Examinando por Materia "Alfabetización financiera"
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Ítem Estudio de las capacidades financieras de los obreros en la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Serrano Echeverry, María; Restrepo Tobón, Diego Alexander; Álvarez Franco, Pilar BeatrizLow levels of Financial Capabilities (FC) around the world have aroused the interest of academics and public policy makers to understand their determinants and create programs that improve the financial well-being of the population -- The high costs of living and the complexity in financial decision making are decisive for the day-to-day life of Colombian families; understanding their financial skills and knowledge allows to explain in part the way they took financial decisions -- The purpose of this investigation is to make a diagnosis about the FC of the workers of the city of Medellín -- Studying the attitudes, behaviors and financial knowledge of the working population is potentially important for analyzing a segment that represents almost 50% of the Colombian population (DANE, 2017a); this portion of the population is characterized by strong financial constraints and is slightly marginalized to make decisions outside the financial system -- Knowing how people make decisions regarding the use of money, their main expenses, their sources of savings, among others, will be the task of this research -- The methodology consisted in using a survey to measure FC -- The sample consisted of 443 workers and work managers, who work in the same company, which meets the labor conditions required by law, and whose jobs are considered formal -- The results of this research show that people who have a higher level of education answered correctly a greater number of questions about financial literacy -- In general, the sample presents responsible attitudes toward money, has intentions to save and worries about a future -- However, it is reflected that, although there is a budget management in the home, the income is not enough to cover the expensesÍtem Una guía de alfabetización financiera para el municipio de Toro Valle : Institución Educativa Fray José Joaquín Escobar(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Cifuentes Gonzalias, Marlon David; Orozco Echeverry, César AugustoIn the current t study, the financial knowledge of the population of the municipality of Toro Valle will be analyzed, in order to develop a financial literacy guide for its inhabitants, adjusted to the needs of the population. As a study population the educational community of Fray José Joaquín Escobar. All this with the aim of contributing to the improvement in the administration of the family resources of the people. It is important to note that this research was carried out with the collaboration of ninth and tenth grade students of school, who applied a survey to the members of the educational community, which showed: that people habitually make use of drop-by-drop credit, which does not There is a generalized rejection by people towards the financial system and that financial education programs must be strengthened from primary to secondary school.Ítem La influencia de la educación financiera en los beneficiarios del programa del ministerio de agricultura “Construyendo Capacidades Empresariales Rurales, Confianza y Oportunidad, El Campo Emprende” en algunos municipios de la unidad territorial Medio Bajo Atrato(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Polo Riva, Marciana Paola; Puerta Álvarez, Henry DanielLatin America and the Caribbean have progressively presented satisfactory effects in the development of the economy, however, in aspects such as equality, speaking of poverty, purchasing power among other particularities, allow arguing if in reality the conditions improve for the entire population in general, certain authors argue that Latin America and the Caribbean concentrates a high level of financial ignorance, This inhibits the general population from accessing financial products and services in an efficient way (correct administration of resources), and in an effective way (perpetuating the best results), so that the Campo Emprende program seeks to make certain groups financially literate in order to develop their knowledge and conception of finance; this research work intends to evaluate the influence of the program on the entrepreneurial skills of the population of Medio Bajo Atrato, the methodology to be used comprises descriptive contexts and a t-test for related subjects; The results have been totally gratifying, demonstrating in each of the questions that financial literacy has proportionally increased knowledge, the t-tests ratify the above mentioned, with a significance level of 0.000, that is, a 99.99% confidence level, it is concluded that there is a significant difference between the initial test and the post-test, the P8 format of financial knowledge demonstrated that the training improved knowledge by 37.70%, the P9 format self-perception of financial competences converges in a benefit of 21.17%.Ítem Influencia de los rasgos de personalidad en el conocimiento financiero de los estudiantes de posgrado de EAFIT Bogotá(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Fonseca Giraldo, Juan Pablo; Durango Gutiérrez, María PatriciaThe purpose of this work is to measure the level of financial knowledge of EAFIT Bogota’s graduate students and investigate how this is influenced by sociodemographic characteristics and personality traits. A survey was carried out, built based on the literature, which consisted of three sections: sociodemographic characteristics, financial knowledge, and personality traits. Additionally, arriving at a definitive multiple linear regression model, estimating the parameters by the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model, it is concluded that men, students under 30 years of age, those with an estimated level of monthly income higher than 10 million pesos, those studying the first semesters, students who have a low degree of extraversion and who have a high degree of agreeableness are likely to have a higher level of financial knowledge compared to their respective peers.Ítem Recomendaciones de política pública para el cierre de la brecha de género de la alfabetización financiera en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Botero Velásquez, Pablo; Correa Carmona, Juan David; Gallego Moscoso, Laura