Examinando por Materia "Estudios del comportamiento"
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Ítem Aumentar el uso de la herramienta en línea Webpath Express como instrumento hábil para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la comunidad educativa en un colegio de la Estrella (Antioquia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Osorio Rico , Ricardo Andrés; Arboleda Cano , Diana Marcela; Echeverri Álvarez, Jonathan; Mazo Barrientos, Juan DanielThis work presents a behavioral intervention carried out in an educational institution in the municipality of La Estrella (Antioquia), where the Behavior Change Wheel model was used (Michie et al 2011). The behavioral problem to be intervened was the underuse of the WebPath Express online tool of the library's bibliographic software by students and teachers. In the conceptual framework, three key variables were defined to mobilize the intention to change, supported by theoretical and empirical references, which were: Digital literacy, perceived usefulness and collaboration and institutional leadership. These three variables, according to the research found (Becerra 2016, Domínguez & Echeverría 2011, Vergara & Lloreda 2020, Valerio 2011, Lomos et al 2023, Ormaza & Fajardo 2023), presented evidence of their effectiveness in mobilizing the use of ICTs in the teaching exercise. The entire process is presented with these major sections: Introduction, Conceptual Framework, Diagnosis, Intervention Design, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.Ítem Campañas no partidistas basadas en estudios del comportamiento para aumentar la intención de voto : una investigación cuasiexperimental(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Salazar Martínez, Juan Camilo; Silva Jaramillo, SantiagoAccording to the research "Radiography of Disillusionment: electoral participation in Colombia", the demographic segment with the highest electoral abstention in the country are young people between 18 and 25 years old with 59% abstention. The present investigation sought to show how non-partisan campaigns based on behavioral studies can increase the intention of electoral participation for the national presidential and congressional elections of 2022 in young people eligible to vote in rural municipalities of Antioquia located in territories whose governance indicators are lower than the national average (Territorial Democratic Governance Index, UNDP). Through three treatment groups, we sought to identify and compare the effects of non-partisan campaigns designed under the concepts of rational choice, normative choice or social choice. The results of the non-partisan campaign based on social norms made it possible to demonstrate the effects on the increase in the intention of electoral participation in the young population of Bajo Cauca, Antioquia. This experiment allowed corroborating that the action of voting is, above all, a social act where the descriptive expectations established in groups and subgroups allow predicting and intervening in electoral behavior.Ítem La efectividad de las intervenciones tipo nudge en la filantropía : un caso de estudio en una universidad colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gómez Yepes, Isabel Cristina; Gutiérrez Ramírez, Isabel Cristina; Jaramillo Silva, SantiagoÍtem Impacto de una intervención comportamental en el balance decisional sobre la intención de rotación de los empleados de la empresa Salamanca S.A. en la sede de la Clínica CES(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Naranjo Salazar, Alejandro; Roldán Villada, Andrea; Roldán Yepes, Raquel; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaÍtem Intervención comportamental de relación entre la retroalimentación como competencia del liderazgo y la intención de rotación en una empresa de manufactura colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gómez Gutiérrez, Sergio Andrés; Silva Jaramillo, SantiagoÍtem Intervención en madres gestantes de la comuna 13 de Medellín, vinculadas a los servicios de unidad administrativa especial buen comienzo de 2024, que busca mejorar los conocimientos y habilidades de extracción y conservación de leche materna(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Londoño Osorio, Johana Alexandra; García Munoz, Carolina; Pemberty Montoya, María Dorancy; Torres Cadavid, SusanaÍtem El mejoramiento del cumplimiento de las responsabilidades de los comodatarios de la Secretaría de Participación Ciudadana del Distrito de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Suárez Zuluaga, Jorge Humberto; Silva Jaramillo, SantiagoÍtem Ocho líneas de investigación en salud mental emergentes con la pandemia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Reyes Torres, María Dilia Rosa Reyes; ColaboradoraCOVID-19 is not only, in itself, an object of investigation. It also brought to the table topics that have been little explored and even little thought about, especially in mental health. His arrival reordered and modified the science agenda worldwide and opened the door to analysis from the social sciences as well. For this reason, studies have emerged that cover topics related to behavioral sciences, new ways of establishing interpersonal relationships and impacts on cognitive and professional development, among others. In addition, they take into account segmentations such as, for example, population groups, countries and gender.Ítem Operadores responsables : del modelo EAST a la norma social(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cáceres Escobar, Piedad Paola; Hernández Cañola, Liza María; Galeano Arias, Felipe; Vélez Zapata, SaraThe objective of this intervention was to identify how people's perception of their role changes, based on actions proposed by behavioral sciences, seeking to reinforce the stereotype of responsible operators in collaborators of power generation plants in a power generation company. the city of Medellin. For the implementation, a design was used under the EAST model seeking to mobilize the social norm, with pre and post evaluation of the results, which showed that the perception of people can change from interventions in which their context is considered, allowing the installation of behaviors based on new social norms that promote the adoption of safe practices within the operation. This change can be generated from messages that operate as Nudges after the segmentation of the population and the knowledge of the perceptions about the role of the operator in hydroelectric plants, thus facilitating the recognition of elements that promote the social norm.Ítem Proyecto Leé : proyecto basado en los estudios del comportamiento para fomentar la lectura recreativa en niñas y niños del barrio Bello Oriente(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez, Juan Esteban; Jaramillo Arango, Laura; Ospina, Margarita; Cano, Carolina A.This master's thesis in Behavioral Studies from EAFIT University presents a behavioral science-based intervention to promote recreational reading among children in Bello Oriente, Medellín. The central issue is the low reading habit in Colombia, compared to other similarly developed countries. Through this pilot project, we seek to develop activities to increase voluntary and recreational reading. In collaboration with the Waima and Casa Loma foundations, dynamic and pedagogical activities were developed for this community. An interactive diagnosis revealed that children had a positive disposition towards reading but in the practice, they didn’t actually read. The diagnosis was based on the COM-B model by the Behavioral Change Wheel, focusing on functions such as modeling, enablement, and persuasion to promote recreational reading. While the intervention design was based on the MINDSPACE model. In-person sessions included gamification strategies and experiences designed to increase reading engagement. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated through individual surveys. Important ethical aspects were considered when working with under-aged subjects, ensuring a safe and respectful environment. Results include an increase in the number of pages read weekly, which contributes to cognitive development and general well-being of the children in Bello Oriente. This approach aims to transform reading into a desirable and accessible activity for all participants, improving their reading skills and quality of life.