Examinando por Materia "Modelo de Madurez"
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Ítem Diseño de una PMO para el área de montajes en la empresa AUDIFARMA S.A(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Pulgarín Castaño, Jordi Sebastián; Tangarife Gallego, Sebastián; Henao Arango, María CeciliaIn the current project it is proposed a Project Office for the Montage Area of the company AUDIFARMA S.A. this due to a series of warnings in which it was identified some difficulties manifested by the intern client of this products, based on these necessities, is performed a gathering of information that allows to identify the proper methodology to introduce this alternative to the organization, since currently the PMO is not available in it. To get this, is performed a documentation of various models of maturity and information related to projects, after this the most proper Maturity model is selected, keeping in mind the criteria that in first place was evaluated in order to choose the model itself, once selected is used to execute the diagnosis for the previously mentioned area, this via Surveys directed to the involved personnel in the different projects, after getting the sample polled, it proceeds to consolidate and analyze the information, founding the following, In first place various focus with improvement opportunity that must be aborded with priority and in second place some other factors that are the strength and must be used to lever the others. In conclusion, is proposed the most accurate kind of PMO to the found elements, with its own formal structure in which is defined the roles, functions, objectives, metrics, and all other clarities that need to be proposed for a later implementation