Examinando por Materia "INDUSTRIA TEXTIL - ANTIOQUIA"
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Ítem Análisis de oportunidades de mejora para el clúster textil, confección, diseños y moda en Medellín, de acuerdo a las tendencias de la moda en el ámbito local(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Vargas Álvarez, Juan Felipe; Uribe de Correa, BeatrizEl presente estudio pretende identificar las oportunidades de mejoramiento del clúster textil, confección, diseño y moda en Medellín, a partir de un grupo focal de expertos del clúster quienes, a raíz de unas preguntas básicas sobre el tema, desarrollaron un contacto personalizado y formal -- Este grupo focal permitió lograr el objetivo general discriminando las oportunidades del clúster textil, confección, diseño y moda, con sus prerrequisitos para su ejecución, siendo las respuestas muy variadas y polifacéticas, con lo que los expertos eran de gran experticia -- A partir de esta identificación de oportunidades se plantean en forma detallada en el presente estudio, así como las conclusiones para hacerlas realidad en las empresas del clúster en MedellínÍtem Análisis del proceso de creación y consolidación del clúster textil/confección, diseño y moda en el departamento de Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Trujillo Gómez, Carlos Felipe; Cardona Montoya, Raúl ArmandoÍtem Influencia de la cultura organizacional en la cultura de innovación: El caso de una organización textil antioqueña(2018) Jaramillo Zapata, Eliana Yanneth; Restrepo Aguirre, Elizabeth; Gentilin, MarianoThis paper aims to understand the influence of organizational culture in relation to the development of a culture of innovation -- For this, a qualitative study was carried out in an organization of the textile sector -- This organization was selected as it is currently considered a benchmark for innovation in Antioquia -- The main findings that are evident in this work are: (i) the wishes expressed by the organization as its purpose, norms, rules, policies, its values that are transmitted as pillars within the organization (food, sports, leisure, socialization and knowledge), processes of induction, organizational model, symbols among others, on the other hand, (ii) from its members were found traits in their behaviors, ways of acting, feeling and thinking related to what the organization wants; Most of them are fully identified with the purpose, they feel appreciated by the organization and they value that the company cares about their diet, their personal, professional and emotional growth. In addition to this, (iii) a series of characteristics that could be linked favorably with an innovation-oriented culture was described, as it was the characterization itself of innovation within the organization, highlighting the charismatic leadership that exists in it. , its fluid and barrier-free communication, teamwork and the high tolerance for error -- All this allowed the clear and precise understanding of the influence that the organizational culture has on a culture of innovation