Examinando por Materia "TDAH"
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Ítem Análisis del uso del balón inestable como herramienta para estimular la atención sostenida en niños con TDAH en una institución educativa en Medellín, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Tobón Velásquez, Isabella; Torres Cadavid, SusanaAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders in school-aged children and adolescents, it affects the development of executive functions such as sustained attention, indispensable for academic performance. This study analyzed the use of the balance ball to stimulate sustained attention in 6 students with ADHD between 8 and 10 years old from a private school in Medellín. The CSAT-R test was used to measure sustained attention capacity, using a pre-test post-test design, to observe changes in sustained attention capacity in relation to the use of the wobble ball. The results indicated an improvement in all post-test condition variables, especially in sustained attention ability. These findings highlight the potential of the balance ball as a tool to stimulate attention in students with ADHD, underlining the importance of psychological support in educational training.Ítem Principales estrategias de intervención psicosocial para la inclusión educativa de niños de básica primaria diagnosticados con TDAH, en la Institución Educativa Francisco Luis Valderrama Valderrama del Distrito de Turbo(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Aristizábal López, Yesica Tatiana; Bellido Gutiérrez, Leandra Karina; Gaviria Aguilar, Ana MaríaThis research work had as a main purpose, to analyze the principal characteristics of the psycho social intervention for the educative inclusion of children in primary, diagnosed with TDAH; in the I. E. Francisco Luis Valderrama Valderrama, Turbo district. It was a research work with an interpretative and descriptive edge, done as if it were an analysis of case. From the results obtained, it was conclusive that the TDAH effects are a condition characterize among others, by the lack of attention and by an anxious and impulsive behavior whose origins can be traced in brain and neurobiological affections. These affections are usually seen in the first’s years of schooling and children life, and they affect their performance in different situations, specifically in the school environment. Following the same stream of thought, the strategies for psychological intervention for the educative inclusion of children diagnosed with TDAH are a positive conduit to benefit the teaching learning process and the adaptation to school environments. They are apprised through the reinforcement of the affective and cognitive habilities, and in line with parameters, according to the national and international educative guides and instructions, to guarantee the inclusion and the education as a basic human right.