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Ítem Adaptación de la metodología TPM en empresas pequeñas y medianas (Pymes) del subsector panificador(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Trujillo Hernández, Luis Eduardo; Villegas López, Gustavo AdolfoÍtem Adecuación de línea de envase de productos afines y derivados del café(Universidad EAFIT, 2007) Betancur Maya, Juan Camilo; Palacio Ochoa, Daniel; Villegas López, Juan SantiagoÍtem Alineación de la estrategia de TIC con la estrategia empresarial : un modelo(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Uribe Hincapié, Luis Eduardo; Uribe Correa, Beatriz; Echavarría Goicoechea, María VictoriaÍtem Análisis de costos para una empresa del sector metalmecánico(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Ospina Cardona, Felipe; Escalante Gómez, Juan Esteban; Cuéllar Bermúdez, Ulises OrestesLaminas y Cortes is a company in the metalmechanical industry, dedicated to the manufacturing of steel products for the mining and construction sectors and the providing of services such as: cutting, folding, rolling, straightening and welding, the company is also dedicated to the buying and selling of sheets of steel -- The company was founded 35 years ago and only one cost analysis study has been carried out, this study no longer has any validity as all the machinery and costs incurred by the company have changed -- The focus of this research is on developing a new cost analysis examining current values including labor, machine maintenance, depreciation of assets, reprocessing of orders, time and motion studies, purchase of supplies and lost time -- The major purpose of this research is to obtain real costs of each process that the company has, in order to be further analyzed and enables CEO`s to make compelling decisions related to significant subjects such as: price fixing, continuing enhancement of principals activities and detection of activities which do not generate value for the companyÍtem Análisis de factibilidad de la unificación de las plantas de Retrabajables y Notejidos de la empresa Fabricato S.A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Molina Londoño, Mauricio; Loaiza Alzate, Jose Huber; Tamayo Domínguez, Carlos MarioEn este trabajo se analiza la factibilidad de la fusión de dos de las plantas productivas de la empresa Fabricato, Retrabajables y Notejidos -- Para llevar a cabo este análisis se parte de una revisión macro del por qué y para qué de las fusiones, no solo a nivel de compañías sino al interior de la empresa, se analizan los estudios y antecedentes respecto a este tema, realizados por anteriores administraciones mediante contratos con compañías extranjeras de amplia trayectoria y credibilidad a nivel mundial -- Posteriormente se revisan los flujogramas y procesos productivos de las dos plantas, las cantidades producidas y vendidas de los diferentes productos y las necesidades de maquinaria; hallando similitudes importantes, luego se analiza la ubicación geográfica y las implicaciones de operar en dos instalaciones separadas, encontrando unas sinergias que cuantificadas permiten llegar a cifras de ahorros y ventajas económicas que dan elementos de juicio para concluir si se recomienda a la empresa un proyecto de fusión con las ventajas de los nuevos costos involucradosÍtem Análisis de la experiencia de usuario en el portal web CereArt(2018) Moreno Palacio, Verónica; Monroy Osorio, Juan Carlos; Gentilin, MarianoThe objective of this work arises from the unawareness and lack of maturity that exists in e-commerce in Colombia -- It Aims to find out how is the user experience that users face regarding usability and information architecture when buying through the e-commerce site www.cereart.com -- This work first reviews the Colombian current situation regarding e-commerce and the important terms and concepts that are relevant for this investigation -- The methodology used for the development of this research combines qualitative and quantitative methods with the usage of tools such as eye tracking, heuristics and a focus group -- Among the main findings of this study, we find that the more affinity there is with the brand, the usability flaws are mitigated a bit in the user's view -- In addition to this, specific criteria are mentioned to improve the usability y and information architecture of the website and optimize the shopping experienceÍtem Análisis de la geometría óptima de los dientes de la escofina para cascos equinos(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Henao Posada, Eduardo; Rodríguez Arroyave, Carlos ArturoÍtem Análisis de la rotación de personal en empresas de auditoría(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) González Vergara, Laura Marcela; Betancur Hurtado, Carlos MarioEn la perspectiva de una economía mundial altamente competitiva, las firmas de auditoría entran a jugar un papel preponderante en el seguimiento a los procesos y en la determinación de estrategias que permitan trazar el camino más expedito para el alcance de los objetivos y metas de cualquier organización que quiera demostrar que se rige por el cumplimiento de la normativa legal en cualquier país del mundo -- Así las cosas, para el ejercicio eficiente de los principios de la auditoría –como organizaciones competitivas–, éstas deben reinventarse con fundamento en la dirección estratégica, para asumir una dinámica organizacional que les permita asegurar al trabajador talentoso, disponiendo un ambiente de armonía, con elevados niveles de satisfacción laboral, para que aquel empleado que es clave en sus funciones para la dinámica operacional, se sienta a gusto, plenamente identificado con los principios en que se sustenta la empresa, de manera que garantice su permanencia al interior de la organización, minimizando los riesgos y proyectando una imagen de confianza ante sus clientes externos -- Este artículo tiene como fundamento conocer la incidencia que la rotación de empleados tiene en la dinámica organizacional de las grandes firmas de auditoría de la ciudad de Medellín –Antioquia y las estrategias formales de retención que aplicanÍtem Análisis de los efectos de las acciones de endomarketing aplicadas a los empleados de la Universidad EAFIT(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Gómez Zapata, José Daniel; Rojas de Francisco, Laura IsabelThe demographic change that humanity is undergoing leads organizations to rethink their administrative processes, as well as their relationships with stakeholders, and one of them is their human capital. This is where the relevance of endomarketing strategies becomes very valuable when it comes to connecting human development with the achievement of the goals set. The purpose of this research proposal was to analyze the current state of the endomarketing actions implemented by Universidad EAFIT, by means of a mixed exploratory study that gathers different techniques of information gathering, with the participation of the employees with labor contract of the University, and with the accompaniment of the Department of Employee Development, and intended to offer conclusions and suggestions that allow reorganizing and focusing actions that generate greater value and that go towards the interests of the University and its collaborators. Likewise, and in the same way, we sought to know the current state of EAFIT in relation to different private universities located in Medellín. This study contributes to one of the guiding principles set forth by the University in its 2030 itinerary, where "Growing with the employee", is set as an objective to be achieved.Ítem Análisis de metodologías de mejoramiento de procesos y su aplicabilidad en la mejora de los niveles de inventario en la industria del retail(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Vargas Alvarado, Juan David; Bustamante, Juan Pablo; Álvarez Barrera, Claudia PatriciaEl objetivo del presente trabajo de grado es realizar un análisis de las tres principales metodologías de mejoramiento de procesos –Six Sigma, Total Quality Management y Lean y Lean Six Sigma– en el retail para determinar cómo aporta cada una de ellas al mejoramiento de los niveles de inventario en esta industria -- Para lograr el objetivo propuesto, se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica de las metodologías de procesos así como un análisis de la industria del retail a través del conocimiento de sus características, su comportamiento y los factores que influencian el nivel de rotación del inventario -- Al final se concluye cuál es la metodología más adecuada que mejora resultados en los niveles de rotación de inventarios y sus procesosÍtem Análisis de oportunidades de mejora para el clúster textil, confección, diseños y moda en Medellín, de acuerdo a las tendencias de la moda en el ámbito local(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Vargas Álvarez, Juan Felipe; Uribe de Correa, BeatrizEl presente estudio pretende identificar las oportunidades de mejoramiento del clúster textil, confección, diseño y moda en Medellín, a partir de un grupo focal de expertos del clúster quienes, a raíz de unas preguntas básicas sobre el tema, desarrollaron un contacto personalizado y formal -- Este grupo focal permitió lograr el objetivo general discriminando las oportunidades del clúster textil, confección, diseño y moda, con sus prerrequisitos para su ejecución, siendo las respuestas muy variadas y polifacéticas, con lo que los expertos eran de gran experticia -- A partir de esta identificación de oportunidades se plantean en forma detallada en el presente estudio, así como las conclusiones para hacerlas realidad en las empresas del clúster en MedellínÍtem Análisis de procesos para el mejoramiento del servicio al cliente a partir del análisis de las operaciones del servicio de inspección, en la empresa Automás Laureles(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Pineda Foronda, Edwin Ricardo; Ramírez Echeverri, Sergio AugustoTo achieve competitive advantages and financial sustainability over time, companies, especially CDAs, are not enough to simply provide the service in the basic terms of its nature. The mechanical technical review (RTM) is a fundamental requirement for the circulation of motor vehicles. Resolution 3318 of September 14, 2015 talks about the regulation of the rates of RTM services provided by CDAs throughout the national territory. Therefore, rates are not a useful tool to achieve a competitive advantage, however, the strategies and tools of "Relationship Marketing" have been blurred. Stable loyalty and loyalty in the medium term with customers have been minimized, due to deficiencies in customer service. Like any service company, Automás has a very strong pillar in strategic planning which is the increase in market share and growth in its profitability, however, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the value chain of the process, with In order to find the GAP (Good, Average and Poor) that are generated, this is why according to Edison Duque (2005), that between the expectation that the customer has of the service and the final result, in short the assessment of the service by the customer. In relation to the above, the company Automás (CDA Automás) based in Laureles, currently has problems with customer service and operational differences between the processes (Internal - external) and the tactical guidelines of the current service strategy. The foregoing, because it is one of the 15 strategic objectives for 2020, is to improve the design of the service and its delivery to result in greater customer loyalty and loyalty, which has not been reflected in the results obtained. to date, suggesting gaps in administrative and operational directives or possibly not generating the correct feedback between the areas of each process.Ítem Análisis del proceso de atención al cliente brindado por el proveedor de contact center de una aerolínea colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Builes González, Lina María; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Toro Upegui, ClaraÍtem Análisis técnico de una propuesta de mejora del sistema de refrigeración de pinzas en los pórticos de soldadura en SOFASA S. A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2012) Tobón Cadavid, Andrés Mauricio; López Roa, Juan Luis; Mira Hernández, CarolinaÍtem Análisis y optimización de procesos operativos : el caso Quindiaguas(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bernal Valencia, Janier Andrés; Echeverri Torres, José Luis; Escalante Gómez, Juan EstebanÍtem Análisis y predicción de recontactos en un contact center(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Velásquez Gaviria, Diana Catalina; Quintero Montoya, Olga LucíaThe main purpose of this work is to solve in a methodical and formal way, making use of ma- chine learning models, a real problem of the productive sector that allows in addition to adding value for decision making, to provide a methodology and a compact, simple and reliable model that can be deployed and put into production in the technological platform that supports the call handling of a contact center so that benefits can be generated in the provision of the service for different sectors, generating efficiencies in the use of the channel and maximizing the customer experience in the attention of their requirements. To achieve this purpose, an airline dataset was taken containing the detail of all historical calls made by customers to a contact center during a period of 7 months (February to August 2019) and information associated with the performance of the agents handling those calls in order to predict whether users will generate at least one recontact to the contact center for the attention of their requirements before three days with respect to their initial contact. The methodology used was focused on making an ap- propriate selection of features and choosing a machine learning model that generates optimal results and enables an easy implementation allowing to identify in real time those customers with high probabilities of recontacting so that a strategy can be developed with them to impro- ve their experience. It was found that with 7 variables associated with the historical behavior of customers in the use of the channel such as frequency of calls (amount), average duration, number of agents who have served the customer (agents), time elapsed between first and last call (validity), number of days per month in which calls are made (AverageDaysInMonth), ave- rage number of calls per day (Average-Day) and time elapsed since the customer’s last call to the cut-off date of the analysis (Recency), it is possible to predict with a simple model and with very good results (AUC=88.9 %) whether a customer will call the contact center again.Ítem Análisis y propuesta de mejora al servicio de urgencias en una institución prestadora de servicios (IPS) de la ciudad de Santa Marta(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Hernández Cervera, Sebastian; Angulo Ochoa, Mario Andrés; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaThis work presents a proposal for improvement in the emergency area of a health care provider institute that offers third and fourth level services in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia, which, despite its significant growth, is showing delays and dissatisfaction of part of the users. For this purpose, the use of research tools, office tools for information processing, and interviews were combined to validate the care processes based on their verification with the actors involved. The entire process was compiled and validated monthly, with a view to strengthening good practices and timely correcting the deviations that became evident. As a final result, the proposed improvement plan was achieved, based on the results of the areas of human talent, infrastructure and processes.Ítem Aplicación de la metodología Kaizen a las operaciones mina en la empresa de explotación de cobre Miner S.A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Gelves Vargas, Misael Ricardo; Henao Rivas, Doraida; Escalante Gómez, Juan EstebanThis work presents a proposal for continuous improvement developed at Miner S.A copper mine, this company is dedicated to commercializing copper and gold concentrate, Miner S.A is located close to El Carmen de Atrato town and it is supported by Kaizen Methodology. In the first part of the work, results of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the last periods in the mine operation are analysed. An area that includes extraction process are selected for intervention and there are characterize by having results that require management. Analysis is framed by a detailed description of elements that constitute each process in order to have detailed information about resources involved. The selected KPIs are efficiency percentage of drilling and blasting process and energy consumption. After selecting these processes, proposals for improvement are presented by using of Ishakawa diagrams tool or fishbone. This tool allows easy identification of problem causes performance in both selected processes. In order to make this analysis as complete as possible and being able to share the Kaizen Philosophy to each area of the organization, its development was supported by administrative and operative workforce.Ítem Aplicación de un modelo de optimización lineal para ayuda en la toma de decisiones en la plataforma Lost(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Castellano de la Cruz, Nicolás Alberto; Ramírez Echeverri, Sergio AugustoA LP (Lineal Optimization) model is applied to simplify the decision making in LOST, a business simulation game used for educational purposes. It encourages the application of the concepts learnt on decision science courses in industrial engineering students, i.e. logistics and supply chain, or production planning and management. As it is an interactive computer platform, students can make decisions based on data provided, export to spreadsheets and evaluate their consequences without affecting a real system. Then, the results are being compared with the rest of the population, which are the students taking undergraduate engineering degrees. Can lineal optimization and capacity planning alone improve the financial performance in an educational business game based on the supply chain of a manufacturing company under the condition of demand uncertainty?Ítem Aproximación a un modelo de medición del rendimiento para las actividades claves en el proceso de ensamble en AKT motos(Universidad EAFIT, 2006) Salazar Castaño, Alejandro; Mora Gutiérrez, Luis Alberto