Examinando por Materia "Cultura"
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Ítem El aire no es el mismo, si no es en la tierra de uno : un análisis desde las voces, relatos y narraciones de los habitantes de la serranía de San Lucas (El Bagre,Antioquia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Tobón Parra, Jorge William; Arango Restrepo, María RocíoThe objective of this article is to analyze the construction of the narrative identity of the multicultural communities that inhabit the Serranía de San Lucas, El Bagre Antioquia. The research has a theoretical foundation from the concept of cultural hybridization and multiculturalism of Nestor García Canclini; for the concept of narrative identity, the postulates of Paul Ricoeur were reviewed. It is intended from the narratives of the communities, to verify how identity is built through the story; because through the narratives, the subject organizes his ideas taking into account the vision of himself and others, expressing stories, naming characters, settings, actions and plots related to the social context. The San Lucas Mountain range is a portion of territory where the inhabitants weave their stories, their culture that will not be possible without history, without myths and without actors. This article aims to show a community and a territory of people of diverse ethnic and cultural origins, with unique visions of the forest they inhabit as a space for their cosmogonies, stories, and traditions. People of the forest, of whom little is known about their identities, and understand by this not their names, not their certificates, not their debts, but rather their places of enunciation, their speeches, their stories, their history, their desires, their possible modes of existence.Ítem Algunas reflexiones en torno al problema de la cosmovisión(Universidad EAFIT, 1994) Londoño G., Francisco; Muñoz M., Yaromir; Universidad EAFITÍtem Australia: a culture with fortune(Universidad EAFIT, 2019-07-02) Peláez Peinado, Valentina; Universidad EAFITÍtem Bachillerato y cultura musical(Periódico El Colombiano, 1950-11-27) Vega Bustamante, Rafael; Ra-VelÍtem Bosques del pasado, la exposición de EAFIT que cuenta cómo surgieron los bosques en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-02-16) Área de Contenidos EAFITÍtem Colombia antimusical(Periódico El Colombiano, 1957-03-19) Vega Bustamante, RafaelÍtem ¿Cómo está la calidad de vida de las mujeres en Medellín?(Medelín cómo vamos, 2019-03-07) Meneses, Robinson; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Maria Valentina; Garay Molina, Natalia Maria; Hoyos Barba, Manuela; Agudelo Henao,Luis Fernando; Universidad EAFITÍtem ¿Cómo puede la creatividad convertirse en una empresa?(2013) Abad Restrepo, Ana Cristina; Podestá Correa, Paola; Gómez Rico, Elena María; Muriel Gil, Luisa FernandaÍtem ¿Cómo va la calidad de vida de las mujeres en Medellín? 2019-2020(Medelín cómo vamos, 2021-04-14) Meneses, Robinson; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Maria Valentina; Garay Molina, Natalia Maria; Hoyos Barba, Manuela; Agudelo Henao,Luis Fernando; Universidad EAFITÍtem ¿Cómo va la calidad de vida de las mujeres en Medellín?, 2018-2019(Medelín cómo vamos, 2020-03-06) Meneses, Robinson; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Maria Valentina; Garay Molina, Natalia Maria; Hoyos Barba, Manuela; Agudelo Henao,Luis Fernando; Universidad EAFITÍtem Competencia de los concejos municipales en la prohibición de la actividad minera(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Alvarez Sánchez, Laura; Mesa Betancur, María Alejandra; Duque Gutiérrez, Jorge IvánThis document aims to analyze the competencies that the Municipal Councils have within the mining work and determine whether the role of law corresponds only to economic and power structures or should meet the popular will and new social dynamics, generating that mining is restricted, banned or made responsible.Ítem Condiciones que caracterizan a los socios estratégicos que logran la incorporación del agilismo como atributo cultural en las empresas(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Quintero González, Juliana Cristina; Sanín Posada, AlejandroOrganizations are going through an accelerated increase in uncertainty and the speed of change, so failure to adapt quickly can mean their disappearance (Gómez-Mejía et al., 2007), which requires an agile incorporation of practices and attributes that favor it. Among the skills that favor the adaptation of organizations we find the ability to respond, anticipate, efficiency, flexibility, speed, innovation, knowledge management and agility (Charbonnier-Voirin, 2011). The latter has gained strength in recent years, becoming a central element in business strategies (Ganguly et al., 2009). Agility becomes a competitive advantage, since it allows the organization to be among the first to detect threats and opportunities in markets that are constantly changing (Dyer & Shafer, 1998). Now, understanding the strategic nature of agility, the concern of how to incorporate it into an organization arises. And one possible path is to understand it more as a cultural attribute than as a strategy, as Drucker (1999) said so well when he stated “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. If we work along this line, that is, from the creation of a culture that facilitates and incorporates agility as an attribute, we can then use and take advantage of the cultural management mechanisms that have been documented in the literature for the incorporation and development of other attributes. cultural, Cameron and Quinn (1999), point out that human management actions must support the culture desired by the company, as well as mention that organizational success depends largely on how the organizational culture is compatible with the demands of the environment. Within the different mechanisms to ensure that a desired attribute is incorporated into the culture of organizations, they often use mentors to promote it (Cameron & Quinn, 2011). These are people who are delegated the responsibility of accompanying the teams and the organization in the creation of routines and habits that sustain the attribute, they must also sensitize people by transmitting and giving solidity to the beliefs that give basis to such attribute. Sometimes this figure in companies is called a Strategic Partner, according to the literature, this is the one who collaborates in the design of the corporate strategy, participating in its definition and aligning its practices with the business objectives of a company. In addition, it guides human management systems and sets their priorities. Your mission should be to redefine the value proposition of your area and enhance its impact, in order to achieve the expected results (Ulrich, 1997). Thus, the figure of the Strategic Partner becomes central to the success of the business, but from a cultural management perspective.Ítem Cosmovisión, pensamiento y cultura(Universidad EAFIT, 1998) Restrepo Arcila, Roberto; Universidad EAFITÍtem ¿Cuál era la música de moda hace cien años?(2012) Abad Restrepo, Ana Cristina; Gil Araque, Fernando; Arango Uribe, María Adelaida; Gómez Rico, Elena María; Muriel Gil, Luisa Fernanda; Uribe, José IgnacioÍtem Cultura - ciencia - desarrollo(Universidad EAFIT, 1993) Cardona Acevedo, Marleny; Aguilar G., Orlando; Universidad EAFITÍtem La cultura como función determina las dificultades en lo intercultural(Universidad EAFIT, 15/12/2008) Juan Pablo Román Calderón; Universidad EAFITÍtem Cultura, educación y cambio(Universidad EAFIT, 1993) Henao Cepeda, Gloria; Universidad EAFITÍtem Cultural dimensions and entrepreneurial performance interaction in small and medium enterprises in Zimbabwe(Universidad EAFIT, 12/12/2018) Watson Munyanyi. Mr; Campion Chiromba; Misheck Diza. Mr; Rabson Magweva. Mr; Dzikamai Muzvidziwa. Ms; Great Zimbabwe University (GZU)Ítem Culture, industrial policy and international competitiveness of Colombian Pyme’s (SME’s)(Universidad EAFIT, 13/06/2010) Luis Fernanado Bustamante Zapata; Ana Carolina Arboleda Gallo; Jahir Alexander Gutiérrez Ossa; Universidad de MedellínÍtem Del héroe mítico, al mediático. Las categorías heroicas: héroe, tiempo y acción(Universidad EAFIT, 2006) Cardona Zuluaga, Patricia; Universidad EAFIT
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