Aplicación del modelo de diagnóstico de aprendizaje ECER en un curso universitario de bases de datos
Bedoya Restrepo, Jorge Iván
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Universidad EAFIT
La sistematización de procesos educativos complejos que beneficien tanto al docente como al estudiante, puede considerarse como uno de los aportes de las NTICs a la educación. Es el caso de los sistemas de diagnóstico de aprendizaje, que permiten entregar reportes de estado de logro de objetivos de aprendizaje a los estudiantes de manera individualizada, facilitando el proceso de seguimiento por parte del docente, labor que llevada a cabo en forma manual sería muy dispendiosa. Uno de los modelos que permitió el desarrollo de un sistema de este tipo es el modelo ECER (Enhanced Concept Effect Relationship), el cual hasta el momento ha sido validado en la república de Taiwán, lugar de origen del modelo, en escuelas de básica primaria y secundaria. El objetivo de este proyecto fue contextualizar y validar el modelo de diagnóstico ECER en el contexto colombiano, y observar los aportes de sus reportes en el proceso de aprendizaje de estudiantes de un curso universitario de Bases de Datos. Este informe da cuenta de las etapas en que se desarrolló el proyecto, la aplicación y resultados del modelo ECER a través del software que lo implementa en un curso de Bases de Datos dirigido a estudiantes universitarios, y plantea las conclusiones sobre la factibilidad de uso de dicho software a nivel universitario.
Abstract: The rapid progress in the New Technologies of Information and Communications has influenced multiple disciplines to benefit from this situation. This applies to education. The systematization of complex educational processes that benefit both the teacher and student is a contribution of ICTs to education. This is the case of learning diagnostic systems, which allows each student to receive their current status learning, work carried out by the teacher in manually form would be very wasteful. One model that allowed the development of a system of this type is the ECER model (Enhanced Concept Effect Relationship), which so far has been validated in the Republic of Taiwan, birthplace of the model, at basic primary and secondary schools. The objective of this project is to implement and validate the model ECER in an university scope in order to extend the context of it. This project describes the implementation of ECER model, through the software that implements it, in a Database course at technological level. This course is located on the fourth level of the technology and sought to establish whether it is feasible to use this model at the university level.
Abstract: The rapid progress in the New Technologies of Information and Communications has influenced multiple disciplines to benefit from this situation. This applies to education. The systematization of complex educational processes that benefit both the teacher and student is a contribution of ICTs to education. This is the case of learning diagnostic systems, which allows each student to receive their current status learning, work carried out by the teacher in manually form would be very wasteful. One model that allowed the development of a system of this type is the ECER model (Enhanced Concept Effect Relationship), which so far has been validated in the Republic of Taiwan, birthplace of the model, at basic primary and secondary schools. The objective of this project is to implement and validate the model ECER in an university scope in order to extend the context of it. This project describes the implementation of ECER model, through the software that implements it, in a Database course at technological level. This course is located on the fourth level of the technology and sought to establish whether it is feasible to use this model at the university level.
1 CD-ROM : il.