"Informe para una academia" : la decadencia del hombre moderno
Calvo Ayala, Lina Marcela
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Universidad EAFIT
La Europa de finales del siglo XIX y primera mitad del XX es una clara muestra de los fenómenos opresores del mundo moderno a nivel político, moral, religioso, entre otros. En centro Europa, lugar de nacimiento de Kafka y Nietzsche, se generarían fenómenos históricos que afectarían directamente sus obras. Kafka vivió durante todo el contexto que gestó la Primera Guerra Mundial. Nacido en 1883, su obra comienza a hacerse elocuente a comienzos del siglo XX, y en su elocuencia comienzan a develarse los atolladeros humanos del aparato represor del poder. Esta última idea, de una u otra forma, es una manifestación de la influencia sobre su obra del pensador Friederich Nietzsche, quien vislumbró el aniquilamiento del hombre en el mundo moderno, la décadence.
Abstract: The Europe of the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth century is a clear example of the oppressive phenomena of the modern world in the political, moral, religious, among others. In central Europe, the birthplace of Kafka and Nietzsche would generate historical henomena that directly affect their work. Kafka lived throughout the context that gave origin to the First World War. Born in 1883, his work began to be eloquent in the early twentieth century, and his eloquence, begin to unravel the human quagmires of the repressive apparatus of power. This last idea, of one way or another, are also manifestations of the influence the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who foresaw the destruction of man in the modern world, the decadence.
Abstract: The Europe of the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth century is a clear example of the oppressive phenomena of the modern world in the political, moral, religious, among others. In central Europe, the birthplace of Kafka and Nietzsche would generate historical henomena that directly affect their work. Kafka lived throughout the context that gave origin to the First World War. Born in 1883, his work began to be eloquent in the early twentieth century, and his eloquence, begin to unravel the human quagmires of the repressive apparatus of power. This last idea, of one way or another, are also manifestations of the influence the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who foresaw the destruction of man in the modern world, the decadence.