Examinando por Materia "Conocimiento organizacional"
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Ítem El conocimiento organizacional en emprendimientos de base tecnológica : una exploración de los conocimientos organizacionales críticos para aumentar la probabilidad de éxito(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Pérez Marulanda, Juan Camilo; Díez Gaviria, Ana CeciliaÍtem Construcción de conocimiento organizacional en entornos de trabajo virtual(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Franco Giraldo, Liliana; Gentilin, MarianoÍtem ¿Cuáles son los riesgos que afectan actualmente la gestión del conocimiento organizacional en empresas del sector de la salud en Medellín y qué herramientas se pueden implementar por las áreas de talento humano para mitigarlos?(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Grajales Ceballos, Gloria Milena; Román Calderón, Juan PabloÍtem Cultura organizacional y gestión del conocimiento : el caso de la subsecretaría de ingresos de la Secretaría de Hacienda del Municipio de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Castaño Vallejo, Nazly Idleen; Gentilín, MarianoEl presente trabajo de investigación plantea como objetivo general hacer un análisis de los aspectos de la cultura organizacional que facilitan y/o obstaculizan la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Subsecretaría de Ingresos, adscrita a la Secretaría de Hacienda del municipio de Medellín, que ha mostrado interés por fortalecer la cultura de la organización a partir de la necesidad de apalancar el aprendizaje de sus procesos con el de las personas que laboran en la entidad, aprendizajes cuya eficiencia se encuentra comprometida dada la alta rotación contractual que coexiste en las áreas operativas y estratégicas, lo que ha generado reprocesos en las áreas y evidentes pérdidas en relación con el conocimiento acumulado como activo intangible de la entidad. Conceptualmente, se tendrán en cuenta las propuestas Probst (1998) para el análisis de los procesos de gestión del conocimiento, Gentilin (2019) para el proceso de configuración cultural entre las dinámicas deseadas y vivenciadas, y de Marsal & Molina (2002) para el análisis y relación entre la cultura organizacional y la gestión del conocimiento. Metodológicamente, la recolección de información primaria se hará a través de entrevistas y un cuestionario, que en conjunto permitirán analizar la cultura desde los aspectos culturales más relevantes, con la intensión de agruparlos en formales, informales y de contexto, para posteriormente analizarlos en relación a las prácticas inherentes a la gestión del conocimiento e identificar en qué momentos están influyendo factores condicionantes. Para finalizar, y desde un análisis de la cultura deseada y vivenciada de la organización, se presentará una propuesta direccionada a fortalecer la cultura del conocimiento en la Subsecretaría de Ingresos.Ítem Estrategias para el intercambio de conocimiento organizacional en los grupos de investigación del área de ciencias de la salud - UPB Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Arrubla Duque, Juan Camilo; Serna Estrada, Jorge Mario; Parra Mesa, Iván DaríoThe best universities around the world stand out for their academic quality, social projection and the impact of their research work in the local, national and international environment. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB) is not immune to the great responsibility it has, to continue contributing to the transformation of a knowledge society. This research takes on the possibility of proposing organizational knowledge sharing strategies for research groups in the health sciences area of UPB Medellin; in order to generate good practices that in the future can lead to better results. The interest for this research merges from the need to improve the classifications, the results of calls for research, avoid reprocessing and properly managing the organizational knowledge generated by each of the groups. This work was carried out through qualitative research with a descriptive scope, which was carried out through a bibliographical review and fieldwork with interviews to researchers and administrators who support research groups in the area of health sciences of UPB Medellin.Ítem Gestión del conocimiento para apalancar la innovación en Tronex S.A.S.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Vásquez Jiménez, Carlos Federico; Henao Cálad, MónicaGuidelines and a framework were established to make comprehensive innovation and knowledge management in Tronex S.A.S. in order to impact the results in the short, medium and long term, proposing components on different fronts that are considered to help achieve these objectives -- Along the development of the work, elements such as the historical context of the company, the current perceptions of the directives, the concepts of different authors and the experiences of some Colombian and foreign companies taken as a reference were combined to build a proposal that contains a model of innovation management in conjunction with knowledge management processes and tools for the company that connect with this model to favor and enhance its results -- The discoveries found that the company has been doing some innovation processes naturally and that this has led to growth during its existence, but also that the interior felt the need to have a management model of that innovation to make it structured and sustained, under which the definitions of what the concepts of innovation, innovation management, knowledge, knowledge management and organizational ambidexterity, among others, should be in the particular context of the company, to support the proposed model and an interrelation between knowledge management tools and organizational innovation management of the company with a focus on resultsÍtem Lecciones aprendidas del proyecto Parques del Río Medellín(2018) Vélez Duque, Carolina; Henao Cálad, MónicaSince 1999, Medellín’s city planning has been oriented towards a compact city model -- However, after 20 years, the model remains unconcluded -- The Parques del Río project arises in response to this problem, thus, the execution of the first stage of the project, in the center of the city, is part of a long-term urban renewal strategy -- During mayor Aníbal Gaviria’s term, a team of professionals is gathered to, within four years, formulate and successfully execute the first section of the project; an infrastructure enterprise never seen in the history of Medellín -- Despite this, the following mayor dismantles the team created to execute the project -- The team dissolution once a project ends is one of the main problems in project knowledge management -- Consequently, the knowledge generated during the execution of the project is lost -- This hinders the replication of successful practices in new projects and consolidates the tendency to repeat the same mistakes -- Storytelling to share knowledge (Denning, 2005) is a strategy that enables the collection of knowledge of high complexity through a vehicle familiar to every human being: stories -- Thanks to these, the double function of documenting and transferring knowledge from one project to another is carried out -- The anecdotes related by the participants of a project contain explanations rich in content, good practices and lessons learned -- In addition, it allows the listener to easily understand the transmitted content and remember it easily in the future -- In order to apply the above, this research reconstructs the story of the Parques del Río Medellín project and recovers good practices and lessons learned for future application in similar projectsÍtem Plan estratégico de gestión del conocimiento para el Área de Educación y Desarrollo Escolar del Museo Parque Explora(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Ruiz Correa, Alexandra; Díez Gaviria, Ana Cecilia; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz AmparoThis research project proposes a strategic plan for knowledge management at the Education and School Development Area of the science center Parque Explora, in Medellín, Colombia -- First, a review of the existing literature was carried out to map the key concepts: knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge processes, knowledge audit and strategic planning for knowledge management; these concepts were contrasted, on one end, with the museographical practice and, on the other, with knowledge capitalization, the competitive edge and innovation -- Then, a knowledge audit was conducted with a focus on the culture, people, processes, technology, and strategy of the Education and School Development Area -- Based on this audit, a strategic plan for knowledge management was created to promote competitiveness and innovation within the area -- Finally, recommendations for improving the area’s knowledge management practices were madeÍtem Propuesta de un modelo de gestión de innovación aplicable en Pymes del sector de la construcción en Medellín, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Gutiérrez Marín, Mauricio Andrés; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz Amparo; Correal Franco, SaraThis document presents a contextualization about innovation management and key concepts related to it, such as Knowledge Management and Intrapreneurship -- Then, it describes the way these issues have been addressed in the construction industry, indicating the results obtained in studies carried out in different countries -- Subsequently, it describes specific innovation management models for the construction industry developed and successfully applied in Spain and Chile, together with a review of the results obtained by the companies that have adopted these models and the best practices identified during implementation process -- Later, it describes the way three companies in the construction industry established in the city of Medellin are managing the innovation, as well as the results obtained and the difficulties encountered in their implementation process -- Finally, an innovation management model is presented, which can be implemented in companies of the construction industry in the city of Medellin -- This model consists of five stages, which are developed sequentially and which follow a continuous cycle: 1 -- Innovative ideas selection, 2 -- Preliminary innovation projects preparation, 3 -- Analysis and approval of innovation projects, 4 -- Innovation projects development, and 5 -- Capture of value. This innovation management model requires four basic competencies, named "routines", which provide support to the management: 1 -- Strategic Routine, 2 -- Organizational Culture Routine, 3 -- Technological Vigilance Routine and 4 -- Knowledge Management RoutineÍtem Relación entre confianza e intercambio de conocimiento(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cardona Gómez, Luz Estela; Espinosa Suescún, Ana María; Franco Ruiz, Camilo