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Examinando Tesis de Grado por Materia "432 Hz tuning"
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Ítem Musicoterapia : una herramienta terapéutica alternativa para el tratamiento de la depresión con música para guitarra a 432 Hz, sonidos binaurales y frecuencias solfeggio(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Benjumea Penagos, Jaime Andrés; Castillo, Luisa Fernanda; Manco, Juan DavidThis article aims to show the results obtained after measuring the impact inflicted by guitar music in 432 Hz tuning with binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies on two groups of persons diagnosed with depression. This investigation was based on two phases: creative and experimental. The first phase, illustrated the musical composition process, while fieldwork was carried out through a quantitative method in the second phase. As a result, it was obtained that the music, joined with external variables like the clinical therapy of the participants, acted positively on the control of depressive and anxiety symptoms, in addition to the fact that the binaural beats sharpened the psychological impact induced by the music. In conclusion, music is a tool that can contribute to the therapeutic process when integrated with conventional therapies for people diagnosed with depression. Besides to not reporting any side effects, it is an easily accessible alternative for anyone.