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Ítem Contabilidad financiera basada en IFRS de concesiones viales según el esquema de Asociaciones Público-Privadas en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Restrepo Escobar, Andrés Ovidio; Restrepo Tobón, Diego AlexanderÍtem Determinantes de la quiebra empresarial Almacenes la 14(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Córdoba León, Carlos Edmundo; Portilla Rico, Jesús David; Vergara Garavito, Judith CeciliaÍtem Enfoque estratégico desde la perspectiva financiera, orientado a la creación de valor de Comunicaciones Regional Risaralda S.A.S.(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Álvarez Correa, Luis Gerardo; Velásquez Gómez, Ángela Patricia; Támara Ayús, Armando LeninThe purpose of this project is to provide essential financial tools to the stakeholders and shareholders of Comunicaciones Regional Risaralda S.A.S, which support strategic business decisions, focused on the generation of value -- For the development of this project, some information was collected about the historical financial statements, representative characteristics of the company and the opportunities offered by the market in the energy and telecommunications sector, in order to evaluate current results, to identify financial risks and market (internal and external), seeking to strengthen the strategies that guarantee its sustainability in the market -- Based on the results obtained, financial projections are made for a 11-year period and the value of the company is estimated, seeking to satisfy the investors' interest in knowing the value of their organization and the ability to generate future profits and the investment return -- This is a fundamental basis for aligning processes towards the culture of value creation, through the implementation of strategies focused on meeting the needs of clients and maximizing the value of investors over time -- Likewise, the purpose of this research is also to guide shareholders in the implementation of new projects, diversification of products and services, capitalization of the company, obtaining lines of financing, entrance or withdrawal of partners and sales processesÍtem Estimación del riesgo de mercado y evaluación de estrategias de cobertura para commodities y tasa de cambio en Grupo BIOS(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Rueda Ramírez, Daniel; Couleau, AnabelleÍtem Estructura de un modelo financiero para generación de energía : el caso de las Granjas Solares.(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Trujillo Ruiz, Jaime Eduardo; Loveday Laghi, JamesThis is a relevant work for whom that believes in sustainable energies, it search to present a basic framework to structure a finance model for generate energy through photovoltaic technologies and to be supported by project finance methods, it includes construction where is needed determine amount of invest for a level energy defined previously, associated operative and maintenance expenses in its useful life, to achieve it is important define the model´s basic insights: incomes, costs, CAPEX, OPEX, taxes benefits, WACC, debt and capital structure. The discounted free cash flow and WACC are the model foundations, complemented by some important indicators like VPN, TIR and CFADS.Ítem Evaluación de la aplicabilidad de los métodos de valoración por medio de flujos de caja descontados en casos de información fiscal limitada(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Arango Arango, Pedro; Arango Londoño, Carlos MarioValuating businesses and projects using the Free Cash Flow to the Firm method could be questioned, given the variables that determine it, the different methods of applying it and the fact that taxable income is usually different than earnings before taxes. These situations are some of the main reasons why valuations are inconsistent and therefore induce the decision makers to mistakes when assessing the generation of value. Because of this, it is necessary to evaluate different alternatives to the Free Cash Flow to the Firm and revise economic, accounting, and tax concepts to avoid making mistakes when applying these methods. The purpose of this work is to discuss the main differences between the most common Cash Flows, the way they are calculated and determine which of these methods is most adequate when there is not tax information available or is limited.Ítem Evaluación financiera del campo de producción de gas mediante Project Finance(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Carillo Peñaloza, Claudia Juliana; Grillo Uribe, Fernando; Restrepo Barth, SimónThe aim of this work is identifying the feasibility and most suitable financing alternatives for the expansion and drilling of new gas wells of the Petromar project in Cerro Gordo, located in Sardinata 70 km from Cúcuta, which will generate confidence in the owners of the company and investors that finance the project. Based on the above, in order to reach the goal of 12.000 Mpcd (thousand cubic feet per day). The Project Finance incorporates all the elements and variables of information that guarantee to deliver to the interested parties a financial projection with the valuation of the current project, the return on investment and the structuring of the SPV special purpose vehicleÍtem Herramientas financieras para empresas risaraldenses productoras y comercializadoras de hierbas aromáticas y frutos deshidratados(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Quiroz Parra, Diana María; Gómez Jiménez, Sandra Eliana; Alzate Valencia, Óscar AlbertoThe department of Risaralda is, at the national level, center of agro-industrial projects, because its infrastructure, its geography and its human capital with experience in the farming sector -- Nevertheless, there isn´t an adequate and persevering use of the financial tools to plan and Project its growing -- In fact, the present research has as objective to analyze the financial tools used for the producers enterprises of aromatic herbs and dehydrated fruits, located in the department of Risaralda, to determinate its adequate put on operation, with the objective of improving its competitiveness and productivity; objective that was reached as was presented and study about financial tools, applicable to any Enterprise regardless of its size or infrastructure, and also to each one of the people pertaining to the agro-industry and the citizenship in general -- The study of the mentioned tools was focused to the analysis of liquidity, profitability, flow of free cash register, point of balance, state of sources and use of funds, operative leverage and financial leverage, and tools of creation of value as margin EBITDA, PKT and KTNO; in addition to that, some indicators of margins of profitability and the TIR for the investor -- Also, the research is of a qualitative and quantitative sort, and included, between other: interviews with producers, the market area, between governmental, local and national onesÍtem Impacto en los indicadores financieros de generación de valor al utilizar Teoría de las Restricciones (TOC): caso empírico empresa sector calzado en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Valencia Guapacha, Giovanni; Sánchez Ribero, Gustavo AlbertoLa Teoría de las Restricciones (Theory of Constraints – TOC) se ha convertido en una valiosa herramienta de gestión empresarial, brindando a los equipos gerenciales un sistema lógico que asegure el logro de los objetivos organizacionales a través de la administración de todas aquellas limitaciones que impiden el libre flujo de recursos a lo largo de una cadena de valor -- Bajo este enfoque, esta metodología se inscribe en el ámbito de las teorías de mejoramiento continuo -- Desde el punto de vista de las finanzas tradicionales supone, sin embargo, una nueva forma de abordar nociones como el costo del producto, la utilidad bruta y la rotación de activos, sin mencionar incluso los mismos conceptos de rentabilidad y creación de valor -- Esta teoría además introduce elementos novedosos como el Trúput, que de alguna manera conduce a replantear el modo como las empresas tradicionalmente miden su gestión en términos financieros -- El presente trabajo realizará una revisión de los principales fundamentos de la Teoría TOC, aplicados en la operación de una compañía manufacturera de calzado en Colombia -- Se efectuará un análisis del efecto que tiene el uso de esta metodología en los principales indicadores de generación de valor como EBITDA, FCL, Productividad del Capital de Trabajo (PKT), ROIC y EVA®; y en otros indicadores relacionados con TOC, como el Trúput, comparándolos con los índices tradicionales a través de la implementación de un modelo de gestión financiera que integrará estos elementosÍtem Propuesta de Project Finance para la construcción de un parque temático de turismo natural en el departamento del Meta(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Rodríguez Páramo, César Alberto; López Castaño, Claudia Fernanda; N/AFinancial valuation of a project through Project Finance seeks to promote an initiative that from a financial standpoint generates trustworthiness, the project finance is an investment model based on finding a cash flow that cover without problems the credits associated for its execution therefore warranting solvency, as for the construction of a theme park in the Department of Meta seeks to generate a positive impact in the regional economy assuming the development of a yet to explore level of the Department, world vision and national shows that this sector nas a high positive impact when is organized and developed in a structured manner with sight in competitiveness and time sustainability -- Studies show the high global and national growth of this sector and the economic projection that generates the implementation of this type of tourism -- Today there are many documents that show de great benefits that are generated when developing a theme park in a region, this added to the number of parks existing today, only Colombia has 400 parks of this type, with about 15 the most outstanding -- For this study will be based on the park called “Panaca”, which by its estructure has a model of operation similar to what expected from de park, a financial model will be made to guarantee cash flows and demonstrate the importance of a mixed model with public and private investment considering the amounts of such investment and the expected profitability in the projectÍtem Reporte Burkenroad Constructora CONCONCRETO S.A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mina Benitez, Leidy Yohana; Bermúdez Tamayo, Beatriz Elena; Pareja Vasseur, Julián AlbertoÍtem Reporte Burkenroad Fabricato S.A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Gómez Castillo, Danna Gissella; Mejía Tobón, Viviana Margarita; Hernández Bonet, ÁlvaroKeep the investment reduced that the price of the stock will increase by its incursion into the real estate sector. This decision is subject to the company's ability to improve its operating costs.Ítem Reporte Burkenroad Mineros S.A(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) López Muñoz, Sebastián; Jiménez López, José David; Pareja Vasseur, Julián AlbertoÍtem Reporte Burkenroad: Coltejer S. A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Montoya Gómez, Marisol; Guevara Arcila, Luis Felipe; Pareja Vasseur, JuliánÍtem Reporte financiero Burkenroad / Latinoamérica – Colombia / Acerías Paz del Río S.A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Corrales Estrada, Valentina; Arango Pasos, Camilo; Gaitán Riaño, Sandra Constanza; Restrepo Barth, SimónÍtem Reporte financiero Burkenroad Interconexión Eléctrica S.A(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Gallo Martínez, Sandra Milena; Vega García, Andrés Mauricio; Mondragón Trujillo, Luis FernandoInterconexión Electrica S.A. valuation to august 2020 under discounted free cash flow methodology.Ítem Valoración de CONTRATE S.A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Álvarez Rojas, Adriano Andrés; Ramírez Hoyos, Óscar Ferney; Restrepo Barth, SimónÍtem Valoración de empresa productora y comercializadora de productos naturales bajo el método APV(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Fuentes Saldarriaga, Laura Catalina; Yépez Alzate, Juan David; Támara Ayús, Armando LeninEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar la valoración de una empresa perteneciente al sector de productos naturales en Colombia por medio del método APV, esto con el fin de encontrar un valor razonable de la compañía y utilizar dicho valor para una eventual negociación entre los socios o un inversionista -- Para lo anterior, se realizó un análisis del sector y se recopiló la información financiera de la empresa objeto de estudio desde el 2011 hasta el 2015, con el fin de realizar posteriormente la proyección de los estados financieros en un periodo de 10 años -- Finalmente, se realiza la valoración por medio del método APV, con el objeto de mostrar la importancia de la deuda dentro del valor de la empresa, encontrando con este método que la participación de la deuda es de alrededor del 26%Ítem Valoración de la empresa Emtra por medio de flujo de caja descontado(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Crespo Lorza, Italo Fabián; Támarus Ayus, Armano LeninÍtem Valoración de la empresa Isikene bajo metodología enfocada en riesgos(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) López Tovar, Ingrid Samantha; Espinosa Calero, Luis Miguel; Cháves Echeverri, Juan ManuelIsikene is a strategic and processes outsourcing services company that offers solutions to national enterprises oriented to corporate competitivity, productivity, sustainability, and excellence -- It is located in the city of Cali -- This document determines the value of the company through a future investment project evaluation using a methodology adapted to emerging economies with incomplete markets -- This suggest a company market value of $32,613,258 and a per share value of $326,132.58