Examinando por Materia "Liderazgo percibido"
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Ítem Estilos de liderazgo en equipos con colaboradores de la generación Y o millennials: efectividad y satisfacción. Una aproximación en el entorno de un Contact Center en Bogotá(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Huertas Quesada, María del Pilar; López Gallego, FranciscoThe call center industry already has a history of more than 16 years in Colombia, and from being initially only this, it has transformed itself into companies that generate added value to organizations through cutting-edge technologies offering technological support, logistics services, customer service and sales, among others, using the outsourcing system which allows them to devote themselves fully to the core operations of their businesses -- The company selected to carry out the research, which belongs to an important economic group in the country, was born as an initiative of one of its business units, became independent in 2003 and began to redirect its functions to the development of the call and contact center business, and over time it has evolved to BPO service (business process outsourcing) -- It currently has 5,664 employees, of which 80% belong to the age group between 18 and 35 years; this group is called generation Y or millennials -- The objective of the research is to contrast self-perceived leadership styles and their effectiveness with the leadership perceived by the young people belonging to generation Y (the millennials), as well as their job satisfaction, in the environment of a contact center in the city of Bogotá