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Ítem Diseño del servicio en el negocio de las fintech : PaoPresta(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Betancourt Villamil, Paola Andrea; Cárdenas González, Yeffer Alberto; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Cadavid López, Ángela MaríaFinancial services have changed over the world. Currently, there are more companies that provide financial services through technological tools, without being a bank, which are known as fintech. PaoPresta is a Colombian fintech that lends up to 300.000 COP for a maximum 30 days. Nowadays, it has 46 VIP clients. Due to the knowledge of these VIP clients, a better market segmentation is sought. At the same time, through the Service Design, the retention of these clients is expected, and offering an optimal experience for users, will allow to consolidate a unique value proposition in the fintech market.