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  • Ítem
    A variable block insertion heuristic for permutation flowshops with makespan criterion
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-01-01) Tasgetiren M.F.; Pan Q.-K.; Kizilay D.; Velez-Gallego M.C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    This paper proposes a populated variable block insertion heuristic (PVBIH) algorithm for solving the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with the makespan criterion. The PVBIH algorithm starts with a minimum block size being equal to one. It removes a block from the current solution and inserts it into the partial solution randomly with a predetermined move size. A local search is applied to the solution found after several block moves. If the new solution generated after the local search is better than the current solution, it replaces the current solution. It retains the same block size as long as it improves. Otherwise, the block size is incremented by one and a simulated annealing-type of acceptance criterion is used to accept the new solution. This process is repeated until the block size reaches at the maximum block size. In addition, we present a randomized profile fitting heuristic with excellent results. Extensive computational results on the Taillard's well-known benchmark suite show that the proposed PVBIH algorithm substantially outperforms the differential evolution algorithm (NS-SGDE) recently proposed in the literature. © 2017 IEEE.
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    Combining LR and 2-opt for scheduling a single machine subject to job ready times and sequence dependent setup times
    (Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2014-01-01) Rojas-Santiago, M.; Muthuswamy, S.; Vélez-Gallego, M.C.; Montoya-Torres, J.R.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    In this research, the job ready times and sequence-dependent setup times of a single machine scheduling problem are considered with the objective of makespan minimization. As the problem is NP-hard, a Lagrangean Relaxation (LR) approach is proposed to find an initial solution and a heuristic based on 2-opt was implemented to improve it. Extensive computational experiments showed that the proposed combination of LR and 2-opt is effective. Wide range of test problems from 25 to 75 jobs was studied. The performance of the proposed approach was compared with the results from a commercial solver.
  • Ítem
    InCyTo: Herramienta para la enseñanza del inventario de ciclo en cursos de Gestión Logística
    (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2017-01-01) Castro Zuluaga C.A.; Mendoza Vásquez C.; Gallego Roch L.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    One of the areas that requires greater attention within a company, it is the one responsible for the management of inventories, which are considered as a current asset that will affect positively or negatively the competitiveness of any organization. This is one of the reasons why in the courses of Logistics Management the issue of inventory management is very important, since it seeks to develop in students the ability to improve the decision-making process to define the quantity and the frequency of the orders of every stock keeping unit (skus). This article presents InCyTo (Inventory Cycle Simulation Tool), a tool designed and developed in Excel VBA® (Visual Basic for Applications), whose objective is to support the teaching-learning process of the topic of cycle inventory where the student will be able to test from the experimentation how the quantity and frequency of the orders affect the costs and the service, levels as well as to be able to understand and put into practice the concepts of the economic order quantity of the order, all through an active learning approach. © 2017 Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions. All rights reserved.
  • Ítem
    An approach for printing the maximum possible number of images
    (Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2017-01-01) Rojas-Santiago M.; Barbosa R.C.; Muthuswamy S.; Hulett M.; Velez-Gallego M.C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    This paper considers a real life application of a printing process in a lithographic company that manufactures food packaging bags. The focus area of this problem is to print a variety of 2D images of bags on a surface area for maximum press layouts, with a constraint that the orientation of all bags is fixed and they should be placed parallel to the edges of the impression material. The problem under study is NP-hard and is an extension of the classical knapsack problem. An algorithm to maximize the number of rectangular images of bags that can be placed within the printing material is proposed. The results were compared with a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) metaheuristic. Several numerical experiments show that our procedure outperforms the PSO algorithm and improves the lithography's performance.
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    A multi-objective evolutionary approach to improve the environmental performance of a supply chain
    (Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2017-01-01) Ozden S.G.; Vélez-Gallego M.C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    The problem of improving the environmental performance of a supply chain without entailing excessive cost is becoming a frequent problem as companies face an increasing pressure from governments and customers for reducing the environmental impact of their activities. As the environmental improvement of an operating supply chain implies not only technology upgrading decisions, but also decisions regarding the structure of the supply chain itself
  • Ítem
    Benchmarking methodology on lean manufacturing in the apparel industry
    (Fraunhofer-Verlag, 2011-01-01) Juan Gregorio, A.P.; Victoria Eugenia, B.H.; María Jimena, R.M.; Juan Gregorio, A.P.; Victoria Eugenia, B.H.; María Jimena, R.M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    This project provides the methodology to apply a Benchmarking approach between different companies in the apparel sector, the aim of the project is to evaluate the implementation degree of Lean manufacturing in their productive processes, specifically companies that produce blue jeans, T-shirts and polo shirts. This industry sector is very developed in the city of Medellin and it is one of the most dynamic industries, hence the interest in evaluation. For the Benchmarking methodology development, a questionnaire is needed to be constructed and applied in different companies in the city, the most important result was that, the implementation of Lean manufacturing techniques are not widespread among the industry and only those with big experience as exporters or international brands licensees are more advanced in their application and development.
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    Use of a serious game for teaching operations programming: Students' perceptions
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-01-01) Carmona Gonzalez G.L.; Pelaez Valencia L.E.; Trefftz H.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    This paper describes the experiences in the design, construction and validation of a serious game to be used as a support to teach Operations Management (or Operations Programming) in a Production Engineering program. The aim of this publication is to describe the perceptions of the students during the various development stages of the process. A semi-experimental study was conducted in order to determine the pedagogical effectiveness of the use of the game, but in this paper the authors focus on the perceptions of the students, which may become an important input for other faculty interested on using serious games as support for teaching other engineering courses. © 2018 IEEE.
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    Modelación de una situación empresarial para la enseñanza de simulación discreta
    (Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ingeniería (ACOFI), 2013-09-24) Carmona González, Guillermo L.; Montoya Agudelo, Juan Sebastián; Cano Escobar, María Adelaida; Álvarez Zapata, Daniela; Rodríguez Betancur, María Antonia; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción;;;;;; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    Discrete simulation is one of the tools that are used for modeling real systems and for evaluating the impact of certain decisions using the resulting model, improving with this the decisions making on the real system -- Discrete simulation has been taught in the simulation course of the Operations Management and Logistics program at EAFIT University -- However this course only has academic exercises for the modeling processes -- This motivated to the realization of a project for documenting a business scenario on which students can build a simulation supported on a real situation -- This would allow students an approach to the modeling of real industry problems -- The productivity analysis of a production line of the Bakery Company Novapan in Medellin city was elected as the business scenario -- The simulation was made through the discreet simulation software Promodel ® -- This Paper presents the main aspects of the analyzed business scenario, the methodology, the discrete simulation model, some simulation results, the educational proposal and some learned lessons during the development of this research
  • Ítem
    An approach to make statistical forecasting of products with stationary/seasonal patterns
    (Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2014-05-09) Castro-Zuluaga, Carlos A.; Botero-Escobar, Sara C.; Castro-Zuluaga, Carlos A.; Botero-Escobar, Sara C.; Universidad EAFIT. Grupo de Investigación Gestión de Producción y Logística; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción;;; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    At any company there are hundreds, maybe thousands of products that must be forecasted with the best accuracy, in order to make a good demand management process, which are required at all planning levels in a company -- Statistical forecasting must be done fast and sometimes there are not enough resources to do it well -- In In this paper we make a proposal of an approach to define the parameter of the exponential smoothing model for products with a behavior pattern stationary or seasonal/stationary in the historical data, to obtain “good forecasting" A numerical example is used to show the effectiveness of the proposed method
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    Lean Health Care, a look through its tools, an approach from the literature
    (Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2014-05-09) Arrieta-Posada, Juan Gregorio; Giraldo Betancur, Emerson Andrés; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción;;; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    This paper presents generalities of Lean manufacturing and applications in Healthcare organizations -- A review of the literature was done, identifying applications of Lean tools in this sector -- A questionnaire is going to be developed to be applied in different healthcare institutions in Medellin Colombia, with the objective to make comparisons with the literature review
  • Ítem
    Herramienta para enseñanza del modelo (s, Q) mediante simulación en un curso de gestión de inventarios
    (Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ingeniería (ACOFI), 2013-09-24) Castro Urrego, Jaime A.; Castro-Zuluaga, Carlos A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción;;; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    In recent years, inventory management has become a critical issue within companies because a suitable management of inventories can drive toward improve their competitive advantages -- This paper presents a simulation tool developed in VBA of Microsoft Excel ®, which has the main purpose to help students in their teaching and learning processes of the inventory management theory, in order to enhance the skills and abilities of them in the decision making process related with an effective management of stocks
  • Ítem
    Spreadsheets to teach the (RP,Q) model in an inventory management course
    (Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2013-05-03) Castro Zuluaga, Carlos A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción;; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    The use of spreadsheets to support learning processes has become a common practice used by teachers in Operations Management courses -- This paper shows a predesigned spreadsheet used in an Inventory Management course to explain the model (RP,Q) using the decision rule based in the Units Service Level (USL)
  • Ítem
    Heuristic to allocate intermediate buffer storage capacities in a production line subject to machine breakdowns
    (Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 2013-05-03) Vélez Gallego, Mario César; Jaramillo Jiménez, Jhull Breynner; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción;; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    In this research proposal we consider a production line subject to random failures at each workstation and operating under a make-to-stock policy -- Every time a workstation fails, a corrective maintenance activity is triggered to repair the workstation -- In order to palliate the effect of the random failures in the performance of the system, intermediate buffers are placed in-between workstations -- An inventory holding cost is associated to eachbuffer -- The research objective in this work is to allocate capacity to each intermediate buffer in the line so that the average cost per time unit is minimized while the average service level is kept above a minimum pre-specified value -- In this paper we assume that unsatisfied demand is lost and the service level is defined as the long term proportion of satisfied demand -- A greedy simulation–based heuristic is presented to find a feasible solution to the problem
  • Ítem
    Diseño de un juego serio como herramienta de apoyo para el curso de programación de operaciones
    (Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ingeniería (ACOFI), 2013-09-24) Carmona González, Guillermo L.; Trefftz Gómez, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción;;; Gestión de Producción y Logística
    The difficulty in applying theoretical concepts in real scenarios, little experience, knowledge and deepening low motivation in students, are some of the problems can be observed in some higher education courses -- One cause of this problem is due, in large part, to the traditional teaching-learning process with a heavy emphasis of theory over practice -- On the other side, one can observe a population increasingly habituated to videogames who dedicate large amounts of time to this activity, and besides many do so with motivation -- Video games provide players with risk-free virtual worlds where their decisions have effects with immediate feedback -- This has generated a growing interest in the application of video games with learning objectives and has been called serious games -- The successful application of serious games has been reported in different fields of knowledge, but especially in military areas, social and health -- However, the best of our knowledge, operation scheduling issues no reports of serious games -- The above mentioned reasons explain our interest on the development, and impact evaluation of a video game used as academic tool to motivate the students for the study of operation scheduling while, at the same time, providing a tool in which they can implement theories covered in class -- This paper presents a description of the serious game in its alpha version, the main considerations taken when designing it, general aspects of the development tool and the methodology used for development -- It also presents the results of a pilot of this first version, seeking game improvement and evaluating the students' perceptions about the potential use of games as academic and motivational tools