Examinando por Materia "Estrategias"
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Ítem Análisis financiero y estratégico de la liquidación según la Ley 1116 para la empresa Bionergy(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rentería Gutiérrez, Juliana Stephanie; Zapata González, María Gisela; Tamara Ayus, Armando LeninÍtem Essays on firm performance in developing countries(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Cárdenas Echeverri, Fernando; Chaparro, Juan Camilo; Herrera, HernánÍtem Estrategia para la expansión de la empresa Ingeniamos : Ingeniería y Mantenimiento S.A.S.(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Cárdenas Delgadillo, Sergio Fabián; Taborda Araque, Julián Andrés; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz AmparoThe general objective of this research was to design the strategy that will allow microenterprise INGENIAMOS: INGENIERIA & MANTENIMIENTO S.A.S., a profitable and sustainable growth. To this end, the methodological design used: The qualitative approach, documentation as a secondary data collection technique and the in-depth sessions or focus groups, as a primary data collection technique. An exhaustive analysis of the company's situation was carried out, based on this a diagnosis was made using the SWOT matrix. After studying the corporate objectives provided by the company, several strategies were analyzed and the most convenient one was chosen. Finally, a format was designed to provide control and monitoring the proposed strategy. The investigation carried out revealed, that the growth of Ingeniamos presented in the corporate report of the last few years, did not report growth; therefore, the company must necessarily grow. The work concluded with the design of the strategy: Empowerment of the current business - New business models; and with the design of basic operational decisions, which will ensure the adequate implementation of the strategy.Ítem Estrategias de capital humano e inserción laboral de personas con diagnósticos de trastornos mentales en sector empresarial del municipio de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Osorio Giraldo, Yulieth Vanessa; Carruyo Duran, Norcelly YaritzaThe labor integration of people with mental disorders is a challenge and a social responsibility for organizations. To achieve successful inclusion and foster a diverse, inclusive and enriching environment, job placement programs and human management strategies are necessary. In view of the above, this research aims to analyze the human capital and labor insertion strategies of people with diagnoses of mental disorders in the business sector of the municipality of Medellín. Methodologically, it is based on qualitative with an emerging systemic design where the following companies and one subject from each will be addressed: Corporación La Gran Colombia (1), PAN Corporación Social (1), Productos Carnicos S.A.S Zenú (1), Emvarias Grupo EPM (1) and ASUINFANCIA (1). In the same way, a semi-structured interview with nine questions was used. Among the results, it was evident that leaders who select people with mental disorders are open to sensitivity and creating a culture of support and inclusion. Likewise, with proper management and employee support, absenteeism can be flexible, temporary, and compromised, which can reduce productivity.Ítem Estrategias de crecimiento para el fortalecimiento de un negocio de comercialización de vestuario(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Hoyos Sánchez, Juan Fernando; Franco Eastman, Harold Augusto; Franco Eastman, Harold AugustoSince the middle of the last century, the textile and clothing industry in Colombia has been one of the largest sources of employment and contribution to the industrial and economic development of the country. It was during that boom time when the micro-business Creaciones Azucena was created, dedicated to the manufacturing and marketing of clothing for 36 years. However, the different phenomena of globalization such as international trade with the opening of markets, industrial renewal, overproduction, the entry of new Asian players, smuggling, the pandemic, inflation, among others, put this sector in check. in Colombia, leading it to a deep crisis and forcing the company to reduce its operation in 2018 to only market clothing. However, despite being hit so hard, this industry is still very relevant to the economy, as it serves a basic massive need such as clothing and contributed 9.4% of the GDP in Colombia in 2022. Given the above, the purpose of this study is to discover and prioritize new strategies, business models and digital technologies that allow Creaciones Azucena to take advantage of market opportunities, strengthen its operation, growth and survival in a globalized world.Ítem Estrategias de entrenamiento en dos coros universitarios colombianos(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Munévar Andrade, John Alexander; Alunno, MarcoÍtem Estrategias para el cierre de brechas identificadas en el Sistema Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaria de los departamentos del Meta, Tolima, Bolívar y Chocó(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Tobón Tobón, Reinaldo; Zartha Sossa, Jhon WilderToday, the development of a territory must be approached in an integral manner. In order to achieve this, strategies that enhance the social, political, economic, cultural, and environmental dimensions must be employed. It is in this way that National Systems of Agricultural Innovation (NSAI) worldwide propose strategic actions aimed at linking and establishing relationships among the various actors in the value chain, fostering innovative processes, and utilizing technology in agricultural practices, among others, with the purpose of achieving this comprehensive development. In this regard, this thesis aims to answer the question: What strategies close the gaps identified in the National Agricultural Innovation System of the Meta, Tolima, Chocó, and Bolívar departments based on the investigation of primary and secondary sources? These regions have gaps in each of the subsystems that make up the NAIS. To achieve this goal, a form-type instrument was applied to 34 experts to understand their perception of the NAIS. Additionally, 50 research papers or case studies conducted in different parts of the world, one diagnostic document prepared by the NAIS and the Technological Institute of Pereira to identify gaps, and four documents from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and Rural Development Agencies were reviewed. As a result of this process, 55 strategies were formulated to mitigate the identified gaps in the NAIS of the Meta, Tolima, Bolívar, and Chocó departments.Ítem Estudio de factibilidad para el desarrollo de una plataforma digital en pro del turismo estético en Tuluá (Valle del Cauca) para 2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Urriago Escobar, Juan Felipe; Apraez Guarín, Nelly Verónica; Zapata Montoya, Mauricio FernandoThis project was based on market research which had as a general purpose to recognize the feasibility to develop a digital platform in pro of aesthetic tourism in Tuluá (Valle del Cauca) by 2023. To achieve this, the parameters that delimit the descriptive approach were applied , which allowed them to expose in detail each one of the findings that took place in conducting a fundamental field work on the applicability of a survey formulated to 12 people selected for convenience. Likewise, the parameters of the exploratory and qualitative method were taken into account, managing to establish that there is not only a potential foreign demand for this sector, but also that there are quality services that satisfy the needs and expectations of each of the clients.Ítem Expectativas previas y estrés frente a la crianza de un grupo de padres de familia de Medellín (Colombia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Tamayo Ossa, Juliana; Vásquez Ochoa, Andrés MiguelÍtem Incidencia del programa de permanencia de la Universidad CES sobre la calidad de vida de los estudiantes becados(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Cardona Aristizábal, Daniela Alexa; Cardona Álvarez, Carolina; Echeverri Hernández, SantiagoÍtem Lecciones aprendidas del desarrollo de un nuevo producto financiero emitido por una institución bancaria(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Sosa Arango, Juanita; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioÍtem Plan exportador KoenPack(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Giraldo Suárez, Edilma Milena; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz Amparo; Rios Molina, CarolinaÍtem Propuesta metodológica para la evaluación técnica y económica de estrategias operacionales que permitan mitigar la problemática de evasión de pago de pasaje en el componente troncal del Sistema Integrado de Transporte Público de Pasajeros de Bogotá D.C.(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Cucaita Cruz, Lucy Amparo; Tunjano Romero, Juan Francisco; Escalante Gómez, Juan EstebanÍtem Rotación de personal de los trabajadores del Fondo de Pensiones y Cesantías Porvenir S.A. en el eje cafetero, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Tovar Barrera, Juan Sebastian; Betancur Hurtado, Carlos MarioThe purpose of this research is to identify the variables that influence the permanence and turnover of Porvenir employees, based on the perception of those involved, in order to propose a strategy that contributes to their retention, based on the authors Zaballa et al. (2020), Rodríguez (2020, Castillón (2019), Abolade (2018), Cifuentes (2017), Chiavenato (2009), Cabrera (2011), among others. A qualitative methodology was used, applying the interview semi-structured as a data collection instrument for 11 workers from the coffee region, being the informants in this study; likewise, the data was analyzed through the triangulation technique, contrasting the observation, what was expressed by the interviewees and what was affirmed by the consulted authors All this, allowed to obtain as a result that the interviewees do not agree with the salary they earn since they consider it very low, thinking that if they get a better job opportunity they will retire from the company, as they have done. made others of the companions; They also recognize that, although there are job benefits, they can be improved and even incorporate new ones and that they do not have professional and personal development within the company. It is concluded that the identified variables that influence the permanence and rotation of personnel are salary, communication, benefits and training, for which the proposal for a retention plan is presented.Ítem Strategic analytical dashboard architectural framework approach of the management maintenance - Palermo Sociedad Portuaria con norma europea UNE PNE-en-15341(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Villamil Simancas, Milton Alkaid; Mora Gutiérrez, Luis Alberto