Examinando por Materia "Gerencia de proyectos"
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Ítem Análisis de factibilidad para el montaje de una empresa de servicios de laboratorio de suelos en el municipio de Calarcá, Quindío(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Fajardo Torres, Óscar Fabián; Restrepo Romero, Juan José; Escalante Gómez, Juan EstebanThe purpose of this work is the evaluation of the financial feasibility for the assembly of a laboratory of soil and concrete service business in the municipality of Calarcá, department of Quindío -- Engineer Stella Sánchez Giraldo, owner of the company Ingeotécnica del Quindío, requires a concept to decide whether she continues to provide her services as an independent consultant or if she is legally constituted as a company, considering the extension of the scope of services currently provided -- It is proposed to carry out an analysis of the current conditions, a market analysis (supply, price and demand), present a proposal of operation and check the economic profitability of the company, through the analysis of financial indicators such as Net Present Value (NPV), he internal rate of return (IRR) and the ratio of coverage (RBC), among others, which provide information relevant to decision making -- Finally, a risk analysis is carried out that broadens the horizon and identifies possible scenarios of failure in the project, to recommend to the investor the decision to formalize the company or not to formalize itÍtem Análisis de las causas determinantes en el desempeño de los proyectos en Alianza de Servicios Sociales de Caldas(Universidad EAFIT, 2011) Salinas Ávila, Sandra Liliana; Cardona Meza, Luz StellaÍtem Análisis de lecciones aprendidas durante la ingeniería de proyectos industriales en la sede Medellín de Hatch(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Velásquez Rojas, Juan Camilo; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioÍtem Análisis de los procesos de Gestión humana en la Gerencia de proyectos del sector construcción en Colombia: revisión bibliográfica(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Naranjo González, Alexandra; Tobar Guinand, José MauricioOne of the great challenges facing construction companies in Colombia to ensure the success of their projects has to do with the proper management of human capital, which, according to Calderón, Naranjo y Álvarez (2007): “Has become the cornerstone of organizations, as it affects the entire framework administrative and decision making” (n. p.) -- That, added to the new global trends, makes it urgent to implement strategies that increase the competitiveness of companies. Therefore, it is necessary today to answer the following questions: What are the current perspectives of human capital management in construction companies worldwide? -- What are the characteristics of local businesses and their human management strategies? Which of these trends should be adopted and adapted by Colombian construction companies? This research was carried out in order to know not only the different trends of human capital management that are imposed internationally in the construction, but also to know how to increase the productivity of companies now takes intangible resources as the strategic support of the organization it is also a matter of making a comparison with Colombia and exposing the set of processes and systems developed by companies so that their human capital helps organizational growth -- In the process of inquiry, aspects such as structured programs and investment in the management of human capital are very poor -- Few Colombian construction companies have formalized career plans for their employees -- The evaluation of performance does not meet the expectations of entrepreneurs, focusing much more on the identification of problems than on the search for strengths, very few human capital processes are defined in a standardized and organized manner -- The research includes a general and a specific context of how Colombia is broadly in the political, economic, social and legal; the theoretical considerations that justify the research; the bibliographic review of 45 articles and the respective findings, and, finally, the conclusionsÍtem Aplicación de metodologías y marcos de referencia en proyectos de empresas risaraldenses(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Álvarez Bermúdez, César Augusto; García Giraldo , Andrés; Henao Arango, María Cecilia; Guerrero Latorre, Jorge HarleyÍtem Apropiación de los recursos de regalías regionales mediante la aprobación de proyectos de inversión pública: un estudio para el Bajo Cauca antioqueño en el período 2013-2016(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Pestana Chaverra, José Leandro; Moreno Botero, JulianaEl trabajo de grado presentado a continuación se focaliza en la subregión del Bajo Cauca antioqueño, dado que se destaca como una subregión en la que por años la minería ha sido el motor de la economía -- No obstante, para 2016 las necesidades básicas insatisfechas en materia de pobreza superan el 50 %, y en términos de miseria están por encima del 20 %, lo cual contrasta con el bajo nivel de aprobación de los recursos de regalías regionales asignados -- El Sistema General de Regalías se implementó en Colombia mediante la Ley 1530 de 2012 -- En ella se definieron los siguientes cuatro fondos de inversión: Fondo de Asignaciones Directas; Fondo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación; Fondo de Compensación Regional (distribuido en dos partes: 40 y 60 %) y Fondo de Desarrollo Regional -- Los dos últimos son denominados “Fondos de Inversión Regional”, y su propósito es financiar proyectos que beneficien a más de un municipio -- Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, este trabajo busca comprender cómo ha sido el proceso de apropiación de los recursos mediante la aprobación de proyectos de inversión pública con cargo a los fondos regionales destinados para la subregión del Bajo Cauca antioqueño en las vigencias presupuestales 2013-2014 y 2015-2016 -- Una vez se comprenda el proceso de apropiación de los recursos y, por ende, a qué se debe su baja ejecución, se dan recomendaciones basadas en la gestión y la gerencia de proyectos que permitan dinamizar la ejecución de dichos recursos mediante la aprobación de proyectos de inversión pública que contribuyan a mejorar las condiciones de bienestar de los habitantes de esta subregiónÍtem Diagnóstico de madurez de la PMO de ARUS(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Angulo Martínez, Mario Germán; Areiza Sierra, Juan Esteban; Pabón Ramírez, CarolinaThis research describes how the organizational maturity level in project management of ARUS PMO was diagnosed, through an adaptation of the OPM PMI standard. To make the diagnosis, a survey was used as a data collection instrument, which was formulated to people direct and indirectly related to PMO and the organizational project portfolio management. The main results were documented, tabulated and analyzed holistically, by sections according to the stages that the projects go through, by groups according to the position of the people and their relationship with the ARUS PMO. As the main result, it was determinate that the ARUS PMO has a maturity level of 3, which means the ARUS PMO is OPM defined by the organization, which is characterized by being a PMO with a defined process, roles, accountabilities, and project management can be predicted. However, during the results analysis, improvements and opportunities were detected, so that means that ARUS PMO can reach a maturity level 4, OPM quantitatively management maturity level; for that, the ARUS PMO must identify the life cycle that the project follows, in order to improve their planning and execution; moreover, it is also recommended that the PMO adapt to market trends and start using agile frameworks and tools that allow process automation, so PMO will be adapt faster to the changes that customer requires.Ítem Diagnóstico y análisis de madurez para el diseño de una PMO en el departamento de servicios técnicos de la organización Drummond Ltd.(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Martínez Plata, Rafael Eduardo; Duque Corredor, Martha Patricia; Tobar Guinand, José MauricioÍtem Diagnóstico y lecciones aprendidas de la gerencia del proyecto Baluarte(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Sánchez Henao, María Camila; Salazar Gómez, Francisco JavierReal estate in Colombia has had less dynamism during the last years. Several factors such as the informality in the implementation and documentation of the projects, the difficulty of achieving cooperation and coordination in the work teams and the high employee turnover, have created the need to look for solutions that allow the sustainability of these companies in the market. This work attempts to address the problems mentioned above through the documentation of lessons learned in Baluarte project. It also seeks to identify the best practices implemented and the mistakes made in order to avoid repeating them in the company’s future projects, all in order to optimize resources, obtain better results, more efficiency, better management and greater profitability. Finally, it is intended to ensure that the knowledge acquired remains within the company. This work will be achieved through the preparation of surveys that will allow to make a review of the project based on the PMBOK® methodology. The questions will emphasize on each of the areas of knowledge and the group of processes of project management. These surveys will be answered by fifteen people who are related to the project and that according to their professional activity and / or position, have different perspectives and interests, which will allow to avoid biases in the information provided. The practices carried out during the management of Baluarte project will be identified previous to the elaboration of the surveys, which will allow to evaluate, and in some cases, to carry out an action plan or make modifications or suggestions that will help define the right process for the implementation of future projects in the company.Ítem Diseño de área de gestión de proyectos para el Grupo empresarial GCT & Asociados(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) López Castaño, David; Tobar Guinand, José MauricioÍtem Diseño de la oficina de proyectos (PMO) para la Aeronáutica Civil Colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Gómez Zuluaga, Sebastián Alexander; Vergara Fernández, Manuela; Henao Arango, María CeciliaThis investigation corresponds to a proposal designed to implement a Project Management Office (PMO) to the Colombian Civil Aeronautics. This research seeks to improve the strategy of proposals and projects developed in the organization, considering the importance of a PMO while achieving business objectives. In order to achieve the objectives proposed, this research is based on a diagnosis that would reveal the maturity level that PMO has in the Colombian Civil Aeronautics in order to identify the knowledge and practices used inside the organization and then propose the most accurate project office model according to the needs and structure of Colombian civil aeronautics as per PMI metrics. In the end, it is viable to obtain a PMO design proposal that adjusts to the particular needs of Colombian Civil Aeronautics so there is a vision, mission, organizational structure and roles definitions that are a fundamental part in the proposal.Ítem Diseño de una PMO para la organización Talma Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ruge Peña, Eduard Mauricio; Gárnica Barraza, Ernesto JoséÍtem Diseño de una PMO para los proyectos de extensión de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Cárdenas Valencia, Laura Ximena; Salazar Sicachá, Sara Jazmín; Garnica Barraza, Ernesto JoséThe Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira is a high quality accredited institution of education based on academia, investigation and extension; this research aims to design a Project Management Office – PMO for extension projects, following the Project Management Institute – PMI’s methodology, with the purpose of creating added value and positioning the UTP brand as a reference in project management at regional and national level. To achieve this goal, it starts with the diagnosis of the university’s level of project management using the OPM3 model, then it continues with the PMO Charter design, which contains the most appropriate structure, functions and indicators for this kind of projects based on the organizational context, and finally it establishes a responsibilities assignment and proposes a roadmap to its future implementation.Ítem Diseño de una PMO para los proyectos financiados con recursos del sistema general de regalías en la Universidad del Quindío(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Rico Clavijo, Jeraldine; Orjuela Yusty, Cristian Camilo; Díez Benjumea, Jhon MiguelÍtem Diseño y estructuración de la oficina de gestión de proyectos (Project Management Office, PMO) de Arkix S.A.S.(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Ruiz Zapata, Mateo; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioThis degree work will design and deliver the necessary elements for the structuring of the PMO (the Project Management Office) of Arkix, a digital marketing agency located in Medellin, aimed at generating comprehensive digital strategies for large companies nationwide. Specifically, the work seeks to guide the areas of Digital Experiences towards the strategic objectives posed by management. This exercise will lead to a design proposal that allows an optimal restructuring of the project management practice in the company. For this, three actions will be carried out in this work. In the first place, the current state of the company will be explored, followed with a view to choosing the most appropriate methodology, in order to carry out the diagnosis of maturity in project management; finally, this information will be the basis for designing the most successful PMO structure. This PMO model will lay the foundations to combine the methodologies, standards, certifications and DNA of the company with the management trends of projects that are being at the forefront of the market. All of the above will lead the company to continuing to mature its capacity, performance and agility in the execution of projects.Ítem En busca de los antecedentes de la Gerencia de Proyectos en Antioquia Un estudio de caso: la Tesis de Grado del Ingeniero Civil Julio Echavarría en 1927(Universidad EAFIT, 2002) Villegas, Guillermo León; Universidad EAFITÍtem Estudio de factibilidad de una aplicación para diseñar elementos de máquinas(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Osorio Gómez, Andrés Felipe; Gómez Salazar, Elkin Arcesio; Cuéllar Bermúdez, Ulises OrestesEl objetivo de este proyecto es llevar a cabo un estudio de factibilidad sobre la comercialización de una aplicación utilizada para el diseño de elementos de máquinas -- Se compone de varias etapas, entre las cuales se hará un estudio sectorial, un estudio de mercado, un estudio técnico, un estudio organizacional, un estudio legal y un estudio económico; para llegar a la conclusión de si la idea de negocio es factible o no -- Con este proyecto el autor aplicó los conocimientos adquiridos, tanto educativos como profesionales, complementados con los adquiridos en la Maestría de Administración, en especial en el énfasis de Gerencia de Proyectos -- Tuvo un enfoque de creación de empresa basado en un sistema de información que en la actualidad se usa en entornos educativos y la idea fue estudiar la factibilidad de sacarlo como un producto comercial -- Para el autor también tuvo una implicación familiar, puesto que la persona que tiene la idea y la aplicación es su padre, que ha sido profesor universitario por 38 años y ha podido reunir en una aplicación el Know How adquirido durante esta experiencia educativa y de vida -- Por varios años él le ha hecho saber al autor que tiene esta aplicación y que puede tener un potencial interesante de comercialización y, por ende, volverse un negocio real -- Cuando el autor ingresó a la Maestría en Administración le gustó la idea de poder aplicar el conocimiento adquirido, lo mismo que el tiempo y la dedicación, a dicho proyecto familiar para ver su potencial y la factibilidad de volverlo un negocio realÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para el aprovechamiento económico de un campo menor de gas natural en Colombia por parte de Efigas S.A. E.S.P.(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Vélez Díez, Julián Andrés; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioThe present investigation analyzes the feasibility for a project to take advantage of a minor natural gas field in Colombia, with the purpose of increasing the profitability of commercialization at Efigas S.A. ESP. The idea is born from the opportunity offered by regulatory and commercial flexibility for these production sources and the need to diversify supply sources to meet demand. To fulfill the objective, the UNIDO (1978; 1982) project formulation methodology is used, which includes feasibility studies, financial and risk analysis for informed investment decision-making.Ítem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de una empresa para la prestación de servicios de consultoría en gerencia de proyectos en el Eje Cafetero(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Moreno Achipiz, Gloria Stella; López Pineda, Melissa; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioThis pre-feasibility study aims to identify the viability of establishing a project management consulting firm in the Eje Cafetero region. The study expects to understand the sector's context, analyze supply and demand, learn about the company's characteristics and services, define the organizational structure, assess risks, and determine financial viability. The methodology will be descriptive, and a mixed-type data analysis will be conducted. The main conceptual reference is the UNIDO methodology, which evaluates economic and social benefits and is applicable to the industrial-private sector. This is why it has been chosen for this study.Ítem Estudio de prefectabilidad para la implementación de una línea de servicio para mujeres en la empresa Tau logística y transporte(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ceballos Agudelo, Cristian Arley; Díez Benjumea, Jhon Miguel