Examinando por Materia "Sesgos"
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Ítem Efectos de la publicidad en la toma de decisiones del consumidor y su impacto en el valor agregado en Colombia(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Diaz Lara, Juan Manuel; Chaparro Cardona, Juan CamiloIn the document the reader will be able to find the effect of advertising on the producer and the consumer for Colombia, the document is divided into two fundamental parts, the first the empirical and qualitative relationship of the effects of advertising spending and the added value for years from 2013 to 2018. The second part shows the effects of advertising in the automotive industry towards the consumer based on theoretical foundations of behavioral economics.Ítem Efectos de la similitud actitudinal y sexual en la valoración de candidatos en procesos de selección en un grupo de profesionales de selección de personal de algunas empresas de la ciudad de Medellín(2019) Trujillo Vélez, Maria Adelaida; Sanin Posada, AlejandroThis study aimed to identify the presence of attitudinal and sexual similarity bias in the assessment of candidates within a selection process in a sample of 15 professionals responsible for the recruitment in Medellin city. In order to corroborate the hypotheses, a quasi-experimental study was carried out in which the dependence degree of the different variables studied was evaluated through the analysis of contingency tables and the chi-square test. According to the results, it was possible to confirm the presence of sexual similarity bias for a traditional female position, which did not occur for the traditional male position or for the attitudinal similarity bias. This study sought to increase awareness among professionals responsible for recruitment about the importance of reducing discrimination and contributing to promote equity and diversity since a person's entry process into the organization.Ítem Puesta en práctica de políticas de diversidad, equidad e inclusión con enfoque de género: opinión informada de altas directivas de grandes empresas de Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Jaramillo Osorio, Carolina; Calderón Giraldo, Elizabeth; López Gallego, Francisco DaríoÍtem Siguiendo el dinero : contabilidad mental(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Cardona Correa, Pablo; Aristizábal Arjona, AlejandraMental accounting has gained strength in recent years, from Kanheman and Tversky to Richard H. Thaler. For this reason, in this paper the strongest and most consolidated theories of mental accounting are taken up to answer the following question: "Do subjects really assign a different value to money depending on where it comes from?" Through cognitive biases, heuristics and common errors in the subjects we will answer this question.