Examinando por Materia "Cacao"
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Ítem Análisis desde el aspecto gerencial en la aplicación del formato ICO+R en el proyecto Alianza El Efecto Cacao(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Urrea Suárez, Laura Marcela; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueThe objective of this research work is to analyse the results obtained in the application of the ICO + R format in the Alianza El Efecto Cacao Project, where 14 associations participated, distributed as follows: eight (8) in Huila, four (4) in Urabá and two (2) in Bajo Cauca. In this way, it tends to establish the effectiveness in organizational measurement related to aspects such as management capacity and identification of organizational social competencies. It is worth mentioning that this research work arose from the current need for organizations to create, use and promote the identification of managerial and administrative gaps, from which it seeks to develop projects, strategies and guidelines, among other methodologies, that strengthen, promote, generate and / or drive the growth and sustainability of an organization or company. Consequently, it is expected that the results allow to infer the strengths and weaknesses in the data obtained in accordance with the fulfilment of the objective of the ICO + R format. Thus, the analysis of the effectiveness of the format facilitates the establishment and identification of the management capacities and competencies of social organizations.Ítem Caracterización de la epidemiología de Moniliophthora roreri, hongo fitopatógeno del cacao(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Jiménez Zapata, Diana Lorena; Mosquera López, Sandra; Correa Álvarez, JavierÍtem Ceratocystis cacaofunesta genome analysis reveals a large expansion of extracellular phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase-C genes (PI-PLC)(BioMed Central Ltd., 2018-01-17) Molano, E.P.L.; Cabrera, O.G.; Jose, J.; do Nascimento, L.C.; Carazzolle, M.F.; Teixeira, P.J.P.L.; Alvarez, J.C.; Tiburcio, R.A.; Tokimatu Filho, P.M.; de Lima, G.M.A.; Guido, R.V.C.; Corrêa, T.L.R.; Leme, A.F.P.; Mieczkowski, P.; Pereira, G.A.G.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Biodiversidad, Evolución y ConservaciónBackground: The Ceratocystis genus harbors a large number of phytopathogenic fungi that cause xylem parenchyma degradation and vascular destruction on a broad range of economically important plants. Ceratocystis cacaofunesta is a necrotrophic fungus responsible for lethal wilt disease in cacao. The aim of this work is to analyze the genome of C. cacaofunesta through a comparative approach with genomes of other Sordariomycetes in order to better understand the molecular basis of pathogenicity in the Ceratocystis genus. Results: We present an analysis of the C. cacaofunesta genome focusing on secreted proteins that might constitute pathogenicity factors. Comparative genome analyses among five Ceratocystidaceae species and 23 other Sordariomycetes fungi showed a strong reduction in gene content of the Ceratocystis genus. However, some gene families displayed a remarkable expansion, in particular, the Phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipases-C (PI-PLC) family. Also, evolutionary rate calculations suggest that the evolution process of this family was guided by positive selection. Interestingly, among the 82 PI-PLCs genes identified in the C. cacaofunesta genome, 70 genes encoding extracellular PI-PLCs are grouped in eight small scaffolds surrounded by transposon fragments and scars that could be involved in the rapid evolution of the PI-PLC family. Experimental secretome using LC-MS/MS validated 24% (86 proteins) of the total predicted secretome (342 proteins), including four PI-PLCs and other important pathogenicity factors. Conclusion: Analysis of the Ceratocystis cacaofunesta genome provides evidence that PI-PLCs may play a role in pathogenicity. Subsequent functional studies will be aimed at evaluating this hypothesis. The observed genetic arsenals, together with the analysis of the PI-PLC family shown in this work, reveal significant differences in the Ceratocystis genome compared to the classical vascular fungi, Verticillium and Fusarium. Altogether, our analyses provide new insights into the evolution and the molecular basis of plant pathogenicity. © 2018 The Author(s).Ítem Ceratocystis cacaofunesta genome analysis reveals a large expansion of extracellular phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase-C genes (PI-PLC)(BioMed Central Ltd., 2018-01-17) Molano, E.P.L.; Cabrera, O.G.; Jose, J.; do Nascimento, L.C.; Carazzolle, M.F.; Teixeira, P.J.P.L.; Alvarez, J.C.; Tiburcio, R.A.; Tokimatu Filho, P.M.; de Lima, G.M.A.; Guido, R.V.C.; Corrêa, T.L.R.; Leme, A.F.P.; Mieczkowski, P.; Pereira, G.A.G.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Ciencias Biológicas y Bioprocesos (CIBIOP)Background: The Ceratocystis genus harbors a large number of phytopathogenic fungi that cause xylem parenchyma degradation and vascular destruction on a broad range of economically important plants. Ceratocystis cacaofunesta is a necrotrophic fungus responsible for lethal wilt disease in cacao. The aim of this work is to analyze the genome of C. cacaofunesta through a comparative approach with genomes of other Sordariomycetes in order to better understand the molecular basis of pathogenicity in the Ceratocystis genus. Results: We present an analysis of the C. cacaofunesta genome focusing on secreted proteins that might constitute pathogenicity factors. Comparative genome analyses among five Ceratocystidaceae species and 23 other Sordariomycetes fungi showed a strong reduction in gene content of the Ceratocystis genus. However, some gene families displayed a remarkable expansion, in particular, the Phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipases-C (PI-PLC) family. Also, evolutionary rate calculations suggest that the evolution process of this family was guided by positive selection. Interestingly, among the 82 PI-PLCs genes identified in the C. cacaofunesta genome, 70 genes encoding extracellular PI-PLCs are grouped in eight small scaffolds surrounded by transposon fragments and scars that could be involved in the rapid evolution of the PI-PLC family. Experimental secretome using LC-MS/MS validated 24% (86 proteins) of the total predicted secretome (342 proteins), including four PI-PLCs and other important pathogenicity factors. Conclusion: Analysis of the Ceratocystis cacaofunesta genome provides evidence that PI-PLCs may play a role in pathogenicity. Subsequent functional studies will be aimed at evaluating this hypothesis. The observed genetic arsenals, together with the analysis of the PI-PLC family shown in this work, reveal significant differences in the Ceratocystis genome compared to the classical vascular fungi, Verticillium and Fusarium. Altogether, our analyses provide new insights into the evolution and the molecular basis of plant pathogenicity. © 2018 The Author(s).Ítem Estudio de factibilidad para la producción y exportación de cacao en el municipio de Sincelejo-Sucre(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Montes Montiel, Carlos Javier; Gómez Salazar, Elkin Arcesio; Henao Cálad, MónicaFEDECACAO afirma que en Colombia el cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) es una actividad económica tradicional, que se lleva a cabo en pequeñas o medianas parcelas, con tamaño de 3 hectáreas en promedio, que en los últimos años ha tomado auge su producción, debido a los buenos precios del mercado y a su alta demanda tanto a nivel nacional como internacional -- Este escenario llevó al autor a realizar un estudio de factibilidad para la producción y exportación de cacao en el municipio de Sincelejo-Sucre, a través del cual se identifican los principales aspectos que debe tener en cuenta un inversionista en esta región del país, para implementar de manera industrializada y amigable con el medio ambiente, un cultivo agroforestal de cacao -- El análisis de las etapas que conforman este estudio de factibilidad fueron abordadas con base en el manual para la preparación de estudios de viabilidad industrial propuesto por la ONUDI (Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial); esta metodología fue escogida como la más apropiada para este tipo de proyectos, dado que considera en su desarrollo los estudios de mercado, técnico, administrativo, financiero, legal y de riesgo, que permitan tomar la mejor decisión para realizar cualquier tipo de proyectos en general -- Los resultados del desarrollo de la investigación evidencian que el proyecto, desde la metodología de evaluación utilizada, presenta un escenario favorable para su implementación, siempre y cuando se apliquen las técnicas descritas en el contenido de la investigación para el cultivo de cacao; así mismo, de los resultados se obtiene que la mano de obra, la tasa de cambio y el precio internacional del cacao, son los factores que afectan directamente los índices de rentabilidad del proyectoÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad sobre una línea de negocio nueva de cacao en una finca con plantación de palma de aceite(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mogollón Ramírez, Laura Camila; Parente Laverde, Ana MaríaThe purpose of this prefeasibility study is to demonstrate the viability and potential of implementing a new line of business focused on the production and marketing of cocoa beans, on a farm dedicated to oil palm plantations. Relevant aspects are analyzed such as the market and demand for cocoa, technical aspects, financial analysis, legal environment, and the socioeconomic environment that would surround the plantation. As a result, the findings indicate that diversification into cocoa cultivation represents a promising strategic opportunity, providing economic and environmental benefits, and contributing to the sustainability and profitability of the farm.Ítem Evaluación del potencial de mercado de un bioinsumo inmovilizador de cadmio en el Sistema Cacaotero Colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Alarcón Torres, Erika Andrea; Serrano Rivero, Sergio Andrés; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz AmparoÍtem Plan exportador para la empresa Comercializadora Makencal S.A.S.(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Villa Rivera, Jonathan; Zúñiga Raigoza, Jaime Alberto; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaÍtem Potenciales y deficiencias para el fortalecimiento de la capacidad productiva cacaotera en la población del municipio de Puerto Boyacá(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Ramírez Junco, Nubia Yaneth; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny JavierÍtem Valoración económica de las empresas fusionadas Palmar de los Llanos y Cacaos del Urabá ¿se crea o destruye valor económico?(2019) Patiño Cano, David Alberto; Ríos Toro, Paola Andrea; Astorquiza Bustos, Bilver AdriánThis document aims to identify if the decision of the highest corporate body to carry out a merger by absorption between the companies Palmar de los Llanos and Cacaos del Urabá, both of the agricultural sector, creates or destroys business value. The above statement seeks to verify whether this action was convenient for shareholders and companies or if, on the contrary, it will bring disadvantages that may affect the development of the corporate purpose of each of the companies. In this order, this document contextualizes the agriculture sector status in Colombia, especially in the cocoa and oil palm crops, its national and International production and its potential advantages over other producing countries. In addition, a brief approach is made about the concept of business mergers and their characteristics. Finally, the appropriate valuation methodologies for companies in the agricultural sector are mentioned in order to give an answer to both the objectives and the questions raised in this document.