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Ítem 10 (2022) Organizational Studies in Latin America with Dr. Diego Rene Gonzalez Miranda(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gonzales Miranda, Diego René; Universidad EAFITAn interview about the evolution and future of Organizational Studies in Latin America.Ítem 10 Challenges for the Specification of Self-Adaptive Software(IEEE, 2018-01-01) Munoz-Fernandez, JC; Mazo, R; Salinesi, C; Tamura, G; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesThe demand for systems that continue on operation by adapting themselves in response to disturbing changes in their environment has increased in the last decades. Those systems, termed self-adaptive software (SAS) systems, should be developed with techniques and methods appropriated for analysing and designing this kind of systems, starting from the requirements phase. Several contributions propose approaches to improve the specification of requirements for those systems. This paper aims to review the most significant challenges still open in the domains of languages for requirements specification and methods for model verification of self-adaptive systems, independently of their particular application areas. More concretely, the main contribution of this paper is a list of ten challenges to achieve a better-defined specification of requirements for SAS systems, and a more effective verification of such specifications. These challenges are well worthy of being addressed in both communities, the requirements engineering (RE) and the SAS one.Ítem 100 Years of Portugal futurista: An Exhibition and Study Day in Lisbon(De Gruyter, 2019-12-30) J. URIBE; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; Estudios de Filosofía, Hermenéutica y NarrativasÍtem 13(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2014-01-01) J. GIRALDO-RAMÍREZ; A. ESLAVA GÓMEZ; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; Estudios de Filosofía, Hermenéutica y NarrativasEste texto ofrece una lectura alternativa a la dinámica social de la minería de oro. En lugar de la consabida maldición de los recursos naturales, se exponen conceptos y evidencia empírica para pensar y hacer posible una minería con mejores resultadosÍtem 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology. Mayo 5 al 8, 2014, Salvador, Brasil.(2014-05-05) Abad Restrepo, Ana Cristina; Jaramillo Escobar, Ana MaríaThe Questions Network (Red de las preguntas) is a digital project developed by The Children‟s University of EAFIT in Medellín, Colombia. This project collects questions from children and teenagers and answers them through different formats, trying to encourage curiosity, critical thinking and the sharing of knowledge. In The Questions Network, questions have an author. Every time a child leaves a question on the microsite, he/she is asked to leave his/her name, age and contact information. Each child is notified when his/her question is published and answered. The project is open to every young Spanish speaker in the world; to participate, a child needs only curiosity and Internet access. The project also looks to involve researchers from many areas, encouraging them to think about the essence of their work and to share their knowledge in a simple but rigorous way. This article presents an analysis of obtained results in the first three years of the project, as well as the found difficulties from a social perspective of the knowledge gathered and the communication of Science.Ítem 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology. Mayo 5 al 8, 2014, Salvador, Brasil.(2014-05-05) Abad Restrepo, Ana CristinaIn Colombia there is a noticeable difference, between public and private schools, in the approach and education of science, leaving the students of the former ones at a disadvantage. As a response to that, the EAFIT Children’s University program has been proposed to promote inclusion and social integration through the following process: every year 750 free places are assigned - 50% to public schools students and 50% to private schools students. With such methodology we acknowledge and value the diversity of the workshop´s participants, in terms of gender, social, cultural or family origins. But, how do these differences influence the approach to science and the collective building of knowledge? What kind of dilemmas appears due to the diverse origins of the participants? What knowledge have we acquired? What meaningful experiences have been collected that really lead to an understanding of how the diversity has a direct influence on the approach to and appropriation of science? In order to address those questions, we will present a case study with a group of 23 boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 8 years old, during 8 workshops that took place over the course of one year.Ítem 1816 El terror y la sangre sublime(Editorial Universidad Del Rosario, 2016-11-01) Leon, Elsy Karim; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Administración; Historia EmpresarialÍtem 20 años del Instituto Colombiano de Responsabilidad Civil y del Estado(2013-07-28) M. ARAMBURO; M. ARAMBUROÍtem 200 years of war and peace in Colombia: numbers and stylized features(Universidad EAFIT., 2019-07-01) Departamento de Humanidades; Estudios de Filosofía, Hermenéutica y NarrativasThe This paper presents the findings of a quantitative and longitudinal study both about the Colombian civil wars, from the moment the country formed as a stable political unit, and about the ways in which peace was achieved after each of them. It also provides a quantitative comparison with the other Latin American countries. The paper concludes that there are critical differences between the wars of the XIX century and those of the XX, in terms of duration and harshness, as well as in the forms of peace (victories and amnesties or negotiated agreements), with the exception of the Thousand Days' War.Ítem 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI(2018-09-09) Gonzalez-Perez, Maria AlejandraÍtem 2D shape similarity as a complement for Voronoi-Delone methods in shape reconstruction(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2005-02-01) Ruiz, O.E.; Cadavid, C.A.; Granados, M.; Peña, S.; Vásquez, E.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEIn surface reconstruction from planar cross sections it is necessary to build surfaces between 2D contours in consecutive cross sections. This problem has been traditionally attacked by (i) direct reconstruction based on local geometric proximity between the contours, and (ii) classification of topological events between the cross sections. These approaches have been separately applied with limited success. In case (i), the resulting surfaces may have overstretched or unnatural branches. These arise from local contour proximity which does not reflect global similarity between the contours. In case (ii), the topological events are identified but are not translated into the actual construction of a surface. This article presents an integration of the approaches (i) and (ii). Similarity between the composite 2D regions bounded by the contours in consecutive cross sections is used to: (a) decide whether a surface should actually relate two composite 2D regions, (b) identify the type and location of topological transitions between cross sections and (c) drive the surface construction for the regions found to be related in step (a). The implemented method avoids overstretched or unnatural branches, rendering a surface which is both geometrically intuitive and topologically faithful to the cross sections of the original object. The presented method is a good alternative in cases in which correct reproduction of the topology of the surface (e.g. simulation of flow in conduits) is more important than its geometry (e.g. assessment of tumor mass in radiation planning). © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Ítem 2D Shape similarity as a complement for Voronoi-Delone methods in shape reconstruction(Elsevier, 2005) Ruíz S., Óscar E.; Cadavid, Carlos A.; Granados, Miguel; Peña, Sebastián; Vásquez, Eliana; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEIn surface reconstruction from planar slices it is necessary to build surfaces between corresponding 2D regions in consecutive levels -- The problem has been traditionally attacked with (i) direct reconstruction based on local geometric proximity between the regions, and (ii) classification of topological events between the slices, which control the evolution of the cross cuts -- These approaches have been separately applied with mixed success -- In the case (i), the results may be surfaces with over-stretched or unnatural branches, resulting from a local contour proximity which does not correspond to global similarity between regions -- In (ii), the consequences from topological events upon the actual surface realization have not been drawn -- In this paper an integration of (i) and (ii) is presented, which uses a criteria of similarity between composed 2D regions in consecutive slices to: (a) decide if a surface should actually relate those regions, (b) identify the topological transitions between levels and (c) construct the local surface for the related regions -- The method implemented hinders over-stretched and unnatural branches, therefore rendering a surface which adjusts to geometrically-sound topological events -- This is a good alternative when the surface reconstructed needs to be topologically faithful (for example in flow simulation) in addition to represent the a rough geometrical space (for example in radiation planning)Ítem 2D simulation flue implementing the lattice-boltzmann method(TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2014-01-01) Ruiz, D.B.; Mesa, A.A.; Alvis, R.G.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesCurrently in the process of engineering, but increasingly implemented simulation methods since they are an economical and feasible to predict the behavior of some variable you wish to benefit. The problem of fluid simulation is a broad field of study, traditionally in this area are implemented domain discretization methods, volumes, differences or finite elements (Computational Fluid Dynamics), in this work, a different approach where the discretization is made on the physical properties of fluid and the fluid for reconstruction from its microscopic properties, simulating these, propagating Boltzmann distribution functions for the grid of nodes, this set is comprised of a fluid group of nodes, nodes fluid the border and nodes structure, docked the method to the boundary conditions necessary to simulate Glycerol in a pipe. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.Ítem 2D simulation flue implementing the lattice-boltzmann method(TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2014-01-01) Ruiz, D.B.; Mesa, A.A.; Alvis, R.G.; Ruiz, D.B.; Mesa, A.A.; Alvis, R.G.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Mecánica AplicadaCurrently in the process of engineering, but increasingly implemented simulation methods since they are an economical and feasible to predict the behavior of some variable you wish to benefit. The problem of fluid simulation is a broad field of study, traditionally in this area are implemented domain discretization methods, volumes, differences or finite elements (Computational Fluid Dynamics), in this work, a different approach where the discretization is made on the physical properties of fluid and the fluid for reconstruction from its microscopic properties, simulating these, propagating Boltzmann distribution functions for the grid of nodes, this set is comprised of a fluid group of nodes, nodes fluid the border and nodes structure, docked the method to the boundary conditions necessary to simulate Glycerol in a pipe. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.Ítem 2D simulation pipeline implementing the Lattice-Boltzmann method(TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2013-09-01) Gomez, Rodrigo Orlando; Gomez, Rodrigo Orlando; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem 3D Collaborative Virtual Environment for Real-Time GUI Sketching(2011-07-01) Trefftz, Helmuth; Trefftz, Helmuth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem 40 Años De Los Premios Germán Saldarriaga Del Valle. 1969 ¿ 2009(Editorial Colina, 2009-09-01) Gonzalez, Natalia; Campuzano, Jairo Andres; Ramirez, Sandra Patricia; López, Juan Carlos; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Administración; Historia EmpresarialÍtem 90 Years. Colombian Coffee: Growing for the Future. Medellín, National federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia.(Editorial EAFIT, 2017-01-01) López, Juan Carlos; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Administración; Historia EmpresarialÍtem A Metaheuristic Approach for the Cumulative Capacitated Arc Routing Problem(Springer, 2018-09-12) Lenis, Sergio Andres; Carlos Rivera, JuanIn this paper we propose a new variant of the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP). In this new problem the objective function becomes a cumulative objective computed as the traveled distance multiplied by the vehicle load. A metaheuristic approachÍtem A Metaheuristic Approach for the Cumulative Capacitated Arc Routing Problem(Springer, 2018-09-12) Lenis, Sergio Andres; Carlos Rivera, JuanIn this paper we propose a new variant of the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP). In this new problem the objective function becomes a cumulative objective computed as the traveled distance multiplied by the vehicle load. A metaheuristic approach