Examinando por Materia "Aseguradoras"
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Ítem COVID-19 y la transformación de la prestación de atención de salud en Colombia en la nueva normalidad(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Barrera García, Anabel; Echavarría Estrada, Juan CarlosÍtem Cuantificación del requerimiento de capital de los riesgos operacionales en la industria aseguradora(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Palacio Vásquez, Alejandro; Bustos-Morón Idárraga, KristinIn this paper, a methodology for quantifying the capital requirement of operational risks is proposed, under the international Solvency II framework of reference, which involves relevant variables of insurance companies and risk matters. Said methodology raises the quantitative standard of this risk, which is mainly subjective and aims, on the path and objective that insurance companies have of continuing to generate confidence in their clients through an adequate estimate of Risk-Based Capital for their management.Ítem El riesgo de mercado en las empresas de seguros en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Soto Garcia, Natalia; Ospina Mejia, Jaime AlbertoThe main objective of the work is to analyze the market risk management system and regulatory frameworks used by insurance companies in Colombia and to comment on some of the best practices implemented in Latin America. In order to know the subject in depth, a bibliographic review of regulatory frameworks related to the management of market risk is carried out. In addition, experts in the subject and those responsible for the management of market risk of one of the leading insurers and with extensive experience in the Colombian market are approached.Ítem El seguro de muerte para trabajadores oficiales del decreto 1083 de 2015(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Hadad López, Camilo; Isaza Lema, Daniela; Gómez Molina, Diana María