Examinando por Materia "DERECHO INTERNACIONAL"
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Ítem Acercamiento al proceso concursal de insolvencia transfronteriza(Universidad EAFIT, 2012-10) Restrepo Trujillo, Andrea; Herrera Bernal, Andrés Guillermo; Ceballos Velásquez, AlbertoÍtem La amenaza sin rostro : derecho internacional humanitario y terrorismo(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Tisnés Zapata, Eduardo; Toro Valencia, Jose AlbertoSince the mid 20th Century, states have begun to abandon confrontations between them. This phenomenon has had several explanations from different perspectives such as military and legal theories. In addition, international treaties have forbidden the unjustified use of force from one state against another, making illegal the start of an international conflict. This prohibition was strengthened by the UN Charter and its requirements for war. However, conflict has not come to an end, it has transformed into a confrontation between legitimate state forces and insurgent groups. These insurgencies have used non-conventional means of war to impose their will. These new means include, among others, terrorist acts, which are prohibited in the course of conflict. As terrorism represents one of the biggest threats to international security, it is important to have a complete unique definition of it, nevertheless, this has been impossible due to the complex international political reality. Now, terrorist organizations have violated International Humanitarian Law as they do not respect rules of conventional conflict. The necessity to reform the legal framework of this modern warfare has become an issue, as state agents are bound to act under International Humanitarian Law when terrorists are not.Ítem Análisis sobre la competencia del sistema interamericano para conocer de los casos previamente resueltos por la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Duque Vélez, Mariana; González Cifuentes, Sara; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoTransitional justice is a normative concept created under international and national law that provides temporary regulations to achieve a peaceful transition from war to peace. Under the Colombian government Peace Agreement with the FARC-EP the Special Jurisdiction for Peace is the transitional justice mechanism created under the observance of these parameters and with a restorative justice approach in favor of the victims. The Inter-American Human Rights System is the regional mechanism responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights in the continent. Considering the recent entry into force of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, it is important to analyze the eventual competence that the Inter-American Human Rights System would have in the cases previously resolved by this court. If the JEP, as in theory must happen, complies with the norms of international law and the inter-American standard, the competence of the Inter-American Human Rights System will be restricted, since the State itself would had already satisfied the main goal of the Inter-American field.Ítem Apatridia : la protección del derecho a la nacionalidad de las personas apátridas en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Vélez Martínez, Natalia; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoÍtem Colombia, Países Bajos y Argentina, un análisis comparado. Derecho al consumo de la marihuana dentro de los límites de la salubridad pública. ¿Dónde se encuentra el límite al derecho del libre desarrollo de la personalidad de cara a la despenalización de la marihuana?(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Rodríguez Olarte, Gabriela; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoÍtem Conflicto armado en Colombia, el Proceso de paz y la Corte Penal Internacional: un estudio sobre la internacionalización del conflicto armado en Colombia y su búsqueda por encontrar la paz duradera(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Jaramillo Bustamante, Valentina; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoEl conflicto armado interno en Colombia, y la actual búsqueda de la paz, conducen en la actualidad a un escenario en donde los asuntos que se suponían solo correspondían al Estado, se internacionalizan y convergen para alcanzar el mismo fin -- El presente documento se enfoca en analizar el conflicto armado interno en Colombia y su connotación internacional, la cual nace a partir de la globalización que conduce a una noción de soberanía ambivalente en nuestros tiempos -- Lo anterior con el fin de explicar como con la creación de la Corte Penal Internacional y su ratificación por parte de Colombia, lleva a que se originen obligaciones adicionales a las adquiridas en cada Estado respecto de los crímenes de competencia de la misma, esto teniendo en cuenta que se está adelantando un proceso de justicia transicional con las FARC con el fin de llegar a un paz firme y duradera, y que por medio de dicho proceso de paz se busca tener un punto medio en donde los grupos armados ilegales quieran dejar las armas y donde Colombia cumpla con sus obligaciones nacionales e internacionalesÍtem Los crímenes internacionales en el marco del acuerdo de paz con las FARC(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Jaramillo Muñoz, Cindy; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoÍtem La definición jurídica de terrorismo en la Comunidad internacional(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Gómez Ramírez, Sara; Rivera de los Ríos, Natalia; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoRecently, the discourse of terrorism has become a central issue within the international community due to its impact regarding the existence of state and their security and the drastic counter-terrorism measures they have taken -- For this reason, we consider it is a current need to determine if there is an international consensus with respect to the definition of terrorism, and whether if it is comprehensive and binding as well, as applicable in non-conflict situations -- Each section will focus on a particular aspect of the debate surrounding the term terrorism, in this way we will be analyzing the statu quo, to finally conclude that the inexistence of a uniform concept of terrorism is due to lack of interest in an international regulation, as a result of prioritizing particular state interestsÍtem Derecho de acceso a la justicia y reparación directa : caducidad, seguridad jurídica y derecho a la reparación de víctimas de graves violaciones de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Aguirre Gómez, Matías; Viveros Montoya, Luis FelipeThe means of control of "direct reparation" is one of the procedural means through which the victims of serious human rights violations can satisfy their rights of access to justice as a matter of international law (Arts 8 and 25 ACHR), particularly the right to reparation. Access to this judicial remedy has several limits set by law, including the expiration rule. This monograph asks whether the expiration rule, as it has been interpreted by the Colombian Council of State, is consistent with the international obligations of the State to guarantee access to an effective judicial remedy that, inter alia, allows obtaining full reparation for the damage derived from the serious violations of international human rights law committed by the State.Ítem Derecho de gentes, ó, Principios de la ley natural aplicadas a la conducta é intereses de las naciones y de los principes. V. 3 / por Vattel ; traducida por J. B. J. G., y terminada por algunas reflexiones acerca de ciertads ideas fundamentales de esta obra(Burdeos : En la Imprenta de Lawalle Joven, 1822) Vattel, Emer de, 1714-1767; J. B. J. G.Ítem El derecho del uso de la fuerza: un estado del arte de la cuestión de la legítima defensa y de la intervención humanitaria(Universidad EAFIT, 2007-11) Restrepo Gutiérrez, María Luisa; Arroyave Palacio, María Adelaida; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoÍtem Derecho internacional de la migración económica : una mirada al pacto mundial para la migración segura, ordenada y regular(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gallo Solano, Salomé; Aguilar Giraldo, María Camila; Lorenzoni Escobar, LinaÍtem Derecho internacional de las inversiones y Derecho internacional del medio ambiente: relación y límites de cara a la protección internacional del medio ambiente(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Tabares Fernández, Juan Manuel; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoThis paper explores the evolution of international investment Law in order to determine, first, what is the current bilateral and multilateral status of this branch of International Law, and to establish the role who plays international arbitration in the evolution of it -- Second, it illustrates the relationship between international investment Law and international enviromental Law with the purpose of identifying the problems and challenges towards the international protection of both branches -- All of this is justified on the understanding that international Law is not only divided into specialized regimes but also in constant evolution, which means the disagreements that arise between the diferente branches that compose it make that in some cases the international agreements insufficient to ensure the international protection of certain matters -- This has resulted in the consolidation of different dispute settlement mechanisms as the most appropiate means of achiving this, and secondly the evidence of the need to implement certain reforms to these specialized regimes to ensure a more homogeneous protectionÍtem Derecho interno, derechos humanos y desmovilización de las AUC en Colombia 2002-2007(Universidad EAFIT, 2007) Pineda Bermúdez, Judith Esther; Sosa Posada, Juan Esteban Sosa Posada; Restrepo Raiza, WilliamÍtem Desplazamiento forzado en Colombia: un análisis de la incidencia del derecho internacional en la normativa nacional(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Pineda Estrada, AndreaÍtem Doble instancia y doble conforme : antecedentes y estado actual en el derecho procesal penal colombiano y países latinoamericanos(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Hernández Caro, Laura Melissa; Carvajal Quintero, Hilda Astrid.The present work is the result of a study on the background and the current situation in the countries of Latin America and especially Colombia, on the implementation and adaptation of the legal systems to the international human rights standards which it has been linked to; what have been the advances and shortcomings in the matter of substantial guarantees offered by the Colombian State against the subject holders of the rights stemming from the principles to the double instance, and the "double conform", as are the political granted and those convicted in double instance. It aims to give an account of the consecutive legislative and constitutional omissions in terms of the violations of human rights on the viability of choosing to apply the principle of "double conform" and double instance in procedural penal matter. And in the same way, to establish the current needs of a long and clear regulation on the subject, understanding what the legal basis of this action is, how proceeds, and whom proceeds. The main motivation of this research work is then to make known the background of the "double conform" and the double instance, the procedure for its implementation, the legal basis, the competence of who decides on them, and other aspects that must be studied and deserve an analysis as a relevant issue for the international law and human rights.Ítem Documentos y escritos(Imprenta Eléctrica, 1910) Matéus, Francisco de P.Ítem Drones and the International Legal Order. Technology, Strategy, and Long Chains of Action(Universidad de Los Andes, 2015-05) Kleinschmidt, Jochen; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Administración. Grupo de Investigación Estudios InternacionalesThe main thesis of this article is that the increasing recourse to the use of unmanned aerial systems in asymmetric warfare and the beginning routinization of U.S. drone operations represent part of an evolutionary change in the spatial ordering of global politics -- Using a heuristic framework based on actor-network theory, it is argued that practices of panoptic observation and selective airstrikes, being in need of legal justification, contribute to a reterritorialization of asymmetric conflicts -- Under a new normative spatial regime, a legal condition of state immaturity is constructed, which establishes a zone of conditional sovereignty subject to transnational aerial policing -- At the same time, this process is neither a deterministic result of the new technology nor a deliberate effect of policies to which drones are merely neutral instruments -- Rather, military technology and political decisions both form part of a long chain of action which has evolved under the specific circumstances of recent military interventionsÍtem Ensayos internacionalistas: Colombia maestra del arbitraje(Águila Negra, 1911) Quijano, Arturo
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