Examinando por Materia "INDUSTRIA TEXTIL - COLOMBIA"
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Ítem Automatización del corte en el sector textil confección(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Gómez Muñoz, Carlos Ignacio; Arrieta Posada,Juan GregorioÍtem Parámetros para desarrollar la planificación estratégica en las empresas de familia de tipo Pyme que desarrollan su negocio en el sector textil y de la confección en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Medina Zapata, Julio César; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaThe paper is meant to contribute Colombia´s textile sector, specifically the small medium enterprise (SME) family businesses -- It talks about how to minimize the risk of failure making their long-term survival -- According to the paper this is achieved by the different elements of strategic planning, that by the hand of strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats (SWOT) and a complementary mechanism of diagnosis form a concrete action plan; it allied with the model canvas (2004) create the differentiation of the product, making the company sustainableÍtem Valoración de la empresa Crystal S.A.S. por el método de flujos de caja descontados(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Cruz Pomeo, Alex Mauricio; Manzano Calvache, Reynaldo; Támara Ayús, ArmandoCrystal S.A.S. is a company dedicated to manufacturing and commercialization of Latin American brands recognized in the textile market for the innovation, design and development of collections, with more than 50 years of experience and tradition. In addition, it counts with production processes starting from raw materials development to turn them into fashion products and locate them in the different sales points, owned or franchised, located in Central America, the Caribbean and South America. Due to their experience in the market, the company valuation becomes relevant in order to identify the sources of value creation thru the statistical information analysis obtained from different sectorial and regulatory factors and the company’s economic condition. Based on these premises, the company is being valued under the international financial information standards, between the yeas 2013 and 2017, starting with the mentioned data the financial statements are projected up to the year 2028, accompanied by the valuation assumptions, to finally obtain the elements to valuate the company using the discounted free cash flow method and perform a sensitivity analysis that produces greater impact and that could contribute to the process of financial decisions that generate growth, stability and profit.