Examinando por Materia "Control social"
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Ítem Las cadenas de la subjetividad, de María Rocío Arango (2018). Medellín: Fondo Editorial EAFIT, 130 p.(Universidad EAFIT, 2019-03-26) Eslava, Adolfo; Universidad EAFITÍtem Camino conceptual hacia las normas sociales(Ediciones Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Cano, Carolina A.; Murillo Carvajal, Felipe; Universidad EAFIT; Escuela de Finanzas, Economía y Gobierno; Grupo de Investigación Políticas y DesarrolloÍtem Efectividad de las veedurías ciudadanas como mecanismo de control social : caso de estudio veeduría VIDA JMC y segunda pista Aeropuerto José María Córdova de Rionegro, 2016-2019(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) García Espinosa, Luis Gonzalo; Sánchez Martínez, Johan Andrés; Escobar Blanco, Paola AndreaThe aim of this document is to analyze the effectiveness of Citizen oversight as a mechanism of Social Control in Colombia, within the framework of citizen participation in the construction of the public. In particular, the case of the Veeduría Vida JMC of the municipality of Rionegro is analyzed. Vida is a citizen group that monitors, controls and vigilance the process of formulating the mega-construction project for the second runway of the José María Córdova International Airport. To achieve this purpose, it is intended to analyze the social control phenomenon using collective action as a study focus, within the framework of neo-institutionalism. The methodology consisted of the review of secondary information sources and the proposal of an evaluation chart of the effectiveness of social control for citizen based organizations, from the methodology adaptation and re-formulation of indicators; it led to assign the effectiveness level of the Veeduría Vida JMC in a medium-high range.Ítem Martillos y clavos: límites y aplicaciones de las ciencias del comportamiento en el sector público(Ediciones Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mazo-Zapata, Julián; Murillo Carvajal, Felipe; Universidad EAFIT; Escuela de Finanzas, Economía y Gobierno; Grupo de Investigación Políticas y DesarrolloÍtem Participación del sector privado en la construcción de valor social en Medellín. Caso Proantioquia y sus estrategias de incidencia en la gestión pública(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Betancur Orlas, Sandra Carolina; Ramos Villa, María EugeniaThis work addresses the question about the factors that contribute to the success of the private sector advocacy around public management taking Proantioquia and its work between 2006 and 2020 as a case study. The private sector has a main role in generating social development. It is an agent that affects development from a capital profitability perspective and the creation of public and social value. Some of the recommendations that result from this work have to do with the participation of the private sector in the creation of transformative projects with a long-term vision and articulated work.