medición de tasa de absorción específica (SAR) para sistemas de nanopartículas magnéticas(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Ospina Duque, Ana María; Velásquez Torres, Álvaro Andrés; Velásquez Salazar, Abilo AndrésÍtem Diseño y construcción de una cámara detectora de electrones de conversión interna para el estudio de superficies que contienen hierro(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Gutiérrez Loaiza, Yhefferson Fernando; Velásquez Torres, Álvaro Andrés
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