Examinando por Materia "Industry 4.0"
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Ítem Advantages of learning factories for production planning based on shop floor simulation: A step towards smart factories in industry 4.0(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019-01-01) Andres M.; Alvaro G.; Julian M.; Andres M.; Alvaro G.; Julian M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Tecnologías para la ProducciónIn future industry, defined as Industry 4.0, production planning and control strategies will be executed by human beings backed by computational tools for decision making; One of these tools is shop floor simulation, and a natural scenario to learn about how to use it for productive processes design and control are the Learning Factories. In this paper, shop floor simulation is identified as a tool for planning and controlling production, also a state of the art about its implementation is exposed in academic and industrial environments. In addition, the trends in the construction of the Learning Factories are shown, and some aspects about how they can be used for shop floor simulation. This work also proposes the realization of a digital model in EAFIT University Learning Factory as a first step towards digital learning factory. © 2019 IEEE.Ítem Agro Industries 4.0: Lessons from Japan to Colombia in rice production(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Diaz León, Ludwig Clemente; Moreno Mejía, Pablo AndrésÍtem Competencias, factores apalancadores y obstaculizadores del alto desempeño en un grupo de colaboradores de una organización en proceso de transformación digital(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Zuleta Ariza, Luis Eduardo; Orejueja Gómez, Jonny JavierObjective: To identify competencies, leverage factors and obstacles to high performance in a group of partners in an organization in process of digital transformation. Methods: A qualitative approach study that is conducted through a case study based on a qualitative survey and semi-structured interviews. Results: A single person does not have all the competencies to perform autonomously in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and therefore in digital transformation processes, it requires teams with multiple competencies, knowledge and strengths that can complement each other. Individually, competencies such as openness to change, proactivity, specific knowledge, communication, analytical skills, problem solving, service orientation and handling of IT tools allow a correct performance of the partners; on the other hand, skills such as teamwork, use of IT tools, information management and communication need to be further developed to allow employees achieve optimum performance; in addition, the competencies are changing their meaning and becoming more challenging in this modern context. Conclusions: It is evident that the existing and necessary competencies, the favorable conditions and the strategies for the partners and the organization to perform in the best way in this context, are oriented to give more value and to promote the human qualities in favor of this change. The organization is committed to this process and recognises it as strategic and necessary to achieve sustainability over time.Ítem Computer science development and technologies associated with industry 4.0 applied to industrial maintenance in Colombia(IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020-01-01) Dueas Ramírez, L.M.; Villegas López, G.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)The technologies associated with industry 4.0, have taken a leading role worldwide, because being globally competitive in the industrial sector depends not only on the real world but also on the digital world. This is why the predictive techniques used in maintenance and that currently employ technologies such as: internet of things, machine learning, big data, cyber physical Systems, Data analysis among others; to make their predictions they have defined a path in the continuous improvement of industrial processes and in the execution of the maintenance strategy. This work shows the most developed technologies 4.0 in Colombia used in industrial maintenance and exposes the country's gaps in the development of these technologies and their use in different industrial sectors. This research was developed through the analysis of consolidated data in studies conducted by the private sector and the public in Colombia on technological developments in the country where it is evident that these technologies associated with maintenance are in growth stage and in a few sectors of industry have exploited the benefits of use. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Ítem Density-sensitive implicit functions using sub-voxel sampling in additive manufacturing(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2019-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Moreno A.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEIn the context of lattice-based design and manufacturing, the problem of physical realization of density maps into lattices of a particular family is central. Density maps are prescribed by design optimization algorithms, which seek to fulfill structural demands on a workpiece, while saving material. These density maps cannot be directly manufactured since local graded densities cannot be achieved using the bulk solid material. Because of this reason, existing topology optimization approaches bias the local voxel relative density to either 0 (void) or 1 (filled). Additive manufacturing opens possibilities to produce graded density individuals belonging to different lattice families. However, voxel-level sampled boundary representations of the individuals produce rough and possibly disconnected shells. In response to this limitation, this article uses sub-voxel sampling (largely unexploited in the literature) to generate lattices of graded densities. This sub-voxel sampling eliminates the risk of shell disconnections and renders better surface continuity. The manuscript devises a function to produce Schwarz cells that materialize a given relative density. This article illustrates a correlation of continuity against stress concentration by simulating C0 and C1 inter-lattice continuity. The implemented algorithm produces implicit functions and thus lattice designs which are suitable for metal additive manufacturing and able to achieve the target material savings. The resulting workpieces, produced by outsource manufacturers, are presented. Additional work is required in the modeling of the mechanical response (stress/strain/deformation) and response of large lattice sets (with arbitrary geometry and topology) under working loads. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ítem Desafíos ligados a la transformación digital percibidos por un grupo de líderes de recursos humanos de organizaciones manufactureras en Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Pareja Álvarez, Laura Victoria; Villamizar Reyes, Milena MargaritaÍtem En busca de un mayor bienestar en la ganadería de ceba y levante(2021-04-05) Martinez Guerrero, Christian Alexander; Christian Alexander Martinez-Guerrero; Garcia, Rodriguez; Aguilas Jose; Toro Mauricio; Pinto Angel; Rodriguez Paul; Vicerrectoría de Descubrimiento y CreaciónÍtem Fast simulation of laser heating processes on thin metal plates with FFT using CPU/GPU hardware(Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, 2020-01-01) Mejia-Parra D.; Arbelaiz A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Lalinde-Pulido J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Mejia-Parra D.; Arbelaiz A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Lalinde-Pulido J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesIn flexible manufacturing systems, fast feedback from simulation solutions is required for effective tool path planning and parameter optimization. In the particular sub-domain of laser heating/cutting of thin rectangular plates, current state-of-the-art methods include frequency-domain (spectral) analytic solutions that greatly reduce the required computational time in comparison to industry standard finite element based approaches. However, these spectral solutions have not been presented previously in terms of Fourier methods and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) implementations. This manuscript presents four different schemes that translate the problem of laser heating of rectangular plates into equivalent FFT problems. The presented schemes make use of the FFT algorithm to reduce the computational time complexity of the problem from O(M2N2) to O(MN log(MN)) (with M× N being the discretization size of the plate). The test results show that the implemented schemes outperform previous non-FFT approaches both in CPU and GPU hardware, resulting in 100× faster runs. Future work addresses thermal/stress analysis, non-rectangular geometries and non-linear interactions (such as material melting/ablation, convection and radiation heat transfer). © 2020 by the authors.Ítem Fast simulation of laser heating processes on thin metal plates with FFT using CPU/GPU hardware(Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, 2020-01-01) Mejia-Parra D.; Arbelaiz A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Lalinde-Pulido J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEIn flexible manufacturing systems, fast feedback from simulation solutions is required for effective tool path planning and parameter optimization. In the particular sub-domain of laser heating/cutting of thin rectangular plates, current state-of-the-art methods include frequency-domain (spectral) analytic solutions that greatly reduce the required computational time in comparison to industry standard finite element based approaches. However, these spectral solutions have not been presented previously in terms of Fourier methods and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) implementations. This manuscript presents four different schemes that translate the problem of laser heating of rectangular plates into equivalent FFT problems. The presented schemes make use of the FFT algorithm to reduce the computational time complexity of the problem from O(M2N2) to O(MN log(MN)) (with M× N being the discretization size of the plate). The test results show that the implemented schemes outperform previous non-FFT approaches both in CPU and GPU hardware, resulting in 100× faster runs. Future work addresses thermal/stress analysis, non-rectangular geometries and non-linear interactions (such as material melting/ablation, convection and radiation heat transfer). © 2020 by the authors.Ítem FAVO: Framework de gestión autónoma de organizaciones virtuales basado en la industria 4.0(Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2020-01-01) Lopez, C.-P.; Santorum, M.; Aguilar, J.; Lopez, C.-P.; Santorum, M.; Aguilar, J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesIn the information age, the digitalization is transforming traditional organizations, allowing them to improve their productivity, be more competitive and flexible. In addition, it gives them the opportunity to form strategic alliances, also called Virtual Organization (VO). Organizations have to face these challenges smartly, in order to collaborate effectively and achieve their goals. The existing literature shows that the different aspects of collaboration between VOs have been widely discussed and addressed, but no framework has been found that, based on the benefits of Industry 4.0, can be applied to the creation and management of VOs in a way autonomous. From this gap found in the literature, it is proposed to design a framework that guarantees the effectiveness of inter-organizational autonomous management, through the use of autonomous cycles of data analytics tasks and collaborative processes. © 2020, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.Ítem FAVO: Framework de gestión autónoma de organizaciones virtuales basado en la industria 4.0(Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2020-01-01) Departamento de Humanidades; Estudios de Filosofía, Hermenéutica y NarrativasIn the information age, the digitalization is transforming traditional organizations, allowing them to improve their productivity, be more competitive and flexible. In addition, it gives them the opportunity to form strategic alliances, also called Virtual Organization (VO). Organizations have to face these challenges smartly, in order to collaborate effectively and achieve their goals. The existing literature shows that the different aspects of collaboration between VOs have been widely discussed and addressed, but no framework has been found that, based on the benefits of Industry 4.0, can be applied to the creation and management of VOs in a way autonomous. From this gap found in the literature, it is proposed to design a framework that guarantees the effectiveness of inter-organizational autonomous management, through the use of autonomous cycles of data analytics tasks and collaborative processes. © 2020, Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao. All rights reserved.Ítem Industry 4.0: survey from a system integration perspective(TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2020-01-01) Sanchez, M.; Exposito, E.; Aguilar, J.; Sanchez, M.; Exposito, E.; Aguilar, J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesIn recent years, a revolution named Industry 4.0 has arisen. Industry 4.0 is presented as the integration of new advances in areas such as Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things and Everything (IoE), Cloud computing, the Internet of Services, Big Data Analysis, Smart Factories, Augmented Reality, among others. Industry 4.0 is not only a new industrial revolution, but also a crucial integration challenge that involves several actors from the IoE, which are people, data, services, and things. This paper proposes an approach to analyze the integration challenges in the context of Industry 4.0 using five integration levels, which are connection, communication, coordination, cooperation, and collaboration (5 C). In that sense, this paper presents a state of the art of recent studies in Industry 4.0 from an integration perspective, categorized according to the 5 C integration levels versus the four actors of IoE. Specifically, this paper considers several works intended to solve problems of autonomic integration in Industry 4.0 at the highest levels of the 5 C integration stack (coordination, cooperation, and collaboration). Also, this paper presents a case study from an integration perspective, which contemplates autonomy, self-organizing, among other aspects, in order to turn a traditional industry into a smart factory regarding the Industry 4.0 concept. © 2020, © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Ítem Inteligencia artificial para optimizar la producción de carne(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-12-01) Martinez Guerrero, Christian Alexander; Martinez-Guerrero, Christian Alexander; García, Rodrigo; Aguilar, Jose; Toro, Mauricio; Pinto, Angel; Rodríguez, Paul; GIDITICÍtem Learning Factory: The Path to Industry 4.0(Elsevier B.V., 2017-01-01) Baena, F.; Guarin, A.; Mora, J.; Sauza, J.; Retat, S.; Baena, F.; Guarin, A.; Mora, J.; Sauza, J.; Retat, S.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Grupo en Tecnologías para la ProducciónNowadays, there are plenty of studies that seek to determine which are the skills that should be met by an engineer. Communication and teamwork are some of the most recurrent ones associated with a knowledge of the engineering sciences. However, their application is not straight forward, due to the lack of educational approaches that contributes to develop experience-based knowledge. Learning Factories (LF) have shown to be effective for developing theoretical and practical knowledge in a real production environment. This article describes the transformation process of a training-addressed manufacturing workshop, in order to structure a Learning Factory for the production engineering program at EAFIT University. The proposed transformations were based on the definition of three pillars (didactic, integrative and engineering) for the development of an LF. We argue that a proper transformation process may contribute to ease the path towards new manufacturing trends such as industry 4.0 into an academic context that strengths the engineering training process. © 2017 The AuthorsÍtem Modelo de gestión de proyectos de TI basado en enfoques híbridos aplicado a sistemas de ejecución de manufactura para la industria cementera(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Ochoa Guerra, Marco Andrés; Zartha Sossa, Jhon WilderThis paper proposes an IT project management model based on the sixth edition PMBOK guide and the framework for agile projects Scrum. The model was built based on an existing bibliographic review, as well as surveys conducted by experts within Cementos Argos, which were responsible for giving specific guidelines and validating the proposed model. The results obtained in the validation of the variables resulted in a general acceptance of the hybrid model designed, demonstrating the need for a paradigm shift towards the use of agile practices, in an organization that has historically managed its projects sequentially under predictive models.Ítem Monitoring of machining in the cloud as a cost management service and follow of cutting parameters: Environment developed with IoT tools(IGI Global, 2019-01-01) Giraldo-Castrillon F.-A.; Páramo-Bermúdez G.-J.; Muñoz-Betancur J.-M.; Giraldo-Castrillon F.-A.; Páramo-Bermúdez G.-J.; Muñoz-Betancur J.-M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Grupo en Tecnologías para la ProducciónThe present work developed an environment in the cloud with IoT tools for the intelligent monitoring of cutting processes in a three-axis CNC machine. To achieve it, a group of sensors incorporated into the machine are connected to a data acquisition card in charge of sending the measurements delivered by the sensors to the IoT environment in the cloud. The data received was processed in real-time, and at the end of the machining, an automatic report was generated that includes: the cost of the operation, total process time, average energy consumption in watts, and positions of the X, Y, Z axes in function of time. The findings of this study bypass production managers from developing a processes sheet, reducing fabrication time, and increasing productivity. The architecture of the system was put to the test raising two case studies, which demonstrate the relevance and the significant impact of the platform in the new era of digital manufacturing. © 2019, IGI Global.Ítem Technological advances in computer science that define maintenance concerns in industry 4.0 in Colombia(IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020-01-01) Dueas Ramírez, L.M.; Villegas López, G.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)Maintenance during industrial development has evolved and adapted to each challenge presented. The progress and development of computer science have opted for the massive use of information and communication technologies that arise in industrial processes generating new possibilities in maintenance management and operation. In Colombia, public and private organizations have carried out exhaustive studies on the use and maturation of technology in different industrial sectors. These studies provide valuable information on the technological progress of the country and the gaps that exist to achieve a competitive country globally. These data were analyzed and purchased with the relevance that maintenance has in Colombian industries and with current maintenance management techniques focused on improving decision making within organizations. This research establishes, within a timeline, the concerns that in the short, medium and long term should meet the maintenance in the so-called industry 4.0 in Colombia contributing to the country's industry in improving one of its nerve processes to have companies sustainable and competitive. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.