Examinando por Materia "ESTRATEGIA"
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Ítem Analítica de datos : un estudio de caso de su uso para identificar riesgos estratégicos en grandes compañías de Medellín(2019) Coronado Medina, Luis Alejandro; Núñez Patiño, María Antonia; Rodrígues Taborda; EduardoThis research seeks to describe how, from the implementation of data analytics tools, large companies in Medellín are transforming strategic risk management from their identification stage, to respond to changes in their business ecosystem. A qualitative methodology was followed with a descriptive exploratory scope, through semi-structured interviews with risk management leaders. The obtained results demonstrate the importance that companies attach to the implementation of data analytics to identify strategic risks. The recognition of the relevance of these new tools is based on a greater possibility of carrying out a more complex, more accurate, efficient and more objective analysis of the environment, that increasingly involve more variables and that are able to establish greater connections between them.Ítem Articulación entre el propósito organizacional y los objetivos estratégicos en empresas colombianas(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Barrera Ortega, Alith Giovanna; Libreros Campo, Maria Alejandra; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaThis paper explored how Colombian companies articulate organizational purpose with the strategic objectives, through a bibliographic review of primary sources for the ten best positioned Colombian companies as per Dinero (2018) & Semana (2018) ranking. Two companies at mining and health was analyzed. Definition about organizational purpose was built. Other strategic statements were consolidated such as: mission, vision, values, sustainability policy, sustainability objectives and organizational strategy. Interviews were conducted in two specific companies. The analysis shown purpose was not an aligned concept at the companies analyzed, most of companies confused purpose with other strategic statements such as Mission and Vision. The alignment of the organizational purpose with the strategic objectives was just 16%.Ítem Consultoría en estrategia Modelo 10(2016) Rivas Montoya, Luz María; Londoño Correa, Diana María; Vélez Castiblanco, Jorge Iván; Universidad EAFIT, Escuela de Administración, Grupo de Estudio de Estrategia (GEE), Departamento de Organización y Gerencia, Medellín, Colombia; Paula Andrea Salas Flórez; Carlos Alberto Montoya LLa principal responsabilidad de un consultor es respetar y valorar las particularidades de cada organización que interviene -- Con esta preocupación el Grupo de Estudio de Estrategia (GEE) reflexionó acerca de lo que podría ser una consultoría responsable y coherente; la responsabilidad surge de la legitimidad que tiene el consultor por su formación y experiencia en el tema que va a acompañar, y la coherencia proviene de la claridad en las relaciones que logra establecer el consultor al responder el por qué, el para qué, el qué y el cómo de la organización y del objeto de la intervención -- De este ejercicio fue posible pensar en una propuesta de valor que no sólo recoge las preocupaciones de los docentes de esta área sino también de estudiantes, consultores y clientes de consultoría -- Una vez identificadas las principales frustraciones de los clientes así como sus mayores expectativas y sueños, nos planteamos la necesidad de hacer explícitos los acuerdos sugeridos para hacer consultoría en estrategia, de manera que sea posible cumplir la promesa de valor propuesta: “Ante la incertidumbre facilitamos preguntas y respuestas para lograr acciones con propósito”Ítem Estilos de liderazgo autopercibido versus liderazgo percibido en dos multilatinas de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Gómez Sanchez, Juliana Constanza; Gil Arroyave, Carolina; López Gallego Francisco Darío;15430609Objetive: Compare the styles of self-perceived leadership by the leaders of two multilatinas companies in Medellín versus the leadership styles perceived by their work teams, in order to identify gaps that allow subsequent adjustments in the equipment management processes. Method: Qualitative - descriptive re-search, although this type of approach was chosen, the exercise was performed to determine the joint analysis of the results, in order to obtain a summary of the trends within the group studied. This doesn´t mean that the results obtained had not statistical validity. In the same way, the method will be a multi cases study, based on Yin (2003) and Bell (2005) theory. The tech-nique to obtain information is Managerial Grid of Blake & Mouton (1964), LEAD -The Leader Adaptability and Style Inventory de Hersey & Blanchard (1974) and the adaptation of the power kinds inventory based on French & Raven (1959) theory. Research Question: What are the coincidences and differences between the leadership style self-perceived by the leaders and the styles perceived by the work teams about their leaders in five areas of two multilatinas companies in Medellín city? Results: It was found that, for the employees of both companies, the perception of leadership style was more positive than the leader's self-perception. It was also evident in the five leaders a leadership style oriented at a high level in both tasks and people, the leaders motivate through persuasion to their employees to achieve the objectives they set, making them participate in decisions and giving value to their opinions. These leaders become admired people either because of their experience, knowledge, vision strategic, personality or ability to lead teams.Ítem Plan estratégico comercializadora Santander(Universidad Eafit, 2019) Virgen López, Viviana Marcela; Mejía Sánchez, Olga Lucia; Uribe De Correa, Beatriz Amparo; Pulido Marulanda, Juan ManuelThe need of any company is to remain in the market, aiming for sustainable development with value generation to its stakeholders, to meet these objectives, companies build strategic directions that allow them to align their resources and organizational capacities in order to achieve their vision. To achieve these objectives, companies must adopt methodologies that allow them to diagnose, formulate and implement strategies that, if implemented and executed with operational excellence, will contribute to organizational success. This work proposes the design of the strategic plan for the Comercializadora Santander company, adapting the complexity of the environment in favor, in order to strengthen the value proposition and consolidate the competitive advantages that the company has as differentiating factors.