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Ítem La ablación genital femenina : un análisis jurídico comparado entre Colombia, España y Egipto(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Suárez Segura, Camila Andrea; Vélez Patiño, Mariana; Toro Valencia, José Alberto; Barboza Vergara, Antonio CarlosThe objective of this enquiry is to compare the legal treatment given to the female genital mutilation in Colombia, Egypt and Spain through a comparative law study, in order to identify the differences and similarities of the cultural development of the practice in each country, as well as the legal response that they have seized regarding mutilation. This investigation aims to define if the regulation in those legal systems takes a multiculturalist or feminist approach, based on the assumption that the practice entails a conflict between the rights of self-determination and cultural identity of the communities that practice it and the fundamental right of physical and mental integrity of those girls and women that have experienced female genital mutilation.Ítem El acceso de las personas sordas al estudio del derecho y a la profesión jurídica en el Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mora Redondo, Laura Daniela; Ruiz Moscoso, Paula Andrea; Álvarez Arboleda, AndrésÍtem Accidentes laborales mortales, causas y prevención en Antioquia durante el período 2009 - 2013(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Baquero Giraldo, Melissa; Cano Castillo, Manuela; Piedrahíta Vargas,CamiloÍtem La acción de cumplimiento y su efectividad frente a la limitación del gasto público(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Ospina Osorio, Juan Pablo; Grisales Arango, Luis Miguel; Vélez Villegas, Juan EstebanIt is evident the lack of knowledge and little depth that exists when contrasting public spending with the full compliance of rights through compliance actions. In that order of ideas, the meaning of the thesis is to provide a clear, detailed and in-depth blog that allows establishing the reasons for the rule, the reason for the jurisprudential rulings and the effective application of the normative provisions in specific cases previously analyzed; all of the above, with the aim of getting our own idea in which to defend or attack the rulings of the Constitutional Court and the rulings of the Council of State.Ítem Acción pública de inconstitucionalidad del literal g) del artículo 151b y del literal g) del artículo 151c de la ley 100 de 1993, introducidos por la ley 1580 de 2012(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Romero Jaramillo, Vanessa; Restrepo Penagos, Sara; Restrepo García, José GabrielÍtem Acercamiento al proceso concursal de insolvencia transfronteriza(Universidad EAFIT, 2012-10) Restrepo Trujillo, Andrea; Herrera Bernal, Andrés Guillermo; Ceballos Velásquez, AlbertoÍtem ¿Acoge el Tribunal Superior de Medellín el precedente jurisprudencial en materia probatoria respecto de los procesos de responsabilidad civil médica?(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Ulloa Orozco, María del Mar; Yepes Restrepo, SergioÍtem El acto legislativo 02 del 2020 : ¿una modificación al ordenamiento territorial colombiano?(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Alzate López, Sebastian; Zuluaga Gil, RicardoÍtem Los actores no estatales: su desarrollo e intervención en el derecho ambiental internacional(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Londoño Valero, María Camila; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoLa voluntad de regular el comportamiento humano con miras a mitigar, conservar y proteger el ambiente, comenzó en 1972 en Estocolmo, Suecia con la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente Humano, donde por primera vez se habló de desarrollo sostenible -- A partir de entonces, innumerables reuniones, conferencias y foros han tenido lugar alrededor del globo -- En la medida en que los problemas ambientales alcanzan un carácter transnacional, más y más entidades aparecen para hacerse parte activa en las discusiones sobre el tema -- Los actores no estatales como compañías privadas y organizaciones no gubernamentales han adquirido un rol preponderante debido a su experticia en los asuntos medioambientales, su creciente legitimidad ante la comunidad internacional, y su capacidad de crear normatividad al respecto -- De esta manera, el Derecho ambiental internacional se ha desarrollado en un ambiente de cooperación entre Estados y organismos no estatales que se reúnen para expresar sus puntos de vista y tomar decisiones, en conferencias tan importantes como Rio 92, Río+20, y más recientemente la COP 21Ítem Actos jurídicos sin voluntad : la manifestación de voluntad en situaciones de discapacidad cognitiva severa(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Ruiz González, Simón; Oviedo Vélez, ManuelAccording to current regulations, that is, Law 1996 of 2019, there is a presumption by virtue of which all persons of legal age in Colombia are considered capable and can freely carry out legal acts, even if they are in a situation of mental or intellectual disability. However, this research work aims, from the study of medical and legal concepts, to determine if it can be considered that there is a manifestation of real and conscious will in people who, despite being considered capable, have a cognitive disease. that seriously affects their understanding of reality and their reasoning.Ítem Acuerdos simples de inversión(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Pérez González, Santiago; Echavarría Dapena, AlejandroThis research work aims to identify the legal nature, the parties, the legal effects (rights and obligations), the economic function, as well as the figures that are similar in Colombian legislation with respect to simple investment agreements, such as SAFE and KISS, developed in other jurisdictions, determining if their use is feasible in Colombia, what advantages and disadvantages there would be in their implementation and what are the best alternative instruments to them.Ítem Acumulación de indemnizaciones de la responsabilidad civil con prestaciones de la seguridad social(Universidad EAFIT, 2009-05) Martínez Mantilla, Tatiana; Gallego, Sierra Sara; Flórez Bedoya, Juan GonzaloÍtem Acumulación de indemnizaciones: la responsabilidad civil por culpa patronal y las prestaciones derivadas del Sistema de Riesgos Laborales de la Seguridad Social(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Lopera Hernández, Daniela; Valencia Miranda, María Camila; Mejía Rico, EstebanÍtem La acumulación de la indemnización a cargo del responsable con las prestaciones de las aseguradoras de riesgos laborales : un análisis crítico(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Urquijo Maya, Simón; Herrera Malo, Nicolás Enrique; Baena Aramburo, FelisaOnce an employee suffers a harm, two compensation obligations may arise: 1) the obligation from the employer or from a third party to compensate the employee, and 2) the victim's right to claim compensation from the occupational risk insurer. This situation has led practicing attorneys, as well as academics and judges, to wonder whether our legal system allows for the employee to claim both payments. In this text we analyze the approaches that the judges and academics have taken in this regard, to identify criteria that allow to find the answer to that question, both for the case in which the employer is responsible and for the case where the person responsible is a third party. These two scenarios have their particularities and therefore need differentiated analyses. We will analyze, for each case, criteria such as the existence or non-existence of special surrogacy rules in favor of the ARL, and the cause and nature of the amounts paid.Ítem Administración internacional por medio de las Operaciones de Mantenimiento de la Paz(Universidad EAFIT, 2010) Trujillo Durán, Sarita; Velásquez Gómez, Natalia; Tamayo Franco, Rafael EduardoÍtem La adopción de niños por parte de personas con orientaciones sexuales minoritarias : un análisis desde el interés superior del niño y la perspectiva del adoptante(Universidad EAFIT, 2012-10-10) Gómez Mazo, Daniel; Velásquez Ocampo, Olga Patricia; Arango Benjumea, Carlos JulioÍtem Adopción homoparental: estudio de derecho comparado a partir de las perspectivas de los países latinoamericanos que la han aprobado(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Chaparro Piedrahíta, Laura Juliana; Guzmán Muñoz, Yudy Marcela; Hoyos Ceballos, EstebanÍtem Afectación al derecho a la libertad de los sujetos procesados en segunda instancia por indebida aplicacion del artículo 450 del Código de Procedimiento Penal(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gaona Posada, Juan Pablo; Naranjo Serna, SebastiánThe following research wants to provide the reader with the legal tools, based on decisions from the high courts of Colombia, to solve the problem about the citizens who are on detention, waiting for a decision of the juridical superior of the judge who solve their case on first instance, all this, looking to protect the indicted´s fundamental rights of freedom and a fair process.Ítem Afiliación al Subsistema de Seguridad Social en pensiones de personas extranjeras no residentes en Colombia ¿Garantía o ficción?(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Posada Marín, María Cecilia; Palacio Velásquez, CristinaÍtem Agua impregnada de poder: la pugna por el derecho humano al agua en un asentamiento de la Comuna 1 de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Osorio Moreno, Santiago; Hillón Vega, Yulieth TeresaMost of human rights were created after a social dispute, within which the case of the human right to water is not distant to this -- The latter seeks protection to the lack of potable water with enough quality for human consuming, and it is constantly employed by communities with this lack as a way for demanding potable water to the State -- Nevertheless, taking in count the symbolic function of rights and the social and political dynamics behind of this, the State has been using this right as a discourse to maintain its interests economical and political -- This being the case and keeping in mind that the objective of this research is to analyze the different ways in which the community and the State understand this human right under a specific case in Medellin, Colombia, it will be observed that it exists an interest of maintaining the marginal situation on human rights in which the community is at this moment