Examinando por Materia "Machismo"
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Ítem Consideraciones sobre los posibles efectos del machismo en la construcción identitaria transmasculina desde la experiencia subjetiva de participantes colombianos residentes en Bogotá y Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Arroyave Giraldo, Nicolás; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem El precio de la hombría : el costo psicológico del machismo en los niños(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Baena Restrepo, Catalina; Orejuela Gómez, Johnny JavierÍtem Mecanismo de atención para la violencia contra las mujeres : un estudio de caso de la línea 123 Mujer Metropolitana 2020-2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) López Zuluaga, Leidy Johana; Franco Agudelo, Camilo; Peláez Arango, Juan RafaelA case study is carried out on Line 123 Metropolitan Woman 2020-2024, as an instrument of the Government of Antioquia that responds to violence against women, the way in which the attention to cases of violence against women materializes. women and how is the articulated work of the different state entities. Its operation is analyzed, its weaknesses are described and finally, a proposal for its continuous improvement from prevention will be presented. The effects of the hotline as a mechanism that confronts the problem of violence against women and its achievements to reduce the figures of femicide in Antioquia, and its achievement so that women feel supported by the departmental authority are exposed. The history and sociology of violence against women in the Department of Antioquia is exposed, the types of violence against women and figures are analyzed, and it is described what access to justice is like for women in situations of violence. Finally, through a qualitative method, with the instruments of surveys and interviews, the findings were obtained -it stands out that there is a high rate of impunity in Colombia, it managed to make visible the systematic and rewarded violence that exists in Antioquia, it is an important tool within judicial processes.Ítem Seoul, city of contrasts: masculinity and world capital of makeup for men(Universidad EAFIT, 2013-01-15) Osorio Gómez, Laura; Soler Vélez, Cristina; Universidad EAFIT