Examinando por Materia "Sistema General de Pensiones - Colombia"
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Ítem Alternativas a la pensión de vejez fallida en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Sánchez Navarro, Paula; Múnera Posada, ArmandoÍtem Los Beneficios Económicos Periódicos-BEPS- como alternativa a la disminución de la desigualdad en el sistema pensional colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Quintero Aristizábal, Angélica; Betancur Cadavid, Alejandro; López Castaño, HugoÍtem Estructuración de un modelo de planeación financiera para un ahorrador que busca cerrar su brecha pensional(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) García Martínez, Juan Carlos; Daraviña Arango, Marco Antonio; Trespalacios Carrasquilla, AlfredoThe importance of saving through financial planning has been highlighted in the economic literature, taking as a reference the theory of the life cycle of Modigliani («Teoría del Ciclo de Vida, de Franco Modigliani», s. f.), which tries to model the consumption habits of people throughout their life; However, given that income is not constant, individuals must take different actions to reduce the impacts on their consumption and its consequences in the long term -- Governments have established compulsory savings schemes such as pension systems, which allow for an income in the retirement stage; however, these pension systems around the world have undergone several reforms in recent years in order to be able to cope with global demographic challenges, as well as greater financial and investment risks -- Currently, the costs and risks of financing retirement fall more heavily on individuals and their families, therefore, in order to maintain a stable purchasing power during the retirement phase, it is essential to structure a financial planning model that allows an average saver with savings capacity to know what their pension gap is, understood as "the difference between the income of a worker when he is contributing to pensions and the amount he receives when he is pensioned" (Cali, nd) -- This model will allow the development of a strategy of accumulation of surplus liquidity and the way in which these surpluses invested in financial products of the Colombian market become economic flows that the saver may subsequently de-accumulate for their enjoyment during retirement without affecting their quality of lifeÍtem Formalización laboral y acceso a la pensión de vejez: el efecto de la informalidad laboral en el Sistema Pensional Colombiano(2018) Pérez Restrepo, Ana Gabriela; Toro Rodríguez, Andrés; Piedrahíta Vargas, CamiloCurrently in Colombia, a debate is taking place about the pension system sustainability, in this debate is often to talk about the small number of pensioners in relation to those who should receiving a pension because of their age -- Additionally, the financial structure of the system is often discussed due to the high pension subsidies granted by the Prima Media Regime, as well as its inequitable nature -- One of the main arguments used to argue the unsustainability of the system is the labor informality high rating that it is because of this factor that the system does not have enough incomes to maintain and that is why it is not working -- This paper seeks to examine the veracity of those arguments and what is really the effect of the high percentage of informal workers in the pension systemÍtem Insostenibilidad fiscal del Régimen de Prima Media en Colombia, 1993-2018(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Aristizábal López, Jhoanny Alfredo; Pastás Lopera, Miguel Ángel; Franco González, HumbertoThis study has a its main purpose to analyze the unsustainability of the pension system in Colombia (Minimum Prime Regime) and describe the main factor that affects this system, taking as base the previous pension system reforms that occurred throughout the years -- The methodology is based in the descriptive analysis of the country´s pension system in the context of the classical growth model, the Solow Model and the theory of the vital cycle of Franco Modigliani -- They both emphasize in the importance of the long-term savings, in this case the pension system regime as a backup for the investment needed for the country´s sustainable economic growthÍtem Portafolios de inversión ofrecidos por los fondos de pensiones, otra alternativa de Wealth Management(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Sepúlveda Moreno, Katherine; Barón Zuluaga, Mario AlejandroDue to the economic development that has been generating the accumulation of wealth in families, the need has arisen for the management of surpluses and professional financial planning that contributes to better decision-making and patrimonial growth -- This is why this degree work aims to identify whether the portfolios offered by pension funds can be considered as another Wealth Management alternative, for which the Colombian Pension System will be identified, the current situation of the pension funds that are administered by the AFP Pension Fund Management Companies will evaluate the returns offered by these entities to their clients and will review how the AFP invest their resources to obtain returnsÍtem Propuesta de las modificaciones que se deberían considerar en el proyecto de ley que soporte la reforma pensional en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Sierra Ángel, Adriana; Tapias Mejía, Marcela; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaÍtem El sistema pensional en Colombia: problemas y una propuesta de solución(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Toro Sierra, Santiago; Vélez Villegas, Juan Esteban