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Ítem Análisis de la sensibilidad paramétrica del proceso de producción de ciclo-trimetileno-triamina(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2014-01-01) Ojeda, J.C.; Gilpavas, E.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, M.Á.; Ojeda, J.C.; Gilpavas, E.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, M.Á.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)Analyses of temperature, conversion, and their sensitivity with respect to the initial temperature were investigated by parametric sensitivity analysis using a dimensionless batch reactor model for the cyclotrimethylene- triamine synthesis. At first, an expression for its reaction rate was fitted from experimental data available in the literature. Then, a new simple sensitivity-based criterion was used to determine critical operating conditions analyzing temperature sensitivity trajectories. The critical condition of runaway reaction corresponds to a Semenov number (F) equals to 0.684, a heat of reaction parameter (B) equals to 15 and an Arrhenius-type number (?) of 20.Ítem Análisis de la sensibilidad paramétrica y del comportamiento dinámico de la hidrólisis del isocianato de metilo(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2016-01-01) Ojeda, J.C.; GilPavas, E.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, M.A.; Ojeda, J.C.; GilPavas, E.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, M.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)In this work, parametric sensitivity and dynamic analysis were combined to determine the thermal instability conditions inherent in the methyl isocyanate hydrolysis reaction. This highly exothermic reaction tragically proved to be very sensible to temperature changes in the so-called Bhopal disaster in 1984. A stirred tank reactor in transient state was considered for simulating the reactive system. First, critical operational conditions were defined from the parametric sensitivity analysis. Subsequently, in a rigorous way, the dynamic analysis determined the thermal instability regions, Hopf bifurcations, and the thermal oscillatory behavior of the reactive system. The Matcont® software was used to solve the differential equations set. It was demonstrated that runaway conditions and the periodic solutions of temperature are closely related with the cooling temperature and the dimensionless parameters (f-dimensionless flow and l-heat transfer term) and their critical parameters were obtained: /c=752.39 and fc=1.57.Ítem Coagulation-flocculation sequential with Fenton or Photo-Fenton processes as an alternative for the industrial textile wastewater treatment(Editorial Board, 2017-04-15) GilPavas, E.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez-García, M.Á.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosIn this study, the industrial textile wastewater was treated using a chemical-based technique (coagulation-flocculation, C-F) sequential with an advanced oxidation process (AOP: Fenton or Photo-Fenton). During the C-F, Al2(SO4)3 was used as coagulant and its optimal dose was determined using the jar test. The following operational conditions of C-F, maximizing the organic matter removal, were determined: 700 mg/L of Al2(SO4)3 at pH = 9.96. Thus, the C-F allowed to remove 98% of turbidity, 48% of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and let to increase in the BOD5/COD ratio from 0.137 to 0.212. Subsequently, the C-F effluent was treated using each of AOPs. Their performances were optimized by the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) coupled with a Box-Behnken experimental design (BBD). The following optimal conditions of both Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2) and Photo-Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2/UV) processes were found: Fe2+ concentration = 1 mM, H2O2 dose = 2 mL/L (19.6 mM), and pH = 3. The combination of C-F pre-treatment with the Fenton reagent, at optimized conditions, let to remove 74% of COD during 90 min of the process. The C-F sequential with Photo-Fenton process let to reach 87% of COD removal, in the same time. Moreover, the BOD5/COD ratio increased from 0.212 to 0.68 and from 0.212 to 0.74 using Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes, respectively. Thus, the enhancement of biodegradability with the physico-chemical treatment was proved. The depletion of H2O2 was monitored during kinetic study. Strategies for improving the reaction efficiency, based on the H2O2 evolution, were also tested. © 2017 Elsevier LtdÍtem Coagulation-flocculation sequential with Fenton or Photo-Fenton processes as an alternative for the industrial textile wastewater treatment(Editorial Board, 2017-04-15) GilPavas, E.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez-García, M.Á.; GilPavas, E.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez-García, M.Á.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)In this study, the industrial textile wastewater was treated using a chemical-based technique (coagulation-flocculation, C-F) sequential with an advanced oxidation process (AOP: Fenton or Photo-Fenton). During the C-F, Al2(SO4)3 was used as coagulant and its optimal dose was determined using the jar test. The following operational conditions of C-F, maximizing the organic matter removal, were determined: 700 mg/L of Al2(SO4)3 at pH = 9.96. Thus, the C-F allowed to remove 98% of turbidity, 48% of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and let to increase in the BOD5/COD ratio from 0.137 to 0.212. Subsequently, the C-F effluent was treated using each of AOPs. Their performances were optimized by the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) coupled with a Box-Behnken experimental design (BBD). The following optimal conditions of both Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2) and Photo-Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2/UV) processes were found: Fe2+ concentration = 1 mM, H2O2 dose = 2 mL/L (19.6 mM), and pH = 3. The combination of C-F pre-treatment with the Fenton reagent, at optimized conditions, let to remove 74% of COD during 90 min of the process. The C-F sequential with Photo-Fenton process let to reach 87% of COD removal, in the same time. Moreover, the BOD5/COD ratio increased from 0.212 to 0.68 and from 0.212 to 0.74 using Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes, respectively. Thus, the enhancement of biodegradability with the physico-chemical treatment was proved. The depletion of H2O2 was monitored during kinetic study. Strategies for improving the reaction efficiency, based on the H2O2 evolution, were also tested. © 2017 Elsevier LtdÍtem Decolorization and mineralization of yellow 5 (E102) by UV/Fe2+/H2O2 process. Optimization of the operational conditions by response surface methodology(Elsevier Masson SAS, 2015-10-01) GilPalvas, E.; Gómez, C.M.; Rynkowski, J.M.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez-García, M.Á.; GilPalvas, E.; Gómez, C.M.; Rynkowski, J.M.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez-García, M.Á.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)In this study, the optimization and implementation of a homogeneous photo-Fenton process for the decolorization and mineralization of a wastewater containing highly concentrated yellow 5 (E102) dye, resulting from an industry placed in the suburbs of Medellin (Colombia), is presented. Response surface methodology was applied as a tool for the optimization of operational conditions such as initial dyestuff concentration. H2O2 concentration, and UV-radiation power (number of lamps). The decolorization, degradation and mineralization efficiencies were used as response variables. The following conditions were found to be optimal for decolorization and mineralization of yellow 5:UV radiation of 365 nm (4W. one lamp), dye concentration of 200 mg/L, Fe2+ concentration of 1.0 mM, H2O2 concentration of 1.75 mL/L, treatment time of 180 min, Fe2+ concentration of 1 mM and pH = 3. Under these conditions (180 min), the photo-Fenton process allowed us to reach ca. 100% of color dye degradation, 99% of COD degradation, and 85% of mineralization (TOC). The scavenging effect of the CI- anion on the photodegradation process was also confirmed. (C) 2015 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.Ítem Degradación de Colorante Amarillo 12 de Aguas Residuales Industriales utilizando Hierro Cero Valente, Peróxido de Hidrógeno y Radiación Ultravioleta(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2016-01-01) Gilpavas, E.; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, M.Á.; Gilpavas, E.; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, M.Á.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)The Fenton heterogeneous process in a fluidized bed reactor using Zero Valent Iron (ZVI), in the metallic state, for the treatment of textile wastewater has been used an analyzed. The aim of this work was to optimize the following operating parameters: initial dye concentration, H2O2 concentration, pH, amount of ZVI, and UV radiation, for the removal of dye and organic matter. At first, a fractional factorial experimental design allows defining the most influential factors. After that, they were optimized using the Response Surface Methodology coupled to the Box-Behnken experimental design. The optimal conditions were found to be as follows: initial dye concentration, 881 mg/L; pH 5; ZVI concentration, 5,31 g/L; H2O2 concentration, 0,86 mL/L. At these conditions, the degradation kinetics was performed, reaching 100% and 80,83% of dye and chemical oxygen demand respectively, in 150 minutes of reaction.Ítem Degradación y mineralización de tartrazina mediante electrooxidación. Optimización de las condiciones de operación(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2014-01-01) Gilpavas, E.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez-García, M.Á.; Gilpavas, E.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez-García, M.Á.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)In this work, the operational conditions of the tartrazine electro-oxidation (EO) process were optimized. The batch reactor used has two electrodes: one made of diamond doped with boron and the other one of titanium, working at monopolar configuration. The initial dyestuff concentration (Ci), the current density (i) and the pH were defined as the main factors affecting the EO. Their optimal values were found as follows: Ci=30 ppm, i=5mA/cm2 and pH=6.0. At these conditions, a kinetic analysis was performed in the terms of: the percentage of the dyestuff decolorization (%DC), the percentage of the chemical oxygen demand (%DCOD), and the percentage of the total organic carbon (%TOC). Additionally, the effect of Fe2+ (electro- Fenton process, EF) and Fe2+/UV radiation (electro-photo-Fenton process, EFF) on the studied process were evaluated. The work demonstrates the validity of the hypothesis about the most significant parameters that affect the EO process.Ítem Degradation of Yellow 12 Dye in Industrial Wastewater using Zero-Valent Iron, Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet Radiation(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2016-09-17) GIL PAVAS EDISON; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, Miguel Angel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosThe Fenton heterogeneous process in a fluidized bed reactor using Zero Valent Iron (ZVI), in the metallic state, for the treatment of textile wastewater has been used an analyzed. The aim of this work was to optimize the following...Ítem Degradation of Yellow 12 Dye in Industrial Wastewater using Zero-Valent Iron, Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet Radiation(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2016-09-17) GIL PAVAS EDISON; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, Miguel Angel; GIL PAVAS EDISON; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, Miguel Angel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)The Fenton heterogeneous process in a fluidized bed reactor using Zero Valent Iron (ZVI), in the metallic state, for the treatment of textile wastewater has been used an analyzed. The aim of this work was to optimize the following...Ítem The electrochemical elimination of coliforms from water using BBD/Ti or graphite anodes: A comparative study(International Water Association Publishing, 2018-04-01) Gil Pavas, E.; Arbelaez, Paula Eliana; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Angel Gomez-Garcia, Miguel; Gil Pavas, E.; Arbelaez, Paula Eliana; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Angel Gomez-Garcia, Miguel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)The elimination of total and fecal coliforms, from raw surface water, was carried out by electrochemical oxidation using either boron doped diamond (BDD/Ti) or graphite (GP) anodes, in a chloride-free medium. The optimal values of the operation parameters, maximizing the coliform elimination percentage, were determined using statistical experimental design. The current density ( j: 2-20 mA/cm2), the conductivity (s: 500-900 µS/cm) and the anode materials (An) were considered as variables to perform the Box-Behnken experimental design together with the response surface methodology analysis for optimization. The statistical analysis indicated that, in the evaluated range, the disinfection efficiency increased with an increase in j and decreased with an increase in s. The following optimal conditions for the elimination of total and fecal coliforms were found: j: 10 mA/cm2, s: 500 µS/cm and BDD/Ti used as anode material. The BDD/Ti electrode let to achieve complete coliform elimination after ca. 20 min of reaction while the GP one needed ca. 27 min. In water treated with both BDD/Ti and GP anode, after 7 days, any coliforms growth was observed. As a result of the oxidation process, the total organic carbon and nitrite concentration decreased while nitrate concentration increased. © IWA Publishing 2018.Ítem The electrochemical elimination of coliforms from water using BBD/Ti or graphite anodes: A comparative study(International Water Association Publishing, 2018-04-01) Gil Pavas, E.; Arbelaez, Paula Eliana; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Angel Gomez-Garcia, Miguel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosThe elimination of total and fecal coliforms, from raw surface water, was carried out by electrochemical oxidation using either boron doped diamond (BDD/Ti) or graphite (GP) anodes, in a chloride-free medium. The optimal values of the operation parameters, maximizing the coliform elimination percentage, were determined using statistical experimental design. The current density ( j: 2-20 mA/cm2), the conductivity (s: 500-900 µS/cm) and the anode materials (An) were considered as variables to perform the Box-Behnken experimental design together with the response surface methodology analysis for optimization. The statistical analysis indicated that, in the evaluated range, the disinfection efficiency increased with an increase in j and decreased with an increase in s. The following optimal conditions for the elimination of total and fecal coliforms were found: j: 10 mA/cm2, s: 500 µS/cm and BDD/Ti used as anode material. The BDD/Ti electrode let to achieve complete coliform elimination after ca. 20 min of reaction while the GP one needed ca. 27 min. In water treated with both BDD/Ti and GP anode, after 7 days, any coliforms growth was observed. As a result of the oxidation process, the total organic carbon and nitrite concentration decreased while nitrate concentration increased. © IWA Publishing 2018.Ítem Foto-degradación de fenol sobre catalizadores de TiO2 y Mo/TiO2. La metodología de superficie de respuesta como herramienta de optimización(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2014-01-01) López-Zamora, S.M.; GilPavas, E.; Gómez-García, M.Á.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; López-Zamora, S.M.; GilPavas, E.; Gómez-García, M.Á.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)In this work, the response surface methodology was applied as a tool for the optimization of the operational conditions of phenol photo-degradation over TiO2 and 2% wt Mo/TiO2 catalysts. A multifactorial experimental design was proposed, including the following variables: phenol initial concentration (Ci), catalyst loading (Cat) and pH. The apparent reaction rate constant and the percentage of phenol degradation were chosen as the response variables. When TiO2 was used as catalyst, the following optimal operational conditions were found: Ci=10ppm, Cat=0.7g/L and pH=8 for both UV and visible light. For 2% wt Mo/TiO2 catalyst, the optimal operating conditions strongly depended on the applied radiation source. Thus, under UV radiation: Ci=10 ppm, Cat=0.7 g/L and pH=8 were found as the optimum conditions. Using visible light, and the following optimized conditions, Ci=10 ppm, Cat=0.1 g/L, pH =3.6, the Mo containing catalyst showed to be the most efficient. Under these conditions, the amount of 2% wt. Mo/TiO2 was 7 times lower than that of unsupported TiO2.Ítem Immobilized TiO2 on Calcium Alginate for Photocatalytic Water Purification(Redox Technologies, 2012-05-31) GIL PAVAS EDISON; Acevedo, Jose; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, Miguel AngelHere, the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied as a tool for the optimization of the operational conditions of the water purification system. The BoxBehnken Design (BBD) was chosen for the purpose of response optimization.Ítem Instability Analysis and Optimal Conditions for Methanol Production in a Lurgi Reactor.(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2016-01-01) GIL PAVAS EDISON; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, Miguel Angel; GIL PAVAS EDISON; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, Miguel Angel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)In the present work, the operational conditions for methanol synthesis in a Lurgi reactor are analyzed. The industrial data for a packed reactor (consisting of 1620 tubes of 7 m long) are the basis of this study. At first, the industrial reactor...Ítem Kinetic study on HCN volatilization in gold leaching tailing ponds(Elsevier Ltd, 2017-08-15) Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Ramos García, B.D.; GilPavas, E.; Gómez García, M.Á.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Ramos García, B.D.; GilPavas, E.; Gómez García, M.Á.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)In this work, the detailed analysis of HCN volatilization, taking place in tailing storage facilities, was made. Volatilization experiments were performed at conditions typical of gold leaching industrial tailing ponds. The meticulous statistical analysis (including full factorial 33 experimental design) let to determine the variables and their interactions affecting the percentage of HCN volatilization. Volatilization tests were performed in an open, temperature-controlled, continuously-stirred batch reactor. The percentage of HCN volatilization was directly proportional to the temperature and temperature-pH interaction and inversely proportional to the pH, cyanide concentration, and pH-pH and temperature-cyanide concentration interactions. HCN volatilization was promoted at acidic conditions. A first order rate law was used to represent the volatilization rate. The specific rate constant (k) was found to be following function of temperature and pH: k(T,pH) = Ao.exp(-18760/T), where: In(A(0)) = (0.11 +/- 0.11)-pH + (58.08 +/- 0.16). The obtained kinetic model represented properly (R-2 = 0.90) experimental data in a wide range of industrial conditions: cyanide concentration (300-2000 mg.L-1), pH (3-9), and temperature (16-20 degrees C). The increase in temperature, from 16 to 20 C, let to the increase in k, by a factor of ca. 2.5 +/- 0.8. The increase in solution pH, from 3 to 9, provoked its decrease, by a factor of ca. 1.9 +/- 0.3.Ítem Kinetic study on HCN volatilization in gold leaching tailing ponds(Elsevier Ltd, 2017-08-15) Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Ramos García, B.D.; GilPavas, E.; Gómez García, M.Á.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosIn this work, the detailed analysis of HCN volatilization, taking place in tailing storage facilities, was made. Volatilization experiments were performed at conditions typical of gold leaching industrial tailing ponds. The meticulous statistical analysis (including full factorial 33 experimental design) let to determine the variables and their interactions affecting the percentage of HCN volatilization. Volatilization tests were performed in an open, temperature-controlled, continuously-stirred batch reactor. The percentage of HCN volatilization was directly proportional to the temperature and temperature-pH interaction and inversely proportional to the pH, cyanide concentration, and pH-pH and temperature-cyanide concentration interactions. HCN volatilization was promoted at acidic conditions. A first order rate law was used to represent the volatilization rate. The specific rate constant (k) was found to be following function of temperature and pH: k(T,pH) = Ao.exp(-18760/T), where: In(A(0)) = (0.11 +/- 0.11)-pH + (58.08 +/- 0.16). The obtained kinetic model represented properly (R-2 = 0.90) experimental data in a wide range of industrial conditions: cyanide concentration (300-2000 mg.L-1), pH (3-9), and temperature (16-20 degrees C). The increase in temperature, from 16 to 20 C, let to the increase in k, by a factor of ca. 2.5 +/- 0.8. The increase in solution pH, from 3 to 9, provoked its decrease, by a factor of ca. 1.9 +/- 0.3.Ítem Optimización de los Costos de Operación del Proceso de Electro-oxidación para una Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Mediante Análisis Estadístico de Superficie de Respuesta(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2016-01-01) GilPavas, E.; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, M.-A.; GilPavas, E.; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, M.-A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)The statistical optimization of the implementation and operational costs of an electrochemical-oxidation process for treatment of wastewater containing dye Yellow 23 was done. The aim was to optimize the operational parameters for the current density, conductivity, and area of electrodes per unit of volume in order to minimize the net present value (NPV) of the operation while maintaining a defined quality for the treated wastewater. To achieve this, the response surface methodology coupled to the Box-Behnken statistical design was used. The optimal conditions found were: a relationship of treated wastewater volume per area of electrodes of 9.076 mL/cm2, conductivity 4000 µS/cm, and current density 20 mA/cm2. At optimal conditions, the NPV for a 10 year operation is 998636 USD, which corresponds to a cost of 0.68USD/m3 of treated water.Ítem Optimization of sequential chemical coagulation - electro-oxidation process for the treatment of an industrial textile wastewater(Elsevier Ltd, 2018-04-01) GIL PAVAS EDISON; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Angel Gomez-Garcia, Miguel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosIn this study, the sequential Chemical Coagulation-Electro-Oxidation (CC-EO) process was proposed as an alternative for the treatment of an industrial textile wastewater. Complete characterization of the effluent was made in the terms of its organic load (Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5)), biodegradability (BOD5/COD ratio) and solids content (total solids and turbidity). For CC, the jar test was used to determine both the most favorable dosage of coagulant and pH of the process (i.e., 600 mg/L of Al2(SO4)3 at pH of 9.3). CC let to remove ca. 93% of turbidity, 53% of COD and 24% of TOC. It also increased BOD5/COD ratio of raw textile wastewater from 0.16 to 0.27. Next, CC effluent was treated by EO. Its performance was optimized using Box-Behnken experimental Design and Response Surface Methodology. The following EO optimal conditions were found: current density = 15 mA/cm2, conductivity = 4.7 mS/cm and pH = 5.6. At these conditions, the sequential CC-EO process removed 100% of color, 93.5% of COD, and 75% of TOC after 45 min of electrolysis with an estimated operating cost of 6.91 USD/m3. Moreover, the CC-EO process yield a highly oxidized (Average Oxidation State, AOS = 2.3) and biocompatible (BOD5/COD >0.4) effluent. © 2018 Elsevier LtdÍtem Optimization of sequential chemical coagulation - electro-oxidation process for the treatment of an industrial textile wastewater(Elsevier Ltd, 2018-04-01) GIL PAVAS EDISON; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Angel Gomez-Garcia, Miguel; GIL PAVAS EDISON; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Angel Gomez-Garcia, Miguel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)In this study, the sequential Chemical Coagulation-Electro-Oxidation (CC-EO) process was proposed as an alternative for the treatment of an industrial textile wastewater. Complete characterization of the effluent was made in the terms of its organic load (Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5)), biodegradability (BOD5/COD ratio) and solids content (total solids and turbidity). For CC, the jar test was used to determine both the most favorable dosage of coagulant and pH of the process (i.e., 600 mg/L of Al2(SO4)3 at pH of 9.3). CC let to remove ca. 93% of turbidity, 53% of COD and 24% of TOC. It also increased BOD5/COD ratio of raw textile wastewater from 0.16 to 0.27. Next, CC effluent was treated by EO. Its performance was optimized using Box-Behnken experimental Design and Response Surface Methodology. The following EO optimal conditions were found: current density = 15 mA/cm2, conductivity = 4.7 mS/cm and pH = 5.6. At these conditions, the sequential CC-EO process removed 100% of color, 93.5% of COD, and 75% of TOC after 45 min of electrolysis with an estimated operating cost of 6.91 USD/m3. Moreover, the CC-EO process yield a highly oxidized (Average Oxidation State, AOS = 2.3) and biocompatible (BOD5/COD >0.4) effluent. © 2018 Elsevier LtdÍtem Optimization of the Operating Cost for the Electrochemical-Oxidation Process in a Water Treatment Plant Using Response Surface Statistical Analysis(Centro de Informacion Tecnologica, 2016-01-01) GIL PAVAS EDISON; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, Miguel Angel; GIL PAVAS EDISON; Medina, J.; Dobrosz-Gómez, I.; Gómez, Miguel Angel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)The statistical optimization of the implementation and operational costs of an electrochemical-oxidation process for treatment of wastewater containing dye Yellow 23 was done. The aim was to optimize the operational parameters for the current...