Examinando por Materia "Valor compartido"
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Ítem La agroindustria bananera como motor del desarrollo socioeconómico de la región de Urabá en los últimos 20 años(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Posada González, Samuel; Quirós Arango, Luis FernandoÍtem AMADA avicultura, retos de una empresa social en el sector rural colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Corrales Duque, Adelaida; Ortiz Martínez, Ruth Catalina; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueÍtem Apropiación sistémica de la innovación social en las organizaciones : una propuesta para la generación de valor compartido(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Franco Arango, Laura; Álvarez Mesa, CatalinaEn el último lustro se ha evidenciado cómo las compañías comprometidas con la sostenibilidad, la creación de valor compartido y los criterios ambientales, sociales y gubernamentales (ASG) - también conocidos como enviromental, social and governance (ESG por sus siglas en inglés)-, han optado por la innovación social como una estrategia que les permite alcanzar su propósito corporativo, consolidar su ventaja competitiva y fortalecer su capital reputacional, tanto dentro como fuera de la organización. En esta vía, el deseo de los líderes de las compañías es que la innovación social se apropie con mayor capacidad de acción y sea un elemento transversal y estratégico que caracterice el pensar y el actuar de la organización. Por esto, el objetivo de la presente investigación es proponer un marco de referencia que les permita a las organizaciones comprender y gestionar los elementos y habilitadores estratégicos para la apropiación sistémica de la innovación social en su interior, buscando que sea adoptada por todos los empleados y no solo por las áreas tradicionalmente conectadas con estos temas. A partir de este desafío manifiesto, se realizó un estudio multicaso en el que, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y revisión bibliográfica, se comprenden las motivaciones, brechas y barreras existentes en los mandos medios y la base de las compañías para la apropiación de la innovación social, un contexto en el que se hallaron insumos relevantes para la construcción del marco de referencia y el logro del objetivo de investigación. Con base en dicha comprensión, se evidenció que las organizaciones necesitan tener acuerdos iniciales para luego promover cambios estructurales y sistémicos. Así se propicia un contexto en el que las personas desarrollen o fortalezcan una mentalidad de innovación social, a la vez que las organizaciones se transforman desde adentro para consolidar su capacidad de innovación social, encontrando un balance entre lo formal y lo emergente, lo individual y lo colectivo.Ítem Estudio de caso: estrategia de valor compartido de Grupo Nutresa(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Salazar Llinás, Luis Felipe; Sánchez Álvarez, Sandra Milena; González Pérez, María AlejandraActualmente la manera de enfocar los negocios por parte de las compañías ha cambiado -- Desde pequeñas hasta grandes empresas están redefiniendo la forma de crear valor y proyectar las estrategias de crecimiento -- Cada vez los actores que se relacionan con las organizaciones empresariales, llamados grupos de interés o stakeholders, son más relevantes y estratégicos para la distribución de los beneficios generados por la actividad económica, de manera que el aumento y generación de la riqueza, acompañados de progreso social y balance ecológico, sea para todos -- Es por lo anterior que cada vez recobra más importancia el concepto de valor compartido, que busca que el desarrollo no sea unilateral sino que su alcance cobije a los grupos de interés -- El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo establecer comparativos entre el concepto de valor compartido y el enfoque de creciente generación de valor de Grupo Nutresa en el marco de su estrategia de abastecimiento sostenibleÍtem Impulsando la competitividad territorial a través de la aceleración de emprendimientos con impacto rural : análisis de la contribución del programa En-Campo de Fundación Bancolombia en el Suroeste antioqueño(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Castrillón Giraldo, Laura; Betancur Torres, Angie Carolina; Salazar Llinás, Luis FelipeThis research examines the contribution and scope of the En-Campo program by the Bancolombia Foundation in the territorial competitiveness of Southwestern Antioquia. Within the context of Shared Value, local development, and particularly territorial competitiveness, the research focuses on how this program contributes to the strengthening of businesses and its influence on the development of better economic and social conditions for their communities through the generation of Shared Value. The main objective is to determine how the businesses participating in the En-Campo program have contributed to improving territorial competitiveness through their direct impact on the communities related to their business. To achieve this, a qualitative-descriptive approach is adopted, utilizing semi-structured interviews to gather the businesses' perceptions and secondary data analysis. The findings show that the businesses participating in the En-Campo program have positively contributed to enhancing territorial competitiveness by strengthening and implementing strategies that improve productivity, diversification of activities, and living conditions of rural communities across social, environmental, economic, and institutional dimensions. In conclusion, the study highlights the diversity of actions implemented by businesses to improve the sector's conditions and their communities, emphasizing the relevance of the En-Campo program in generating Shared Value and territorial competitiveness in Southwestern Antioquia.Ítem Modelo de generación de valor sostenible : integrando la sostenibilidad como ventaja competitiva(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Patiño Forero, Andrés Felipe; Lamb Bernal, Susan Jane; González-Pérez, María AlejandraÍtem Modelo de negocio de valor compartido para la bancarización del sector transporte terrestre(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Ruiz Pillimue, Diana Milena; Mora Cuartas, Andrés MauricioThe latent financial inclusion gap in Latin America and the Caribbean restricts economic growth and expansion, while exacerbating social inequality, limiting the region's progress and competitiveness. Therefore, it is essential to create shared value business models oriented towards the democratization of credit, which make it possible to integrate business success with the economic and social progress of the target market segment and the communities where the model is developed. The design of a shared value business model to provide banking services to people in the land cargo transportation sector, who have not been considered a viable market by the financial sector, due to the high levels of informality in their operations and transactions, significant opportunities to boost the socioeconomic development of the country, by to simulate the economy through the generation of new entrepreneurs, fostering the creation of wealth, promoting new jobs, increasing financial inclusion, and increasing the purchasing power for the demand of better goods and services. At the same time, it contributes positively to closing the social inequality gap, to the extent that the organizational economic benefits transcend to improve the quality of life of the population and expanding the middle class. This shared value business model design follows a qualitative approach, based on research and analysis of relevant information, to build a value proposition aimed at the defined market segment, extrapolating its financial viability under certain assumptions.Ítem Propuesta de valor compartido en el servicio de instalación de muebles modulares para el hogar(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Jaramillo Vargas, Jonatan de Jesús; Mejía Gil, María Claudia; Villada Arango, SantiagoThe RTA (Ready-to-assemble) furniture are those that are designed under the concept of assemble it yourself, they are delivered in boxes and each client takes care of their assembly, but due to the different levels of difficulty that this process presented and the time required, the installation service arose -- In the present study, the RTA furniture installation service is described, analyzing each of the actors that affect it and identifying the main motivators that lead consumers of this type of furniture to request it, in order to generate a shared value proposal that positively impacts the provision of this service in the Aburrá Valley without affecting its experience in terms of quality, opportunity and reliability -- Thus, allowing the growth of all the actors present in it, for which an exploratory qualitative study was conducted with structured interviews to people working in RTA furniture manufacturing companies, specialized stores or supermarkets, installers and consumers -- Therefore, identifying opportunities for improvement in the installation process, training the installers, professionalizing their service and understanding it as a relevant actor, given that they are the ones who close the saleÍtem Propuesta metodológica para la gestión estratégica de partes interesadas de proyectos en entornos de desarrollo socioeconómico(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Castaño Bañol, Vanessa; Rivera Arboleda, Adriana; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioProjects as temporary efforts to generate value are of different types. For this case, the present research focused on Economic and Social Development, understood as those that have the purpose of improving the quality of life and income level of the populations and ecosystems affected. In this sense, the context of stakeholders for this type of projects constitutes a complex system, given the diversity of perspectives, interests, influence and positions of these, being a critical element of success. Therefore, it was proposed to develop an alternative methodological proposal that integrates tools, practices and experiences for the management of stakeholders in economic and social development projects with a strategic focus on the generation of shared value. For this purpose a qualitative research was carried out where the different methodologies used were characterized and evaluated, on the other hand, a consultation was developed with experts of experience in the national and international order who were the input for the consolidation of an alternative product. At the end of the research exercise, the methodological proposal that addresses the particularities of this type of project was consolidated, presents a route of intervention in the different moments of its management and proposes a strategic approach oriented to the generation of shared value that contributes to the sustainability and expected impacts.Ítem Responsabilidad Social Universitaria: aproximaciones, reflexiones y retos(2018) Posada Jiménez, Camila; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueThe following paper presents a bibliographic review on literature about University Social Responsibility, associated terms, concrete experiences in Latin America, challenges and opportunities for public policy and other knowledge fieldsÍtem Systemic appropriation of social innovation in organizations from emerging markets: A proposal for the generation of shared value(Universidad EAFIT, 2022-06-16) Franco-Arango, Laura; Álvarez-Mesa, Catalina