Examinando por Materia "cultura"
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Ítem Una conexión más allá de las montañas: Estudio Comparativo Regional entre Colombia y Japón(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Moreno Granados, DanielaÍtem Dobles Sentidos y Connotaciones en el Discurso Administrativo: Dispositivos de Poder en las Organizaciones(Universidad EAFIT, 01/12/2004) Francisco López Gallego; Universidad EAFITÍtem Expeditions to Knowledge: Four New Questions(Universidad EAFIT, 2013-11-01) Equipo Universidad de los niños; Equipo Universidad de los niñosÍtem Family, Schools, or Culture: What Explains Differences in U.S. Student Achievement Across Ethnic Groups on PISA 2012?(Universidad EAFIT, 2017-12-17) Breton, Theodore R.; tbreton@eafit.edu.coU.S. students in different ethnic groups have very different average scores on the PISA 2012 mathematics and reading tests, with Blacks and Hispanics showing negative gaps relative to White students and Asians showing a positive gap. I investigate whether a student’s family characteristics or the school attended can explain these differences. I find that Hispanic parents’ low average education explains the largest share of the Hispanic achievement gap. In contrast, most of the larger negative gap for Blacks and the positive gap for Asians cannot be explained by family characteristics or the school they attend. Attendance at “bad” schools explains relatively little of the negative gaps, but Black students’ mathematics scores are substantially lower when they compose more than 50% of the class, which is not the case for Hispanic students. This evidence suggests that ethnic group culture is an important cause of Black and Asian student achievement gaps.Ítem Innovation capsule: Dimensions of innovation(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mesa Cano, Jorge Hernán; Universidad EAFITVideo explaining the 4 main dimensions for companies to innovate.Ítem Japan: Japanese Cultural Promotion for Economic Development(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-17) Arguelles Gómez, Isabel; Universidad EAFITSoft Power is a strategy used by Japan since the Meiji restoration to position themselves domestically and internationally. Since the 70’s the government incorporates its cultural component as the fundamental tool to influence the actions of international actors. This has allowed the country to project a positive image, transforming its image into economic benefits. The objective of this essay is to analyze the promotion of the Japanese culture as a strategy of Soft Power for the economic development of the country. The paper will discuss Japan´s dedication to cultural and public diplomacy to project its image of a peaceful nation to improve the commercial relationship with its Asian neighbors. The use of Cool Japan for product promotion, tourism, and investment will be discussed later. It will end by examining how the government has reinforced traditional Japanese identity to project itself as an exemplary culture.Ítem Motete case(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mesa Cano, Jorge Hernán; Vidal, Velia; Universidad EAFITStory of a cultural entrepreneur and her reading initiative in Chocó, Colombia.Ítem La negociación internacional y el obstáculo epistemológico subyacente en la incorporación del discurso cultural(Universidad EAFIT, 15/12/2008) María Alejandra Calle Saldarriaga; Universidad EAFITÍtem PENTA cognitive-systemic model. From the strategic formulation to the implementation process(Universidad EAFIT, 17/06/2011) Alberto Ramón Levy; Universidad de Buenos AiresÍtem Science and Literature(Universidad EAFIT, 2011-11-01) Golombek, Diego; Colaborador