Informes de investigación
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Ítem Proceso de ASC - IDENTIFICACION DE CARACTERISTICAS DE DISPLAY HOLOGRAFICOS ANALOGICOS Y SINTETICOS(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Obando Vasquez, Sofia; Trujillo, Carlos Alejandro; Universidad EAFITOne of the major constraints of analog holography is the requirement of having the physical object present for hologram recording. This limitation is absent in synthetic holography, which allows for holograms to be generated computationally based on complete information about the object. This research project aims to explore the adoption of synthetic holography, leveraging its primary features as a three-dimensional display. Concurrently, it will compare these features with those of analog holography, a technique previously explored by the research group in earlier projects.Ítem Proceso de ASC - IMPLEMENTACION DE UN SISTEMA DE HOLOGRAFIA DIGITAL A COLOR(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Vélez Acosta, Tomás; Trujillo, Carlos Alejandro; Universidad EAFITThis project aims to introduce the fundamentals and basic tools of digital holography to the semillero, starting from optical setup configuration, through digital recording using CCD sensors, to numerical reconstruction of the hologram on computer systems. The project proposes the development of a basic system for color digital holography using monochromatic illumination sources in the setup.Ítem Proceso de ASC - OBSERVACION Y ANALISIS ESPECTRAL PARA MONITOREO DE LA ACTIVIDAD SOLAR(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Restrepo, René; Álzate, Miguel; Moná, Waira; Mejía, Brandon; Quiñonez, Sergio; Correa, Daniel; Contreras, Andrés; Cano, Manuela; Universidad EAFITThe Sun is a massive and radiant ball of gas composed of approximately 98% helium and hydrogen and six layers, where nuclear reactions of the aforementioned elements occur. These reactions produce a large amount of energy in the form of short electromagnetic wavelengths called gamma rays, which reach the Earth, contributing an energy value of approximately 173,973.9 terawatts [1]. It is thanks to this energy that we develop new technologies for harnessing solar energy and its study, such as the Parker Solar Probe, which allows the study of magnetic fields and their alterations on the solar surface [2]. Using these alterations as an example, solar activity, such as sunspots, solar storms, planetary transits, among others, will be the central topic of study and research carried out by the Quasar Research Group at EAFIT University. The aim is to capture and disseminate valuable information through basic observations using the instruments available in the optics laboratory.Ítem Proceso de ASC - ESTUDIO E IMPLEMENTACION DE UN SISTEMA DE IMPRESION HOLOGRAFICO DIRECTO PARA LA EXPLORACION Y APROPIACION DE LA HOLOGRAFIA SINTETICA.(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gómez Gallego, Isabella; Trujillo, Carlos Alejandro; Universidad EAFITSynthetic holography is an advancement in traditional holographic techniques aimed at overcoming a fundamental limitation: the physical constraints of objects. By integrating more complex components and sophisticated systems, synthetic holography expands the range of possible scenes that can be represented on these 3D displays. Therefore, this research project aims to adopt synthetic holography as a three-dimensional display technology, exploring its fundamental concepts and investigating new possibilities it can offer to the semillero.Ítem Proceso de ASC - INSTRUMENTACION DEL TELESCOPIO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD EAFIT PARA REALIZAR ESPECTROGRAFIA DE VENUS(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Alzate Betancur, Miguel; Trujillo Anaya, Carlos Alejandro; Universidad EAFITThere are indications suggesting that in the past, when the sun was 25% less bright, Venus had conditions similar to present-day Earth, including oceans. However, as the sun increased its brightness, a strong greenhouse effect occurred, leading to significant CO2 release and the eventual evaporation of these seas, resulting in Venus's current atmosphere. Despite these harsh conditions, a region in Venus's atmosphere maintains Earth-like pressures and temperatures, with essential components for life present (1). Subsequent investigations revealed dark patches in Venus's clouds composed of H2SO4 and light-absorbing particles, suggesting the possibility of hosting something akin to Earth's marine algae (2). This information is recent, implying numerous avenues for further research. However, conducting such studies necessitates appropriate instruments, particularly those capable of gathering detailed atmospheric data from Venus. Fortunately, the university already possesses several tools that can facilitate this, including a telescope and a mini digital spectrometer in the optics and photonics laboratory. This setup potentially allows for spectroscopic analysis of Venus's atmosphere by integrating these components and adding supplementary optical instrumentation to enhance data acquisition.Ítem Proceso de ASC - TECNICAS ANALOGICAS PARA LA ESCULTURA Y LA HOLOGRAFIA(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Moreno, Nicoll Valeria; Trujillo, Carlos Alejandro; Universidad EAFITThe proposed project in the semillero involves creating sculptures using holograms, under the guidance of an artist specializing in this field. Despite previous work with synthetic and digital techniques, there is a deliberate focus on analog holography to provide new group members with an opportunity to explore this technique. This approach aims to familiarize students with holography and encourage their creative development and teamwork skills.Ítem Proceso de ASC - ASTROFOTOGRAFIA Y DIVULGACION ASTRONOMICA DENTRO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD EAFIT(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Diaz Escorcia, Carlos Andrés; Trujillo Anaya, Carlos Alejandro; Universidad EAFITSince time immemorial, humans have felt a great cuRíosity about the stars, a cuRíosity that, like science, has not remained static over time but has continuously advanced and developed. This enduring cuRíosity and scientific progress have given rise to astronomy, providing a broad knowledge base and laying new foundations for further advancement. It is for this reason that the research group wants to contribute its grain of sand. Building on previous projects, the Quasar research group has acquired a special camera that can be attached to the university’s telescope. This allows for the acquisition and recording of astronomical images useful for research and dissemination. The group aims to use this equipment to conduct astronomical observations and photography, making the results public so that people outside the group can experience this firsthand. This is expected to spark their cuRíosity about these topics, potentially seeing joining the research group as an opportunity to expand their knowledge and answer questions about these subjects. Similarly, with the same goal of inviting participation in the research group, there are plans to hold a series of short talks on intriguing astronomy topics that are both attention-grabbing and highly informative.Ítem Proceso de ASC - ESTUDIO E IMPLEMENTACION DE UN SISTEMA CAPAZ DE DETECTAR LAS SEÑALES DE RADIO EMITIDAS POR LA TRAZA DE METEOROS(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Restrepo, René; Álvarez, Sara; Universidad EAFITThe remnants of the formation of the solar system left, among other stellar objects, small remnants commonly known as shooting stars. Observing these objects is difficult because ideal weather conditions are required. Therefore, this report proposes the preliminary design of a radio detection device to identify these meteor showers. This will involve several phases, including a review of the literature on the physical aspects and the necessary instrumentation for the setup, concluding with a study of the data collected through radio detection.