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  • Ítem
    Standardized Approaches for Assessing Metagenomic Contig Binning Performance from Barnes-Hut t-Stochastic Neighbor Embeddings
    (SPRINGER, 2020-01-01) Ceballos J.; Ariza-Jiménez L.; Pinel N.; Ceballos J.; Ariza-Jiménez L.; Pinel N.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Bioiversidad, Evolución y Conservación
    The performance of unsupervised methods for metagenomic binning is often assessed using simulated microbial communities. The lack of well-characterized evaluation protocols and approaches to community construction cognizant of biological realities impedes the rigorous assessment and standardization of the binning process. This work attempted to standardize performance evaluation using benchmark communities constructed according to the genome similarity metric Average Amino Acid identity. This approach allowed us to extend and deepen our previous research on the unsupervised binning of metagenomic sequence fragments based on low-dimensional embeddings of pentamer frequency profiles. Experimental results evidenced our method’s potential for the binning of metagenomic contigs to become an alternative to state-of-the-art methods such as MetaCluster 3.0. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • Ítem
    HIPAE helicopter-borne in-situ pollution assessment experiment: Plataforma alternativa para la medición de contaminantes en capas verticales
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019-01-01) Botero A.Y.; Florez J.; Duque J.F.; Rendon A.; Lopez-Restrepo S.; Pinel N.; Quintero O.L.;; Rodriguez J.S.; Galvez J.; Lopera D.V.; Montilla E.; Marulanda J.I.; Isaza C.; Lainez M.L.A.; Zapata A.F.; Botero A.Y.; Florez J.; Duque J.F.; Rendon A.; Lopez-Restrepo S.; Pinel N.; Quintero O.L.;; Rodriguez J.S.; Galvez J.; Lopera D.V.; Montilla E.; Marulanda J.I.; Isaza C.; Lainez M.L.A.; Zapata A.F.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Bioiversidad, Evolución y Conservación
  • Ítem
    Simple-1: Development stage of the data transmission system for a solid propellant mid-power rocket model
    (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2017-01-01) Yarce A.; Sebastián Rodríguez J.; Galvez J.; Gómez A.; García M.J.; Yarce A.; Sebastián Rodríguez J.; Galvez J.; Gómez A.; García M.J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Bioiversidad, Evolución y Conservación
    This paper presents the development stage of a communication module for a solid propellant mid-power rocket model. The communication module was named. Simple-1 and this work considers its design, construction and testing. A rocket model Estes Ventris Series Pro II® was modified to introduce, on the top of the payload, several sensors in a CanSat form factor. The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) was designed and fabricated from Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) components and assembled in a cylindrical rack structure similar to this small format satellite concept. The sensors data was processed using one Arduino Mini and transmitted using a radio module to a Software Defined Radio (SDR) HackRF based platform on the ground station. The Simple-1 was tested using a drone in successive releases, reaching altitudes from 200 to 300 meters. Different kind of data, in terms of altitude, position, atmospheric pressure and vehicle temperature were successfully measured, making possible the progress to a next stage of launching and analysis. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
  • Ítem
    Design, construction and testing of a data transmission system for a mid-power rocket model
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2017-01-01) Botero, A.Y.; Rodríguez, J.S.; Serna, J.G.; Gómez, A.; García, M.J.; Botero, A.Y.; Rodríguez, J.S.; Serna, J.G.; Gómez, A.; García, M.J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Bioiversidad, Evolución y Conservación
    This paper presents the continuation of a previous work in the development of a communication module for a solid propellant mid-power rocket model named "Simple-1" mission. It considered the design, construction, and testing procedures related to the data transmission protocol and its data rate. The current phase considers the antenna's optimization, launching, and data analysis on-flight. In the actual optimization step, the antenna components were modified to increase the gain. A rocket model Estes Ventris Series Pro II® was used to carry in the payload section a communication module with several sensors in a CanSat form factor. The collected data was processed using an Arduino Mini micro-controller and transmitted using a radio module (Radiometrix) to a software defined radio (SDR) HackRF-based platform on the ground station. The printed circuit boards (PCBs) were designed and manufactured from commercial off the shelf (COTS) and assembled in a cylindrical rack structure similar to this small format satellite concept. The Simple-1 was tested with the help of a wind tunnel to validate the behavior of the antenna's subsystem and was proved in several launches using solid propellant motors reaching altitudes from 500-700 meters. Different experimental data such as altitude, position, atmospheric pressure, and vehicle temperature were successfully captured and analyzed. This demonstrates that it is possible to develop low cost near space activities, gradually installing capabilities in a teamwork. In this developing stage, the techniques to design and manufacture two layers PCB were appropriated by traditional circuit board etching methods. In addition, the SDR technology was studied and implemented for the telemetry architecture. The use of surface mounting devices (SMD) offers an alternative to reduce the volume of the module. In the future, it is expected to have more advances in the stability of the communication protocols, robust hardware manufacturing, and integration of electronic circuits in four-layer PCB, in order to contribute to the access to space in our region and local aerospace industry developments. © 2017 IEEE.