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Ítem Statistical Software Reliability Models(Taylor and Francis - CRC Press, 2017-07-01) ZULUAGA, FRANCISCO IVANÍtem Optimization Approaches for a Home Healthcare Routing and Scheduling Problem: A Real Case From Medellin, Colombia(IGI Global, 2019-09-02) Rivera, J.; Zapata Arroyave, Victoria JanethÍtem The Singular Optimal Control of Switched Systems(2017-01-01) VELEZ, CARLOS MARIOÍtem Selective Vehicle Routing Problem: A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Approach(Springer, Cham, 2020-04-29) Posada, A.; Rivera, J.; Palacio, J.Ítem Sublime Un pliegue matemático para la historia de estas emociones(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-23) Salazar Martinez, Carlos Andres; Lucia Quintero M, O.La detección automática de estados afectivos en textos ha hecho carrera como una de las herramientas fundamentales para el procesamiento de altos volumenes de información.Ítem From artificial intelligence to deep learning in bio-medical applications(Springer, 2020-01-01) Montoya, O.L.Q.; Paniagua, J.G.Since their introduction in late 80s, convolutional neural networks and auto-encoder architectures have shown to be powerful for automatic feature extraction and information simplification. Using convolution kernels from image processing in 2D and 3D spaces for the stage by stage features retrieval processes, allows the architecture to be as flexible as the designer wants, considering that this is not a lucky fact. With the recent ten years of technological progress now we can compute and train those architectures and they have faced so many challenges for applications originating the most famous CNN architectures. This chapter presents an author position related to the artificial intelligence field and machine learning/deep learning appearance in the scientific world scene describing hastily the basis for each one and later, focusing on medical applications most of the socialized on the Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society conference held in Hawaii in July 2018. While addressing the medical applications from cardiovascular to cancer diagnosis, we will briefly describe the architectures and discuss some features. Finally, we will present a contribution to the deep learning by introducing a new architecture called Convolutional Laguerre-Gauss Network with a kernel based on a spiral phase function ranging from 0 to 2p and a toroidal amplitude band-pass filter, known as the Laguerre-Gauss transform. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.Ítem The singular optimal control of switched systems(Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2017-01-01) Azhmyakov, V.; Velez, C.M.This chapter studies a singular case of Optimal Control Problems(OCPs) governed by a class of switched control systems. We proposea new mathematical formalism for this type of switched dynamic systemsand study OCPs with a quadratic cost functionals. The original sophisticatedoptimization problem is next replaced by an auxiliary "weaklyrelaxed" OCP. Our main result includes a formal proof of the local convexityproperty of the obtained auxiliary OCP. The convex structure ofthe OCP implies a possibility to apply a variety of powerful and relativelysimple optimization schemes to the sophisticated singular OCP involvingswitched dynamics. The conceptual numerical approach we finallydevelop includes an optimal switching times selection ("timing") and asimultaneous optimal switched modes sequence scheduling ("sequencing"). © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.Ítem From Artificial Intelligence to Deep Learning in Bio-medical Applications(Springer International Publishing, 2020-02-01) Montoya O.L.Q.Ítem An approach to emotion Recongnition in Single-channel EEG Singgnals using Stationar Wavelet Tansform(Springer, 2016-10-26) Gomez, Alejandro; Lucia Quintero M, O.; lopez, Natalia; Castro, Jaime; Mejia, GonzaloThe Regional Council of Biomedical Engineering for Latin America (CORAL) will host the VII Latin-American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2016), October 26 – 28, 2016 at the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Special events of the coÍtem Adaptive Architecture to Support Context-Aware Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS)(2014-01-01) Diaz Leon, Christian Andres; Gomez, H.T.; Lucia Quintero M, O.; Acosta Maya, D.A.; Sakti SrivastavaStand-alone and networked surgical virtual reality based simulators have been proposed as means to train surgical skills with or without a supervisor nearby the student or trainee. However, surgical skills teaching in medicine schools and hospitals...Ítem La hispanidad en la obra ensayística de Baldomero Sanín Cano. Higiene, libertad y unidad.(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2016-11-01) Salazar Martinez, Carlos AndresÍtem A Metaheuristic Approach for the Cumulative Capacitated Arc Routing Problem(Springer, 2018-09-12) Lenis, Sergio Andres; Carlos Rivera, JuanIn this paper we propose a new variant of the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP). In this new problem the objective function becomes a cumulative objective computed as the traveled distance multiplied by the vehicle load. A metaheuristic approachÍtem Biomass Estimation in Batch Process through Particle Filters(2012-01-01) Quintero Montoya, O. L.; Amicareli, Adriana; Di Sciascio, FernandoThis work proposes a biomass estimator based on nonlinear filtering techniques. The performance of the proposed estimator is illustrated in a batch process, namely the ?-endotoxin production of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).Ítem Las posibilidades de desarrollo de inteligencia artificial(2019-02-01) Lucia Quintero M, O.tiene como objetivo principal la divulgación didáctica de una de las más complejas tendencias del actual proceso globalizadorÍtem Decidirse y arrepentirse: Fernando González y un posible diálogo con las ciencias de la conciencia(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2016-11-01) Salazar Martinez, Carlos AndresÍtem Modelo Matemático de un Motor de Combustión Interna para uso en Control(2012-01-01) Hernandez, Monica; Díaz Torres, A.G.; Lucia Quintero M, O.Se obtiene el modelo matemático orientado al control de un motor de combustión interna anclado a un banco de pruebas. El modelo exige aplicación de ecuaciones de primeros principios y estimación de parámetros.Ítem Evaluación de sostenibilidad en pequeñas unidades de producción agrícola mediante dinamica de sistemas(Hugo Hernando Andrade Sosa, 2009-09-11) Quintero Ortiz Luis Antonio; Hurtado, Laura; Arango, SaraThe importance of local actions is measured by their capability of causing global consequences. It is common for small productive units to have their own cultural and technological practices, based on inputs coming from the marketÍtem Análisis Y Proyección de la Demanda por Educación Superior en la Ciudad de Medellín para los Próximos Años Mediante Dinámica de Sistemas(Hugo Hernando Andrade Sosa, 2009-09-11) Quintero Ortiz Luis Antonio; Mira, Jhon FredyDiversas tendencias marcarán la dinámica demográfica de una ciudad como Medellín en los próximos años. Esto tiene influencia en la demanda por educación superior, pues se entrelazan múltiples determinantes, tanto de índole socioeconómicoÍtem Condición Laboral Forzada e Informal en el Sector Nororiental de Medellín(Hugo Hernando Andrade Sosa, 2009-09-11) Guzmán, Sandra Marcela; Quintero Ortiz Luis AntonioThe project develops a model of children aged 5 to 17, subject to forced and informal labor in the northeast section of Medellin, in the neighborhoods: Popular I, Santa Cruz, Aranjuez and Castilla through the simulation of factors affectingÍtem Impacto de la Entrada en Vigencia del Decreto 1290 del 2009 en el Sistema Educativo Nacional(Hugo Hernando Andrade Sosa, 2009-09-11) Mejía, Susana; Quintero Ortiz Luis AntonioThe country?s education quality problem is vital for the social and economic country?s development. The present work determine the impact that would have the decree 1290 / 2009, that modifies the evaluation and promotionsystems in basic, medium and high