Examinando por Materia "VIOLENCIA CONTRA LA MUJER"
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Ítem La ablación genital femenina : un análisis jurídico comparado entre Colombia, España y Egipto(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Suárez Segura, Camila Andrea; Vélez Patiño, Mariana; Toro Valencia, José Alberto; Barboza Vergara, Antonio CarlosThe objective of this enquiry is to compare the legal treatment given to the female genital mutilation in Colombia, Egypt and Spain through a comparative law study, in order to identify the differences and similarities of the cultural development of the practice in each country, as well as the legal response that they have seized regarding mutilation. This investigation aims to define if the regulation in those legal systems takes a multiculturalist or feminist approach, based on the assumption that the practice entails a conflict between the rights of self-determination and cultural identity of the communities that practice it and the fundamental right of physical and mental integrity of those girls and women that have experienced female genital mutilation.Ítem Análisis de la percepción de la agresión sexual según hombres y mujeres de diferentes edades y estratos socioeconómicos de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Valencia Romero, Mariana; Zuluaga Aristizábal, Marda UcarisÍtem Comisarías de familia y mujeres en Medellín : cambios introducidos por la Ley 2126 de 2021 en el proceso de violencia intrafamiliar para la protección de la mujer(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Ortega Villamizar, Nataly Yuliana; Fajardo Espinosa, Valentina; Domínguez Hernández, María PaulinaThrough this research work the regulatory regime of the Commissaries for Family will be studied, contrasting this information with the provisions of the Law 2126 of 2021, which has brought significant changes such as the gender perspective, the reinforcement of protection measures in favor of women, among others. In addition, it will make an analysis about how the Law has been implemented institutionally and if the advances created have materialized two years after its entry into force. It will especially focus on the implementation of the Distancing Device for the protection measure of distancing against the aggressor and the institutional integration of the gender perspective.Ítem Consecuencias psicológicas del acoso sexual callejero en mujeres de Medellín, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Echavarría Ballagh, Ángela Grace; Zuluaga Aristizábal, Marda UcarisThis article exposes the main findings of a descriptive, phenomenological research, with a qualitative method, of a cross-sectional study on the psychological consequences of street sexual harassment in university women from Medellín, based on the analysis of the experiences of street sexual harassment of 7 women between 21 and 27 years old. To carry out this study, the semi-structured interview tool was used with the purpose of knowing the representations and subjective experiences regarding street harassment. The main results of the analysis make it possible to identify behavioral changes in women after suffering this type of situation, to describe what experiences are considered problematic for women in terms of street sexual harassment, and to investigate how they have coped with situations of street sexual harassment.Ítem Constructos teóricos sobre la atención en crisis: atención de victimas del CAV(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Mejía Rivera, Susana; Henao Galeano, Carlos MarioSe pretende con este artículo entender a través de una revisión documental de los diferentes paradigmas teóricos sobre el concepto de atención en crisis, enfocándolo en la atención diaria de las víctimas en el CAV (centro de atención a víctimas) y la aplicación de los constructos teóricos en este lugar -- Se busca de manera clara y puntual una delimitación de aquellos paradigmas que se utilizan y que realmente no funcionan en la intervención misma, sin aras de demeritar el trabajo de ningún profesional o paradigma teóricoÍtem Efectos de la violencia doméstica en la toma de decisiones de las mujeres en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Quintero Vásquez, Laura María; Santaella Carvajal, Manuela; Cantet, María NataliaÍtem Estado del arte sobre la relación entre las nociones freudianas de fantasía y masoquismo femenino en los fenómenos de violencia de pareja hacia la mujer(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Vargas Reales, Sarai Yelena; Vargas García, KellyThe present work of qualitative research approaches the possible relation between Freudian notions of feminine masochism and fantasy in the phenomena of violence of couples towards women. Through the methodological strategy state of the art, 78 texts were analyzed among them: scientific and academic articles, classic texts, press notes, essays, reports, graduate works, books, etc. Using the following categories of analysis: feminine masochism, fantasy, and violence of couples towards women. The results of this research are divided into three chapters. The first chapter shows how partner violence against women has been commanded over time by gender ideals: woman: submissive - man: dominant. The second chapter, Fantasy, shows how the fantasy of hitting a child establishes a point of fixation for the satisfaction of the impulse with respect to the father of a masochistic character. In the case of women, it is a starting point for the choice of object: a partner who becomes the one to take the place of "that father" who "hits" in the case of partner violence. In the case of men, their psychic apparatus creates, in the face of the enigma of femininity, a phantasmatic complex whose matrix is the construction of a child's beating, i.e., feminine masochism: being castrated by a father who enjoys and is threatened by men. In the third and last chapter, feminine masochism is expressed as the way to try to understand femininity. Masochism exposes the maintenance of the perception of women that men have in a denigrated, castrated position and with the function of childbirth, it also shows how the dominance exercised towards women today continues to be directed by the male imagination and by the hegemonic power of these. The violence manifested towards women is the emergence of a collective violence of the feminine subjectivities that represent the palpable threat of castration that forces men towards the fear that leads to the dominion and violence that inhibits the assertiveness of women.Ítem Estudio de la legítima defensa en los casos de las mujeres maltratadas, agredidas y violentadas a la luz de la perspectiva de género : una mirada a la defensa de las mujeres que responden a su agresor en el contexto de la violencia de género(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Londoño Gómez, Felipe; Pérez Vargas, Martín; Cadavid Quintero, AlfonsoThis paper conducts a legal, jurisprudential and doctrinal study of the grounds for justifying self-defense in cases in which battered, assaulted and abused women defend themselves against their aggressors in the home. The subject is approached contemplating the importance of the inclusion of the gender perspective and the elimination of social stereotypes about women. To this end, we begin by explaining what the gender perspective consists of, as well as its constitutional foundations and the importance of its understanding in the area of violence against women. In addition, we will explain self-defense in the abstract, as a mechanism through which aggressions against women in the domestic sphere can be repelled, to then study the controversies that can arise in relation to the most discussed requirements in the case studies, namely, illegitimate aggression, actuality or imminence, and necessity of the defensive response. Throughout this paper we will question whether the defense of these women can be considered legitimate or whether, on the contrary, it does not fall under this ground of justification.Ítem Evaluación de resultados del programa “Línea 123 Mujer Antioquia” de la Gobernación de Antioquia (2020-2023)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Torres Cardona , Yenny Marcela; Amaya Villegas, Yeni Alexandra; Tobón Zapata, SantiagoÍtem Feminicidio versus estado de ira : una relación conflictiva(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Vélez Rincón, Alexandra; Naranjo Serna, SebastiánÍtem Feminicidio y estado de ira e intenso dolor: ¿Categorías compatibles o conceptos excluyentes?(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Alzate Tobón, Laura Daniela; Vallejo Peláez, Pedro Juan; Cadavid Quintero, AlfonsoEn el año 2015, se introdujo en la legislación penal colombiana el feminicidio como tipo penal autónomo, lo que significó trasladar un concepto desarrollado en las ciencias sociales al ámbito del Derecho -- La aplicación de la figura del feminicidio, entendida como la muerte a una mujer en la que subyacen motivos discriminatorios, puede suscitar cuestiones problemáticas con la atenuante del estado de ira e intenso dolor, especialmente en aquellos casos de los mal llamados <> -- Por lo anterior, el presente trabajo se ocupará, en primer lugar, de esbozar unas breves consideraciones teóricas y dogmáticas referidas a los contenidos del injusto, de la culpabilidad y la relación entre ellos, con el propósito de delimitar cuáles son los puntos de partida de esta monografía -- Posteriormente, se propone una interpretación del tipo penal del feminicidio y una fundamentación de la atenuante de estado de ira e intenso dolor a partir de la exigibilidad de otra conducta -- Finalmente, se abordan ciertos casos que se enmarcarían dentro del feminicidio para determinar si en ellos es compatible el reconocimiento de la atenuante del artículo 57 del Código Penal colombianoÍtem La fertilidad en mujeres jóvenes y adolescentes en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Arias Carreño, Sara; Gómez Cordoba, Diana Carolina; Dávalos Alvarez, EleonoraÍtem Mecanismo de atención para la violencia contra las mujeres : un estudio de caso de la línea 123 Mujer Metropolitana 2020-2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) López Zuluaga, Leidy Johana; Franco Agudelo, Camilo; Peláez Arango, Juan RafaelA case study is carried out on Line 123 Metropolitan Woman 2020-2024, as an instrument of the Government of Antioquia that responds to violence against women, the way in which the attention to cases of violence against women materializes. women and how is the articulated work of the different state entities. Its operation is analyzed, its weaknesses are described and finally, a proposal for its continuous improvement from prevention will be presented. The effects of the hotline as a mechanism that confronts the problem of violence against women and its achievements to reduce the figures of femicide in Antioquia, and its achievement so that women feel supported by the departmental authority are exposed. The history and sociology of violence against women in the Department of Antioquia is exposed, the types of violence against women and figures are analyzed, and it is described what access to justice is like for women in situations of violence. Finally, through a qualitative method, with the instruments of surveys and interviews, the findings were obtained -it stands out that there is a high rate of impunity in Colombia, it managed to make visible the systematic and rewarded violence that exists in Antioquia, it is an important tool within judicial processes.Ítem Mujeres y violencia íntima : un régimen de reparación de daños olvidados(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Arango Gómez, Valentina; Vásquez Vega, DanielÍtem Naturalización del acoso sexual en ámbitos universitarios : un análisis de la Universidad EAFIT en Medellín, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Areiza Navas, Susana; Bernal Arango, Sofía; Garcés Rincón, Diana Carolina; Mira Montoya, ValeriaÍtem Prefactibilidad para el desarrollo de tecnología vestible para aplicación en salud pública femenina(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Orozco Arboleda, Valentina; Doncel Guzmán, Diana Carolina; Henao Arango, María CeciliaViolence against women is a global problem which has manifested itself in various forms of economic, psychological and physical abuse, with greater visibility nowadays. This project proposes the development and implementation of an innovative wearable technology, as a tool to prevent femicides and promote women's safety in different risk environments, recognizing the need to address gender-based violence and its devastating consequences through prevention, attention, and immediate response. Through this prefeasibility study, the potential of wearable technology will be explored to offer protection and support to women at risk, providing a personal safety tool, which allows promoting a cultural change towards prevention, empowering women and foster a culture of respect, equality and mutual support. The information was obtained from different sources, stakeholders, specialists and knowledgeable individuals, such as government organizations, non-governmental organizations and clothing companies, which allowed for the establishment of statistical tools as support for the research. This degree project aims and hopes to be an element, a tool, a possibility to save lives, protect the dignity, the rights of women and contribute to the construction of safer, more equitable and fair societies for all people.Ítem Principales mecanismos judiciales contemporáneos para la reivindicación de los derechos de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género : un análisis comparativo al interior del derecho colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Álvarez Urrego , María Fernanda; Rueda Vallejo, NataliaÍtem Proceso de construcción de la Agenda del Proyecto Clínica de la Mujer en la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Franco Ossa, Melissa; Ramírez Brouchoud, María FernandaEn Medellín, durante los años 2007 y 2008, diversos indicadores, estudios realizados por académicos y expertos, junto a la presión de las organizaciones de mujeres, le dieron reconocimiento social a las problemáticas de salud que afectaban al género femenino y que no eran debidamente atendidas por los establecimientos encargados -- En este contexto surge la propuesta de crear en la ciudad la Clínica de la Mujer, que proponía un modelo de cuidado integral para la salud de las mujeres con un enfoque de género -- En ese orden de ideas, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar a través del enfoque de las corrientes múltiples de John Kingdon el proceso de inscripción en la agenda del proyecto Clínica de la Mujer, el cual fue acogido como alternativa de solución por el Alcalde Alonso Salazar, durante su periodo de gobierno 2008-2011 -- Sin embargo, debido a la presión de diferentes participantes dentro y fuera del gobierno que se opusieron a la realización del proyecto con argumentos políticos e ideológicos, la Clínica de la Mujer no se implementó -- Para analizar este caso se realizó un análisis documental, un rastreo de prensa, de actas y videos que contenían información de los participantes y; finalmente, la investigación se apoya en tres entrevistas semiestructuradas para contrastar la información encontradaÍtem Violencia intrafamiliar y masculinidades : discusiones entorno al estereotipo de la violencia de género(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Díaz Sanín, María Estella; Bustamante Arango, Diana MarcelaViolence in intimate relationships is a frequent social problem in social relationship. Similarly, it is common to find in these settings that the victims of such violence are women. In the relationship of a couple we find two extremes, two people who, due to the difficulties of living together, can display violent behaviors against their partner, but not in all cases the victim of violence is women. According to recent statistics from the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, an increase has been found in the rates of violence in intimate relationships where the victims are men, making it necessary to analyze this phenomenon through studies. of gender and establish whether the violence suffered by men in the development of intimate relationships, which is part of intra-family violence, may or may not be gender-based violence, establishing the object of protection of the norms that regulate intra-family violence and gender violence in Colombia. The aim of this research is to establish whether there is an interpretation bias by the legislator in the regulation of domestic violence against men and if it is possible to speak of gender against them, when man is the passive subject of violent behavior , in order to determine if the application of current regulations is carried out unequally between men and women who are victims of violenceÍtem Violencia sexual contra las mujeres en contextos de conflictos armados(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) González Restrepo, Carolina; Tamayo Franco, Rafael Eduardo