Examinando por Materia "SINDICATOS"
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Ítem El contrato sindical y la responsabilidad estatal en la precarización del empleo(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Uribe Gutiérrez, Eduardo; Arango Peláez, Gloria MaríaÍtem El contrato sindical: configuración legal vs realidad práctica(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Jaramillo Gómez, Juliana; Chaves Pérez, Laura Isabel; Restrepo García, José GabrielÍtem Convenios de la OIT vs Normas Constitucionales sobre la regulación de pensiones convencionales(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Ceballos Bustamante, María Clara; Gómez Herrera, Manuela; Restrepo García, José GabrielÍtem El diálogo social en la construcción de la convención colectiva única en Cementos Argos(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Múnera Uribe, Pablo AntonioÍtem Evidencia empírica de los principales determinantes del altruismo a nivel mundial(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Hurtado Montoya, Estefanía; García Rendón, Jhon JairoIn recent studies, a direct effect has been observed between altruism and economic progress, through the strengthening of human capital and the promotion of efficiency and productivity. This study identifies the socioeconomic characteristics that determine the altruistic behavior in 60 countries. The methodology used is based on the estimation of two ordered logits and data from the World Values Survey wave 6. Results suggest that all forms of capital (social and human) and economic resources as membership in unions and income have a direct and statistically significant impact when it comes to playing an active role in voluntary organizations.Ítem Evolución de los fenómenos de libertad sindical y negociación colectiva: paralelismo sindical, multiafiliación y multiconvencionalidad(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Del Valle Sánchez, Maria Antonia; Piedrahita Vargas, CamiloThroughout history, association has been and still is the strategy most used by the human species –and other animal species- in order to achieve all kinds of proposed objectives, and even more important, it has been the strategy to survive. In this sense, unions were born as association cells for the defense of the common interests of workers. Colombia was not alien to these movements and from the Political Constitution of 1886 the few legal consecrations began to appear that later became abroad regulation in this regard. However, Colombia has a low unionization according to the OCDE and OIT. Therefore, this monograph aims to explain the application of the concepts of trade union parallelism, multi-conventionality and multi-affiliation to the rights of syndical freedom of association and collective bargaining.Ítem Factores culturales locales que influyen sobre las prácticas de gestión humana en el sector bananero del Urabá antioqueño(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Agudelo Gómez, Viviana Patricia; Jojoa Castro, Mery Yamile; Macias Serna, María IsabelThe main objective of the research presented is to identify how local cultural factors influence the Human Management practices of the banana companies present in Urabá Antioquia. The context where the study was developed is a geographical area of Colombia, characterized by a high agricultural dedication, specifically the production of export-type bananas, which contributes a greater percentage to the economy of the region and the country. Hence, the presence of a population native to the territory and that from other sectors of the country, as well as historical factors of violence, displacement, illegal occupation of the territory; give rise to the configuration of a considerable cultural breadth to take it into account as an important factor in banana organizations. Throughout the history of the business, it has been organized in associations of producers, marketers and union groups, which have made it possible to formalize benefits and conventional salaries, which grant important guarantees to those who work in the sector. Due to the above, the employment relationship was considered from the strategic point of view of human management, focusing on identifying which cultural factors of the region such as: Customs, Rituals, Stories and Values exert influence on human management practices implemented by companies. and addressed to their operational base. To achieve this, the research was developed through the qualitative research methodology, which allowed us to find that the presence of local cultural factors in the operational base of the banana companies influence Human Management practices, as they enable their implementation. or they also become hindering factors; therefore, by taking into account the experiences and knowledge of human management leaders and operational leaders, it was concluded that knowing and being aware of the local cultural context is a necessary strategic task so that the design and implementation of practices are coherent and contribute to the organizational objectives pursued.Ítem La negociación colectiva por rama : propuestas para que integre y mejore las relaciones colectivas del trabajo(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pérez Casallas, Jorge Enrique; Valencia González, JulianaCollective bargaining at a higher level as a company is a non-explored scenario in Colombia; however, this could change, not only because the National Government presented two labor reform projects in 2023 that promote branch bargaining, but also because this is a consolidated and growing modality in a significant number of countries around the world. However, the adoption of new legislation on collective labor law cannot overlook the current problems that it is currently facing, thanks to what has been called abuse of the right to union association. In this sense, it is essential that if a new form of bargaining is promoted, it does not imply that the problems that bargaining already suffers are transferred to the company level, much less that they are maximized. This article will analyze bargaining at a higher level than the company level, its background and how it works in other countries. In turn, some proposals will be put forward to ensure that if the executive's interest in promoting bargaining at a higher level is maintained, the current serious problems of company-level bargaining will not be replicated.Ítem Proceso de politización del artesanado Santafereño. Un acercamiento a las sociabilidades del Movimiento Artesano en el segundo cuarto del siglo XIX(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) García Arjona, Federico Guillermo; Maya Salazar, Adolfo LeónÍtem Relevancia jurídica de las decisiones de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo en Colombia, con especial interés en la huelga(Universidad EAFIT, 2012) Tobón González, Jessica; Mejía Aguirre, Andrés; Restrepo, José Gabriel