El placer de leer y ser leído : simetría entre amor y lectura en la novela de Ítalo Calvino Si una noche de invierno un viajero
Arias Trujillo, Claudia Inés
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Universidad EAFIT
En la novela de Ítalo Calvino Si una Noche de Invierno Un Viajero, se evidencia la importancia que adquiere dentro de la narración el Lector y la Lectora (Ludmilla) como personajes que se construyen en la relación que establecen con la lectura y la búsqueda desenfrenada por el libro que no han podido terminar de leer. Es esta función del personaje la que se analiza desde algunos postulados semióticos para evidenciar las transformaciones que sufren a través de la historia en la relación con el libro-lectura (sujeto/objeto) y entre ellos como lectores.
Abstract: In the novel If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler of Italo Calvino is clearly seen the importance that the readers (Ludmilla) acquiere inside the story as characters that are formed in the connection they have in the reading process, besides of their unbridled pursuit for the book they have not finished reading yet. This function of the characters is analyzed from some semiotic postulates to show the changes they undergo across the story in the relation between book-reading (subject-object) and between them as readers.
Abstract: In the novel If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler of Italo Calvino is clearly seen the importance that the readers (Ludmilla) acquiere inside the story as characters that are formed in the connection they have in the reading process, besides of their unbridled pursuit for the book they have not finished reading yet. This function of the characters is analyzed from some semiotic postulates to show the changes they undergo across the story in the relation between book-reading (subject-object) and between them as readers.