Ecos de Economía, Vol. 24, No. 51 (2020)
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Ítem Potential growth in Central America and the Dominican Republic: Was there a pre-pandemic new normal?(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-10-11) Maldonado, Leonardo; Inter-American Development BankThis paper explores the potential growth of Central America and the Dominican Republic after the 2008-2009 crisis to shed light on their 2020 pre-pandemic macroeconomic vulnerability and to ascertain that the observed path is deviating more than before from its potential. Using Hodrick-Prescott filter by constrained minimization, production function, regime-switching models, and Bayesian model averaging, the main findings suggest a pre-pandemic regional slowdown. By country, there are mixed results. This scenario was not only driven by international factors but by particularities; on the one hand, statistical models show higher potential growth, and, in a less favorable context, the region would be closer to the structural performance; on the other hand, individual factors are hindering potential growth.Ítem Determinants of the Capital Structure in the Colombian Chemical Industry(Universidad EAFIT, 2000) Vergara Garavito, Judith; Echeverri Castaño, Cristián Andrés; Escobar Ortega, Javier Esteban; Universidad EAFIT; Financial lider at Aquaterra SAS; Bancolombia–Panama GroupThis research aimed to find the determinants of the capital structure of Colombian companies in the chemical sector. For that, annual data was taken from 233 firms in the period ranging from 2009 to 2018, which allowed to build an unbalanced panel with 1980 observations. The results showed that profitability, growth, size, and liquidity are decisive in the decision of capital structure of firms in the chemical sector in Colombia.Ítem Speed of adjustment of the optimal capital of the companies of the Colombia Securities Exchange(Universidad EAFIT, 2000) Solano Benavides, Elcira; Acosta Ariza, Edson; Padrón Támara, María; Universidad del AtlánticoÍtem Colombia's Higher Education at Risk: Where are the Students?(Universidad EAFIT, 2000) Rincón Quiñones, Carlos; Espitia Suárez, Andrés Felipe; Universidad Jorge Tadeo LozanoThe specialized media on the higher education sector in Colombia speak of the fall in demand. But what does this statement refer to? What do we mean when we talk about the “fall”? Different hypotheses have been tacitly accepted as an explanation, the main ones being demographic changes, rising tuition prices, and a decrease in family income. But how true are they and how much do they impact the fall? This paper establishes a methodology that allows addressing the response through a quantitative approach in the exploratory and descriptive analysis of administrative data from official entities in Colombia. It was found that the hypotheses related to the socio-economic environment and financing better explain the fall and contraction of demand in higher education.