AD-minister, Núm. 36 (2020)
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Ítem Exploring enabling factors for innovation outcomes. A firm-level analysis of Peruvian companies(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-30) Seclen-Luna, Jean Pierre; Ponce Regalado, Fátima; Cordova, Miguel; Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúMost innovation research has been primarily focused on developed countries, creating a gap in the literature related to innovation processes in emerging markets, such as Latin America. Even as some studies aim at this region, their approach is usually conducted from the standpoint of a R+D funding perspective only. This paper aims to discuss the relationship between resources for innovation and sources of innovation with innovation outcomes, using a sample of Peruvian companies that received public funds for the development of innovative activities. This study found evidence that resources for innovation and sources of innovation have a positive influence on innovation outcomes. Moreover, resources for innovation are related to non-technological innovation, although internal R+D is the most frequently used by companies, even when it is not related to product, nor to process innovation. Sources of innovation are related to product innovation and firms have shown an incipient use of inter-firm collaboration strategies to gain access to them.Ítem Formal institutions, human development and entrepreneurship: a comparative study between highly developed countries and member countries of the pacific alliance(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-30) Leon Quillas, Cesar Ignacio; Rueda Rodriguez, Hector Fernando; Gonzalez Campo, Carlos Hernan; Universidad del ValleIn this paper a comparison is made between highly developed countries (Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Sweden, and Finland) and the four member countries of the Pacific Alliance (Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Chile), trying to find possible relationships between formal institutions, rate of entrepreneurship and human development. It is a descriptive-correlational scope study which uses information derived from the World Bank’s Governance Indicators (2018), the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom (2018), the Global Entrepreneurship Index (2018), and the United Nations Development Program’s Human Development Index (2018).It is concluded that there is a positive relationship between the quality of formal institutions and the level of human development in the countries that were compared.Ítem Incidence of corporate social responsibility practices on the cost of equity: evidence from Colombian companies(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-30) Mesa-Jurado, Leidy Tatiana; Rivera-López, Paola Andrea; Román-Buriticá, Melissa María; Correa Mejía, Diego Andrés; Centro Comercial San Nicolás PH; Tann Colombiana S.A.S.; Blackriver Flowers S.A.S.; Universidad de AntioquiaThis study analyzes the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices on the cost of equity, for Colombian companies that are listed on the Colombian Stock Exchange (BVC, Bolsa de Valores de Colombia) and have produced sustainability reports through the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), for the period 2012-2016. Using the panel data model for thirty-one companies, it was found that companies which implemented CSR practices and included them on their corporate reports reduced their cost of capital. Furthermore, it was also found that the length of the corporate report, and how unbiased it is, both reduce the cost of equity.Ítem Un modelo de marketing con causa (cause-related) para el sistema bancario de Irán: un enfoque fenomenológico(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-30) Valipour, Ali; Noraei, Mahmoud; Kavosh, Kamyar; Universidad Islámica de Azad, sucursal de AharA pesar de que el concepto de marketing con causa (Cause-Related Marketing) lleva cuatro décadas cursando en la literatura académica de los negocios y del marketing, aún no hay un acuerdo general respecto a la definición, el contenido y el alcance del marketing, particularmente en países como Irán. A este respecto, aunque este artículo examinará y presentará el marco conceptual de esta temática durante su periodo de desarroll inicial, lo que pretende es obtener un modelo conceptual para el marketing con causa en el sistema bancario de Irán. De esta manera, el concepto de marketing con causa será analizado respecto a su origen, evolución, contenido y alcance, así como respecto a varias definiciones bien conocidas. En la primera parte se hace una reseña de la literatura pertinente sobre el tema y se integran los hallazgos de los investigadores precedentes. La segunda sección se elaboró mediante el método fenomenológico y entrevistas detalladas con varios expertos en el sistema bancario. La población de este estudio la constituyen gerentes senior del Banco Keshavarzi y la estrategia de muestro fue no aleatoria, por conveniencia, en la que se utilizaron métodos de muestreo teóricos. A este respecto fueron seleccionados 16 gerentes senior del Banco Agrícola de Irán como muestra estadística para la recolección de datos. Los datos cualitativos se analizaron mediante el software MaxQDA12pro usando codificación abierta y axial. En los resultados se hace una separación del concepto de marketing con causa de otros términos similares o relacionados, y se hace una descripción de varios tipos de campañas de marketing con causa. Finalmente, se usó el método fenomenológico para proveer y asignar las dimensiones y componentes del marketing con causa en el sistema bancario de Irán. El análisis de los resultados de las entrevistas muestra que el marketing con causa en el sistema bancario tiene dimensiones directas (en la dirección, en la economía y en las características de las actividades causales) e indirectas (componentes sociales, científicos, culturales, religiosos y geográficos).Ítem Sense of belonging, intra-organizational relations and active participation in community development: an analysis of medium-sized manufacturing companies in Mexico(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-30) Robles Acosta, Carlos; M.A. Alviter Rojas, Laura Edith; Dra. Martínez Rodríguez, Edim; Universidad Autónoma del Estado de MéxicoCausal relations between sense of belonging, intra-organizational relationships and active participation in community development are analyzed in this article, which is an explanatory investigation. The analytical tool measures sense of belonging, intraorganizational relationships and active participation in community development using seventeen items on a sample of one hundred ninety-three workers from five medium-sized manufacturing companies in Mexico. Results seem to indicate positive causal relations between sense of belonging and intraorganizational relationships, and also between intraorganizational relationships and active participation in community development. This is a contribution for a better understaning of the relationships among the components of organizational culture, organizational citizen behavior and corporate social responsability.Ítem Strategic risk management in some large Colombian private companies(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-30) Palacio Giraldo, Andrea Lucia; Nuñez, Maria Antonia; Compañía Colombia Movil S.A. E.S.P. Tigo; Universidad EAFITStrategic risk management is a continuous activity that identifies the events that affect the capacity of an organization in creating value and which can hinder the attainment of its strategic goals. This activity requires a framework that defines the structure, roles, responsibilities, policies, risk appetite and the integration with strategy and organizational management. The main goal of this article is to describe how some large Colombian private companies do their strategic risk management. Qualitative methods were used and five semi structured interviews were conducted with leaders in strategic risk management from large energy, brewing, food and soft drink companies. One of the main findings was the importance of an integrated strategic and risk managment in the companies, so as to mitigate the impact of negative events and take advantage of the timely identification of opportunities. It was also found that thorough qualitative and quantitative information available in the analysis of risk helps to reduce existing uncertainty. From the knowledge of these processes, this article proposes a starting point for organizations that wish to implement strategic risk management as a mobilizer for the achievement of business objectives.