Salarios mínimos diferenciales en Colombia: una estrategia para mejorar los indicadores laborales o perjudicar a los hogares más pobres
Ospina Agudelo, Gustavo Andrés
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Universidad EAFIT
According to the International Monetary Fund (FMI, 2015) the minimum wage in Colombia is one of the most elevated of the region -- This entity beside constants pronunciamientos of some members of the Republic Bank of Colombia has proposed to diminish the minimum remuneration with the objective of improving the competitiveness of the country, by means of the decrease of labour costs that generate a greater foreign investment -- While other actors such as Esteban Piedrahita, exdirector of DNP, has proposed political of minimum wages differentials by regions (Cortés, 2010) -- This paper studies the possible impact of the minimum wages differentials in the employment in the cities of Colombia -- It is therefore necessary establish that the minimum wage plays a fundamental role in the employment for cities that do not have economies been used to like Bogota, Medellín, Cali or Barranquilla, which concentrate 75% of the labour strength and more than 62% of the economy of the country, according to figures of the National Department of Statistics (DANE) -- In the development of the work, initially realises a comparative of the methodologies and economic indicators of the countries that implement minimum wages differentials already was by region, sector or occupation -- Afterwards they took the 13 main cities of Colombia to analyse some indicators of productivity and divide them between productive regions and no productive -- Once determined these categories in the chapter three realises a model of demand of heterogeneous workers of two productive departments and no productive, selecting the territorial entities of Antioquia and Risaralda, finding that the minimum wage diminishes the demand of work in the productive region, but increases it in the zones of low economic activity -- This analysis complements with a model of regression incondicionado that establishes the impact of the minimum wage in the income of the home for the distinguished regions, where exists one differentiates substance between the zones and the poorest homes -- Finally, they conclude the profits and damages that could bring this type of political salarial