Volume Visual Attention Maps (VVAM) in Ray-Casting Rendering


This paper presents an extension visual attention maps for volume data visualization, where eye fixation points become rays in the 3D space, and the visual attention map becomes a volume -- This Volume Visual Attention Map (VVAM) is used to interactively enhance a ray-casting based direct volume rendering DVR visualization -- The practical application of this idea into the biomedical image visualization field is explored for interactive visualization


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@incollection{VVAM_RayCast_Congote2012, year={2012}, isbn={978-1-61499-374-2, 978-1-61499-375-9}, booktitle={Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 29}, volume={196}, series={Studies in Health Technology and Informatics}, editor={J. D. Westwood and S. W. Westwood and L. Fellaender-Tsai and C. M. Fidopiastis and R. S. Haluck and R. A. Robb and S. Senger and K. G. Vosburgh PhD}, doi={ 10.3233/978-1-61499-022-2-53 }, title={Volume Visual Attention Maps (VVAM) in Ray-Casting Rendering.}, url={http://ebooks.iospress.nl/volumearticle/21261 }, publisher={IOS Press, USA}, author={A. Beristain and J. Congote and O. Ruiz}, pages={53-57} }