Examinando por Materia "Conflicto armado"
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Ítem La amenaza sin rostro : derecho internacional humanitario y terrorismo(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Tisnés Zapata, Eduardo; Toro Valencia, Jose AlbertoSince the mid 20th Century, states have begun to abandon confrontations between them. This phenomenon has had several explanations from different perspectives such as military and legal theories. In addition, international treaties have forbidden the unjustified use of force from one state against another, making illegal the start of an international conflict. This prohibition was strengthened by the UN Charter and its requirements for war. However, conflict has not come to an end, it has transformed into a confrontation between legitimate state forces and insurgent groups. These insurgencies have used non-conventional means of war to impose their will. These new means include, among others, terrorist acts, which are prohibited in the course of conflict. As terrorism represents one of the biggest threats to international security, it is important to have a complete unique definition of it, nevertheless, this has been impossible due to the complex international political reality. Now, terrorist organizations have violated International Humanitarian Law as they do not respect rules of conventional conflict. The necessity to reform the legal framework of this modern warfare has become an issue, as state agents are bound to act under International Humanitarian Law when terrorists are not.Ítem Las artes escénicas como instrumento de socialización y reparación simbólica para las víctimas del conflicto armado en Marquetalia Caldas, en el postacuerdo(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Aristizábal Aristizábal, Duván Andrés; Manco, Juan DavidÍtem Características del estrés postraumático y estrategias de afrontamiento en retirados de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Rizzo, Sofía; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaÍtem Conflicto armado y política exterior multilateral colombiana en el marco de Naciones Unidas durante los gobiernos de Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002), Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010) y Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018) : una relación interméstica y personalista(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Soto Arroyave, Laura; Montoya Brand, Mario Alberto; Vargas Alzate, Luis FernandoÍtem Conflictos armados y comercio internacional: un estudio empírico(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Duque Correa, Ana Isabel; Saffon Arango, Ana María; Canavire Bacarreza, Gustavo JavierÍtem Contextualización histórica y normativa del delito político en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-12-23) Cuervo Críales, Beatriz Del Pilar; Ovalle Páez, Sergio Arturo; Universidad Autónoma de ColombiaEl presente escrito busca mostrar que en los procesos de desmovilización y acuerdos con los grupos armados alzados en armas, el Estado colombiano ha actuado bajo un patrón de incumplimiento de lo pactado a lo largo de la historia y para ello, se hace una descripción del contexto histórico en cada escenario, hasta llegar al Acuerdo suscrito entre el Gobierno Nacional y las FARCEP en el que se estableció el marco para la creación del SIVJRNR. El interrogante que surge es ¿por qué el Estado mantiene en el Acuerdo de La Habana el patrón de incumplimiento de los procesos de desmovilización que le antecedieron? para concluir, que una vez que los desmovilizados de los grupos deponen las armas, el Estado ya no tiene que combatirlos, sus obligaciones dejan de ser vinculantes y como consecuencia de ello, el Estado cumple su propósito de continuar la guerra “...abatir al adversario e incapacitarlo para que no pueda proseguir con su resistencia”. “... imponer nuestra voluntad al enemigo es el objetivo.Ítem El derecho a la seguridad personal y sus garantías sexuadas: teoría y praxis constitucional(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Bustamante Arango, Diana Marcela; Gallego García, Gloria MaríaÍtem El derecho a la verdad en la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz : su satisfacción en las audiencias de versión voluntaria(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Sánchez Molina, Esteban; Acosta Navas, Juan PabloÍtem El Derecho Internacional Humanitario en el conflicto armado entre Rusia y Ucrania : importancia, eficacia y desafíos en la protección de la población civil(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Londoño Gómez, Marcela Andrea; Acosta Navas, Juan PabloThis research arises from the existing need to analyze the true effectiveness of International Humanitarian Law for the protection of the civilian population, in a political context such as the present one, since an international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine is taking place, which at the time of this investigation, it has left a balance of 95.000 war crimes. To achieve this objective, it was necessary to go to sources of information such as specialized books on IHL, reports from the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross, and, to press sources that allow an in-depth investigation to be carried out. Through this work, it was found that during the armed conflict there has been multiple violations of IHL, affecting the life and well-being of the civilian population. This international legal regime has not been enough to provide real protection to the people protected by it, concluding in the need for a review and consolidation of the international instruments of the law of war to face the challenges of a contemporary armed conflict.Ítem Espacios musicales colectivos durante y después del conflicto armado como lugares de preservación del tejido social(Universidad EAFIT, 2017-06-16) Rodríguez Sánchez, Andrea del Pilar; Cabedo Mas, Alberto; Universitat Jaume IÍtem Estado, conflicto y reconciliación en Villahermosa, Medellín = State, Conflict and Reconciliation in Villahermosa, Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2018-12) Muñoz Benítez, Carolina; Universidad EAFITAmong the areas most affected by the armed conflict in Medellín is Comuna 8, also known as Villahermosa. Here, due to the presence of various armed actors, a particular relationship has developed between state institutions and civil society that has lasted until the present day, in what could be called the post-conflict stage. This paper seeks to explore this relationship and to give an account of one of the reconciliation experiences that have taken place in the territory and that has managed to meet needs that should initially be satisfied by the State through community work. For this purpose, it will approach the historical situation of the State in Villahermosa through the analysis of the natural catastrophe that occurred in 1987 and the consultation of bibliography on the State in Colombia; in addition, it will account for the experience of the Camposanto Corporation in Villatina through two interviews carried out with reinserted members of the AUC. The above in order, first, to understand the construction of the State in the country, which is far from the European experience and theory on the State and, second, to show citizen processes that can serve as references to solve public problems and to go through the current situation of disarmament and reinsertion of the FARCÍtem Fin del conflicto e implicaciones jurídicas internacionales(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) López Cataño, María AdelaidaÍtem Fragmentación del estado colombiano mediante el accionar de los grupos paramilitares: análisis de caso en el municipio de Segovia (Antioquia) para el periodo 2010-2018(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Bran Piedrahíta, Lemy; Johansson, Sandra LillianIntroduction: Colombia has a long history of social conflict where guerrilla movements, drug trafficking groups and paramilitaries have converged, which has made the country a special case study for different academics; particularly in aspects related to state-building and its challenges concerning the existence of the conflict. Objective: To describe the factors that unveil the fragmentation of the Colombian state through the actions of paramilitary groups, this study looks at the municipality of Segovia (Antioquia) for the period 2010 to 2018. Methodology: A qualitative research approach was carried out, through a case analysis executed in three phases that included the use of various information-gathering techniques. Results: The presence of mining economies, the weakness and inefficiency of local institutions, the pathologies in the construction of the state, the weakening of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) processes, as well as the weakening of state capacities, were identified as direct factors influencing state fragmentation. Conclusions: Failures are identified in regards to the consolidation of infrastructural power of the Colombian state from the local dimension, which prevents the strengthening of institutions and the capacity of these to be able to govern the territories, particularly when they are spaces that have a strategic geographic position for legal and illegal actors.Ítem From the noise of war to the silence of its trail. Displacements of the poetry of violence in Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Clavijo Tavera, DanielÍtem El gobierno del oro en el Bajo Cauca. Una lectura weberiana sobre la explotación aurífera aluvial no legal.(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2017-01-01) J. GIRALDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; Estudios de Filosofía, Hermenéutica y NarrativasÍtem La guerra a través del Derecho : una aproximación a la legislación colombiana expedida durante la vigencia de la Constitución Política de 1991 y las teorías explicativas del conflicto armado que la subyacen(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Aguirre Álvarez, Isabel; Montoya Brand, Mario AlbertoThis article is inscribed in the theoretical field of relations between war and law and takes into account the types of warfare that from the theoretical point of view have been used to describe or refer to the Colombian war of the last sixty years. The article examines the laws issued by the Congress of the Republic during the validity of the Political Constitution of 1991, to determine 3 whether there is any conception of the type of war that has been waged in Colombia. Although no explicit official denomination of the war by the Congress was found in them -desirable under the perspective of this article for stablish a democratic lineament for orderly decisions regarding the war in the country-, it is possible to infer of the most representative laws a dominant conception of anti-subversive war that at times coexists with atomized expressions of other perspectives for the understanding of the conflict. The foregoing is congruent with the very complexity of the Colombian war that is reflected in the normative contents.Ítem Hacia una comprensión de los múltiples conflictos colombianos: Evolución teórica en el análisis de la confrontación armada(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-06-08) Trejos Rosero, Luis Fernando; Bravo Hernández, Amparo Judith; Badillo Sarmiento, Reynell; Universidad del NorteEn este artículo argumentamos que, desde la atomización violenta producida por la desmovilización de las AUC y el abandono de las pretensiones nacionales por parte de las organizaciones insurgentes, en Colombia no se desarrolla un único conflicto armado tÍtem Impacto del cese al fuego con las Farc en la capacidad sancionatoria ambiental del Estado colombiano(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Salas Zapata, Walter Alfredo; Possso Suárez, Christian ManuelÍtem Importancia de la participación de las víctimas del conflicto armado en los procesos de justicia, paz, reparación y garantías de no repetición en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Betancur Cano, Maria José; Álvarez Tobón, María Alejandra; Puentes Sánchez, Juan CamiloThe systematic scenarios of violence that have plagued the Colombian society for decades have left behind hundreds of victims and unjust spilling of blood that have marked the history of entire families, and in turn, the history of a nation where achieving peace seems increasingly elusive. It is therefore inevitable to inquire about the importance or significance of victim participation in the processes of dialogue, recognition of responsibility, and truth-seeking within the framework of the Colombian armed conflict, in which achieving comprehensive reparation becomes essential. This reparation must satisfy the rights afforded to the victims, which are a necessary precondition for concluding these episodes of violence endured over the years. All of this is aimed at the culmination of the conflict and the pursuit and construction of lasting peace.Ítem Kant or Schmitt? Philosophical-political perspectives of thearmed conflict.(Universidad EAFIT, 2008-05-26) Garzón Vallejo, Iván; Universidad Católica San Pablo