Nuevo Foro Penal, Vol. 18, Núm. 99 (2022)
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Ítem The result is not a myth, as Sancinetti puts it. What has existed is a double treatment of the concept of result, which prevents consensus on its nature. While some identify it with any modification produced in the outside world, others equate it to violation of the rule.(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Reyes Alvarado, YesidÍtem The right to lawful correction(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Luzón Peña, Diego ManuelÍtem Notes on the (strict and vicarious) liability of the legal entity for crimes committed by individuals integrated in its structure. The Peruvian case.(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Alpaca Pérez, AlfredoÍtem The felony murder restrictions in the Colombian criminal system. A commentary on the judgement of the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice of February 10, 2021, file 52.857, Judge Rapporteur Patricia Salazar Cuéllar(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Libreros Dúque, Daniel AlbertoÍtem Differential Approach Based on Gender Applied to the Signing of Agreements and to the Control of Actions: Analysis on the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice, Criminal Cassation Chamber, of April 14th, 2021, file 54.691, M.P. Eugenio Fernández Carlie(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Santafé Jaimes, MarianaÍtem Most responsible and decisive participation in the Colombian transitional justice(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Tarapués Sandino, Diego FernandoÍtem The evolution of the violent carnal access crime with the application of the gender perspective: Maria Odilia Henao Aristizábal case. Commentary about the judgment of the Supreme Justice Court of May 12 202, filed 59.936, R.P. Patricia Salazar Cuellar(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Acero Soler, Miguel Alejandro ArturoÍtem Crimes against humanity. An analytical approach(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Ríos Agudelo, Jhon Fredy