Examinando por Materia "Water conservation"
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Ítem Evaluación de la huella hídrica azul y gris de la Central Hidroeléctrica Miel I de Isagen S.A. E. S. P.(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Uribe Vanegas, Marcela; Velásquez Giraldo, GloriaEl presente trabajo pretende cuantificar la huella hídrica azul y gris del proceso de generación de energía llevado a cabo en la central hidroeléctrica Miel I de ISAGEN, así como analizar la sostenibilidad ambiental de dicho proceso a partir de los resultados arrojados por la medición de huella hídrica -- Se tomó como referencia la metodología de cálculo expuesta en el Manual de Evaluación de Huella Hídrica (Hoekstra et al., 2011) -- La huella hídrica azul se calculó mensualmente para los años 2011, 2012 y 2013 y posteriormente se totalizó el valor para cada año obteniendo como resultado 1.188, 2.137 y 1.847 m3/GJ respectivamente -- Para dicho cálculo, se emplearon los resultados de evaporación obtenidos mediante la ecuación de Cenicafé -- Asimismo, se compararon dichos resultados con otros reportados en la literatura, de centrales hidroeléctricas con características similares, y se concluyó que la central Miel I es ambientalmente sostenible analizando los resultados de huella hídrica azul -- Se determinó también que esta central no afecta la disponibilidad de agua, ni por cantidad ni por calidad, en la cuenca del río La Miel -- La huella hídrica gris se calculó para DBO, DQO y SST con datos específicos de ciertos días del año 2014 y para los tres parámetros se obtuvieron resultados negativos, lo cual indica que la central tiene un impacto positivo sobre el tramo analizado de la cuenca del río La MielÍtem Fondos del agua como estrategia de conservación : caso cuenca hidrográfica del río Chico en el municipio de Belmira(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Osorio Copete, Julián Alberto; Ramírez Hernández, WilsonThe Chico river watershed represents a natural structure of vital importance for the inhabitants of the capital of Antioquia, however, unsustainable practices send sediments to the river, which generates higher costs for water treatment. This research work carries out an analysis of water funds as organizations that design and promote financial and governance mechanisms, the case study is the Medellin water fund and the water conservation processes currently implemented in the Chico river watershed in the municipality of Belmira. According to the research carried out, the question arises as to ¿how to improve the final impact that the implementation of the Medellin Water Fund has had on water conservation? Through a qualitative study and analyzing other water funds in Latin America, it is concluded that in order to improve said impact, it is necessary to complement the programs and projects currently executed by the water fund with more robust actions, as a result a portfolio of tools and criteria was developed. of sustainable water management to be included in the conservation processes carried out by the Medellin Water Fund in the Chico river watershed in the municipality of Belmira. The most important thing about the development of these tools is that it was possible to identify that the Medellin Water Fund can have a much more important role in terms of environmental governance of the hydrographic watershed, in its relationship with local and regional administrative entities and more. important with the community of these territories.Ítem Gestión integral del agua desde una perspectiva de complejidad(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Vásquez Paniagua, José Alfredo; Noguera de Echeverri, Ana PatriciaIn accordance with Mirassou (2009), progress in theoretical definitions that allow to transcend existing and commonly used theoretical and methodological flows that have analysed the problem of water in fragmented form, without considering the multiple interrelations that cover is required; this suggests the need to recognize the nature and complexity of the water by involving other socioeconomic, cultural, governmental, sustainable , ecological and geological concepts, related to those other natural resources involved -- This thesis suggests how starting from a new way of conceiving all phenomena, called concept-time, it is possible to represent them from a complex structure and continuous change (to turn into), and of this way, raise new conceptual alternatives of water management that integrate the multiple relations nature-culture that involve the appropriation of water heritage -- The underlying central assumption in this research considers that a comprehensive water management conceived from the reintegration of nature-culture (which emerge and metamorphose permanently) would make visible the respect for the uniqueness of the biophysical and social contexts (in continuous change), and in turn, would tend to protect the water as heritage in all its manifestations on Earth -- The integration of the relationship between nature-culture, is interpreted as the interaction that takes place within the human being and the environment (biophysical environment), through cultural practices regarding to the different forms of appropriation of water in its different manifestations: use, improvement, care, respect, love and defense -- The contribution of this research focuses on proposing an alternative to address the integral management of water, from a perspective of complexity, that allows to think the phenomena in turning into alternatives -- This new set is based on a change of the usual unidirectional guidance of thinking (which goes from concepts to things), and presents reasoning as a way of a loop or movement of relations in expansion, which continuously go from concepts to things and then to the concepts in turn -- This way of thinking the phenomena in transformation is called shifting thinking, which has support in a new way to conceptualize the phenomena called concept-time -- The shifting thinking emerges from a loop reasoning and poses an investment of the natural belief of human mind, that variability can only be expressed and developed in the invariance -- The shifting thinking permits to conceive the phenomenon of water in continuous change and therefore the integral management of water in transformation